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Old 12-14-2004, 11:17 PM   #4
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The list-eater, who according to other students declared she was "right with God," defended her actions.
can we tie her to a pole and dangle her out for the extremist Muslims in Iraq? Can i at least dangle her from a pole?

people like her disgust me to no end. Pride is listed as one of the 7 deadly sins, and hers nearly got her killed..or at least severly beaten. But i suppose it was "divine intervention" that kept her safe?

if i were there, i'd have thrown alot more than donuts

she doesn't deserve to be at that game. If she wanted to be in the front of the line that badly, she should have camped out earlier i'd be willing to bet that for her previous 3 years, she had always been on the list. This year she was too late, got jealous and acted out by screwing the system anyone want to bet that the school is going to make a rule about this? maybe suspending those who sign up

my carbon footprint is bigger than yours
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