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Old 10-31-2004, 10:48 AM   #52
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ok i have this game, caused me not to go 2 JW for 2 days...
what can i say oooommgggg

i done 100% muscle and stamana
i got about 50% of breath
i have hitman skill with the uzi's enabling me to carry 2 of the bad boys!
i spent a whole 6 hours trying to gain as much terrotory as possible, i done some countryside missions, where i unlocked a truck mission, so i was doing deliverys in a truck, hahaha

i had a colonbine harvaster, damn that thing is awsome, when you chop people up and it spits them out, driving school was fun, i don't knwo what else to say, i haven't flowen yet, and i wana get a paracute to base jump off buildings, such an awsome game, but if i spend like 20minutes lost i go outside for a bit and chill from all my fustration,

also the radio stations are awsomeeee
guns and roses, AFI, RATM, and that personal jesus song, and talk back radio sooo funny

ohhh and the side missions.....

i have only talked about 1% of the game aswell..
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