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Old 10-11-2004, 06:05 PM   #80
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Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
Originally Posted by mindgam3
Originally Posted by SnakeBitten
Originally Posted by dons5
the acceleration figures between the cgt and Enzo are soo similair until much highers speeds???? i think not, jus to 60mph the enzo does that in 3.1 - 3.3 and the quarter in 11 flat possibly under 11. Those times are better then even the Mac f1. Enzo is way more technologically advanced also its i think the only car ever tested that couldnt lap faster with tc off. And i heard from top gear the cgt is extremely hard on the limit the back end breaks away alot

You're not serious are you? Faster than the Mac F1? Blasphemy I tell ya. I do believe with todays tire tech the Mac F1 would be easily a 10 sec car...It traps the 1/4 at 138mph for godsakes...Mush faster then any current Hyperexotic....Enzo may beat it on a track because of better tech and tires etc but if you upgrade the Mc F1 with todays brakes and rubber I dont think it would be a contest...Im not even talking bout the LM jsut the reg Mac F1...

Also the acceleration numbers between the Enzo and CGT are close in the 1/4 mile...the Enzo is 11.0 at 133.9 mph to the CGT 11.1 at 133.4 mph....What more proof do you need that these two are virtually tied in the quarter mile acceleration...Its only till extreme speeds where the Enzo exerts it hp advantage over the CGT as I stated before...Put them both on a track with a few straightaways and you cant see that the Enzo could lose???Not many tracks have straightaways that will allow most cars to get up to 190-200 where the Enzo would have the advantage..Both comming off a corner onto a long straight will be dead even or who ever is in front will likely remain there till next corner imho....Its not like the Enzo is gonna be blasting by the CGT like its a Civic.....I think that depending on track layout either on can beat the other...I my mind they are virtually tied and it will come down to track and/or driver.....
agreed, which is what i said a few posts ago

So your saying the CGT is not technologically advanced?? I would say they're almost even on that front, you tell me one more technologically advanced component on the enzo that there isnt an equal comparison for on the CGT.
Well I think we can take this argument far. As far as mechanical technology I dont think we can talk about it unless we have some blue prints etc...

As far as electronics then I think its fair to say that Enzo wins. Enzo's TC alone is a big leap forward with settings for almost any condition. Were in the CGT I think there just is a big TC button.

Enzo has F1 paddle shift. As much as I hate it, its a huge leap forward from H pattern. So technology advantage for the enzo again.

But if you want to take into account CGTs electric windows then shit....I dont know man.........tough
The F1 paddle shift isnt the first on a production car though.

The carbon ceramic clutch in the CGT is, and is more reliable

The CGT also has a 4 mode traction control system

Both have carbon ceramic brakes, both make use of subtle movable spoilers both have high specific output engines and both have the latest carbon fibre chassis.....
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