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Old 09-25-2004, 09:11 PM   #8
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Join Date: Oct 2003
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they would all be shot dead in D-town. specially that dood with the magic's jersey. i swear they would shit thier pants where i used to walk the streets here and there
oh, and we dont call it Detroit ghettos, we call it the east side, or west side.. the west side being largly populated by the latino community.
Meanwhile, I still dressed like a preppy when I worked in downtown wilmington delaware (Worse then it sounds. As the homeless shelter and the crack house a block away sorta show.) and no one bothered me. Mind your own business and keep the hell outta other peoples way is the name of the game. You certainly dont call attention to yourself if it isn't your neighborhood. But hey, high school kids gotta think there cool somehow, better then that damn teenage angst.. to have those problems again..
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