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Old 08-15-2004, 12:56 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by everso
Originally Posted by RC45
Originally Posted by toronto
and have better braking,
power to weight,
top speed,
chick magnet,
better racing history,
and the 360cs is faster then the vette in a straight line and Slalom and is $140,000 more then the vette, who said italians didn't know a thing or two about selling cars that people would buy
wrong - comparable braking
wrong - wrong essentially same weight
wrong - hence same power to weight
wrong - similar top speed
if you need a ferrari to get a chick you're fucked anyway
racing history is debatable - the Challenge cars compete in a single make series - the GT's and GTC's compete against others - these are pure race only cars.. derived from the street car - not vice versa
wrong - the CS is the same specs as the Vette point for point as proven in head to head tests
Italians are known to sucker posers, yuppies and new money into blowing their wad on trendy status symbols..

Face it - the 360 is nothing more thn a status symbol for the starbucks generation
remember how some of you guys chipped in to get TT a ride in that Enzo? you think maybe we can all chip in some money to get RC45 a ride in a Ferrari 360?

I remember fondly sending TT on his ENzo trip... you would have to pay me to go in a ride along in a 360..

Now a 355 is a different story - that is a car I like...
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