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Old 06-03-2004, 05:45 PM   #16
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not everyone finds ways to win in inferior cars, only great ones, that is what makes them great, certainly everyone in f1 is great in some sense, hell, these guys are light years better than anyone in these forums, i am sure everyone would agree with that, but among these great drivers are only few great f1 drivers, i don't believe fisci is one of them, sorry if that hurts your feelings, kimi does not have a bad car, he has a better car than fisci, however he also has an engine that tends to blow up, ralf is equal to JPM in skill and standing at williams, as JPM lacks consistent results to prove that he is better than ralf; while kimi (and yes this is my biased opinion, after all that is what forums are for) is far better than both of them, and once mclaren gets their car going, kimi not JPM will be number one driver for mclaren, without doubt JPM will get better chances at winning a world championship once schumi retires, so will everyone, but i personally feel kimi will be the man to beat in next few years; if fisci gets a better ride and finally proves himself to be the great driver you say he is, that will be great, but until then he can be considered a great driver who happens to drive in f1; look at trulli, he was a great champion before he joined f1, he got lucky at monacco, he won't drive an f1 next year (most likely), not everyone can be a great f1 driver, but hopefully fisci will prove me wrong, i wish him great luck, lets hope he gets to drive for ferrari one day ... kimi in mclaren will have a great time competing against him and beating him for the championship (my opinion)
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