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Old 05-04-2004, 10:12 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by hwe
No, its not on my computer. Never have been either, because I only played it on Playstation.
You should grab the 3mb demo and have a go at it again on your pc


I think its amazing -hard to believe- that almost 10 years since the original Need For Speed game came out, I am still interested in linking up a couple of pc's and taking on someone at one of the open road courses with the '95 Porsche 911 (993) Carrera!

I remember some time back then -when I was still at school :roll: - trying to hook it up on-line with a friend who also had it...we couldn't quite get it going. We could use the live chat option ok within the game, but never tried to do it again...which was a shame

However, another friend from school had 2 pc's at this house (he used to play head-to-head games against his little brother).

One day I persuaded him to get 'The Need For Speed' linked up so I could take one of them on. It was no competition, I thrashed both of them (and this is without the wheel/pedals I had at home...I've still got them by the way) I must admit, they were into those games like command and conquer which didn't do much for me. I've always prefered simulators (both Flight & Car)

I'm 'fair dinkum' though, I would -still!- love to link up the original and take someone on, amazingly...I'd be more eager to take someone on with the original 1995 version than the 2000 NFS - Porsche Unleashed!

The reason why I feel this way is that I reckon the original open road tracks were a lot better than anything ever done since in the series + the handling of the cars, it was the perfect balance... even without the amazing graphics of Porsche Unleashed.

(If I had my way, EA would do a remake of the original, keep the same tracks, but update a few of the cars + add up-to-date graphics and make the AI a bit better - I'd be happy with that!)

In other words, if I had to pick one game from everything I've ever had and that includes games like; Half-life, Medal Of Honour, FS 2002 Pro, Lomac, all the other NFS's etc, etc, I think I'd be happy to take my old Pentium 120, with 64 mb of ram and play the original on, and on, and on...
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