Thread: Marijuana
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Old 03-12-2004, 09:41 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by coombsie66
Ive dabbled slightly, my mates got into it heavily for a spell, it effected them very badly, they couldnt see it but i could. I always felt like it slowed my brain down and hangovers lasted for days, so i stopped doin it. I might have a toke if ones bein passed round at a party, but i had so many different experiences from the few times i did it that i didnt like the 'randomness' of what you felt like when u were stoned. Had a few laughs tho.
Its the same wiv alcohol i think, in moderation its ok, but when u let it take over your life ur in deep shit.
I do not condone ANY drugs that are harder than weed tho, ive seen it change people, and its not nice.
You kind of summarize all my thoughts.

I've know people that got heavily into it, and they are really fucked up now.

I also get random trips, and most of them are bad. Once we bought a dime of some rockers and that shit was laced with coke or something, and I was tottaly fucked. I mean I was tripping for two days straight, thought Im gonna die........

Now I dont even touch weed. Some of my friends do it all the time, but I only stick to alcohol.

And I also never did anything besides weed. I do my reaserch all the time before I experiment with anything, and weed was and is the only thing I tried.

In conclusion those younger ones out there, weed or any drugs is shit! There is no better feeling then having a good sleep, eating a good meal, and fucking a chick. Drugs are not good, they are only for losers that are so bored of their life that they want something new. Right away shrooms/ magic mashrooms come to mind. Drugs may be a good short term solution for some, but in the long run, your fucked. 1st you dont get the high that you got the first few months of usage 2nd you just become dependent on the drug, and you cant live without it.

And for those curios ones. Probably every second Canadian smokes up every once in a while. In Toronto, weed is all over the place!!!
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