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Old 03-10-2004, 05:20 PM   #180
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Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR
It's amazing what one could learn if you would read instead of trying to insult others over and over.
Ooooh, 666slow, do you know the theorie, action-reaction, for excample when ppl
insult you that your looking ugly, you say something back, logical no? If you have any questions just ask, btw whose on the avatar .Just say if you don't want to answer.
First look at the confusion your own gender status has caused...listing yourself as a female (that has since been corrected)....and therefore obviously the picture you chose for your avatar wasnt you either. So why the big deal about the avatar 666fast has ?

I can confirm that RC45 is one of the few posting members here that is actually married and if my memory serves me correctly she is quite a babe as addition there were some pictures of his young daughter as well.

Another case of getting your facts mixed up I believe.
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