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Old 03-10-2004, 04:25 PM   #166
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Oil Conspiracies :roll:

Please explain how spending damn near $100billion dollars on the war with Iraq is going to get us cheap oil.
If we wanted cheap oil, why the hell would we spend that kind of money to get it?

Speedkillar and ahmedgiyab, niether one of you have come up with anything that holds any grounds in this debate. You both have posted the same thing over and over again and don't answer any questions asked of you. Yet you somehow think you are smarter or more successfull. :roll:
When argueing, it helps to know what it is you are argueing about. Opinions don't matter one bit in this debate.
You keep calling this constitution bullshit, care to explain why? Or am i just gonna get insults thrown at me?

What I think is terrible is that people think Saddam should still be in power because he built schools and hospitals, etc..
Let me get this straight, if I build some schools and stuff, I'm free to do whatever the hell I want? When do I get my chemical weapons to drop on who ever I want. :roll:

Everybody likes to point out the bad things the United States has done. Those same people like to ignore the fact the many other countries do the same. Those same people also like to ignore what the United States has done for other countries.

Japan is about to hang a man, Shoko Asahara, founder of the apocalyptic Aum Shinrikyo cult, for supposedly masterminding the 1995 Nerve Gas attack on a Tokyo subway. I can't help but think of what the world would say if the United States were to hang a man.
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