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Old 03-10-2004, 12:38 PM   #17
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Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: San Marcos
Posts: 116

I think this constitution is more or less BS also. I was an opponent of the war from the beginning, because the two main reasons we entered it ended up false. We found no chemical weapons, and there is no link between Hussein and AlQaeda. He had nothing to do with 9/11. Im sure he liked watching it on tv, but no connection whatsoever. Then they decided to call it a liberation of the Iraqi people as a cover for their mistaken allegations in the first place. They killed his sons, and they captured him, which were all good things in my book, but they just stumbled upon them afterwards. It wasn't their original intent. Now we have been there almost a year(maybe more?), and we finally draft a temporary constitution? What have we been doing all this time? Oh yea, giving away rebuilding contracts to Haliburton(Cheney's 'former' oil company) and suppressing the remaining of his troops, along with riots and act-outs due to the fact that the people are glad we freed them, but like us the fuck out.

Come on, tell me we didn't go for oil. We had a huge fight with France and Germany because they wouldn't support us in the war but now wanted the spoils that come with it. And the vice president of the fucking United States' old company(which im sure he still has stake in) got most of the contracts offered! My gf's mom works for a somewhat struggling oil company here in houston that put in a lot of bids for a lot of contracts, and I'm sure they're willing to do it cheaper, they need work.

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