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Old 03-10-2004, 02:43 AM   #2
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Posts: 116

short amount of time? I think we have been there far too long. I was a strong opponent of this war going in, and for most of its duration. At the end, and now afterwards, I realize that (intentions good or bad) it was necessary and resulted in a good thing. But come on, we've been there for months, MONTHS, and this is finally happening? I won't tell you they were going about it wrong, because I have no better plan, but really. We founded our own country in less time and we fought an empire with NO help. They fought a single tyrannical leader and his pitiful armies with the help of the two most powerful nations in the world.

Glad to see our time and money has been well spent...

My dogs better 'cuz he gets Kennelrations.
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