Thread: Ralf To Renualt
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Old 03-09-2004, 08:00 AM   #11
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Looks it isn't happening just yet. . .

The news that Ralf Schumacher had all but signed a contract to drive for Renault in 2005 shocked many, including Renault team principal Flavio Briatore.

Schumacher’s manager, Willi Weber, was the man that revealed the negotiations in an interview with German publication Bild yesterday.

Weber claimed that a verbal agreement had been reached between the two parties in a move that would see Schumacher depart the Williams squad in favour of a French drive next season.

But Renault claim to have had no discussions with either Schumacher or his manager regarding a transfer, rubbishing claims an agreement had been reached.

‘I saw Willi Weber in Melbourne,’ Briatore admitted, ‘and we certainly talked to each other - we are friends, so that is perfectly normal.

‘However, at no time did we discuss, or have we discussed, a possible future for Ralf Schumacher in a Renault car.’

Briatore’s denial comes as a further surprise in an ever complicating story.

Some now claim that Weber’s comments were little more than a negotiating tactic, an attempt to force Williams to meet Schumacher’s increased salary demands.

Whether or not the above proves to be true remains to be seen but Ralf’s move to Renault was certainly short lived.

Neither Ralf or his manager have commented on the latest development yet but are sure to in the near future.

You see what I mean about Ralf acting like a bitch.
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