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nchs09 02-25-2004 02:06 AM

so im trying to buy new clothes.....
and im looking for some cool party clothes... u know, i dont want to wear the same ol american eagle or gap or guess.... etc etc... what do you guys recomend.. iv been looking at Custo Barcelonas clothes *look it up on ebay cause they are cool* ... just keep in mind resonable prices... :)any help would be nice :)

geekdiggy 02-25-2004 03:16 AM

Re: so im trying to buy new clothes.....

Originally Posted by nchs09
american eagle or gap or guess

yuck you actually wear that shit? you must be an uber nerd

nchs09 02-25-2004 03:22 AM

well im trying to get away from that... i actually dont wear it anymore... i used to like it though, i cant deny it. but thatt didnt really help geekdiggy :)

possessed_beaver 02-25-2004 03:47 AM

well dude, it's called peacocking (taken from peacocks with there feathers used to attract females)
just dress differentley, and make sure you feel comftable, don't be afraid to wear something a little differnet, such as a unusla chain or something around you're wrist....
u will be suprised how many chicks will comment and start a conversation with you.
"dress to impress" and don't waste you're time buying shitty novilty t-shirts, always wear shirts with a color button up, and never don't dress well (even if you are going to the shops)

as for ideal party cloaths, i would go with some nice sunglasses, hat (maybee worn sideways) a shirt.. of unique colour, a brown maybee (don't be afraid to try soemthing drymatic.. such as purple) some nice jeans, thoes "worn look" jeans go well with most things, and as for footwear, maybee something from colorado or somwehere.

you could try wearing a studded band around you're wrist...

input further idea's
(and sorry to break a few hearts but IM NOT FUCKING GAY) b4 u say ne thing :)

geekdiggy 02-25-2004 04:20 AM

beav your suggestion of style worries me too :| dammit what are they feeding you people nowadays

nchs09 02-25-2004 04:21 AM

ahhh ^^^ thanks for the tips man..... i dont know if i made myself clear though, i know how to dress, but to impress i want to start wearing some different clothes , than the stuff i wear now, and im going for a bit style change... look at the stuff Barcelona i mean that stuff is preatty crazy.... and i like it, i jsut need to find cool out there shirts :)

Kangaroo Boy 02-25-2004 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by possessed_beaver
well dude, it's called peacocking (taken from peacocks with there feathers used to attract females)
just dress differentley, and make sure you feel comftable, don't be afraid to wear something a little differnet, such as a unusla chain or something around you're wrist....
u will be suprised how many chicks will comment and start a conversation with you.
"dress to impress" and don't waste you're time buying shitty novilty t-shirts, always wear shirts with a color button up, and never don't dress well (even if you are going to the shops)

as for ideal party cloaths, i would go with some nice sunglasses, hat (maybee worn sideways) a shirt.. of unique colour, a brown maybee (don't be afraid to try soemthing drymatic.. such as purple) some nice jeans, thoes "worn look" jeans go well with most things, and as for footwear, maybee something from colorado or somwehere.

you could try wearing a studded band around you're wrist...

Queer Eye for the straight guy.....^^^^ Just kidding.

geekdiggy 02-25-2004 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Kangaroo Boy

Originally Posted by possessed_beaver
well dude, it's called peacocking (taken from peacocks with there feathers used to attract females)
just dress differentley, and make sure you feel comftable, don't be afraid to wear something a little differnet, such as a unusla chain or something around you're wrist....
u will be suprised how many chicks will comment and start a conversation with you.
"dress to impress" and don't waste you're time buying shitty novilty t-shirts, always wear shirts with a color button up, and never don't dress well (even if you are going to the shops)

as for ideal party cloaths, i would go with some nice sunglasses, hat (maybee worn sideways) a shirt.. of unique colour, a brown maybee (don't be afraid to try soemthing drymatic.. such as purple) some nice jeans, thoes "worn look" jeans go well with most things, and as for footwear, maybee something from colorado or somwehere.

you could try wearing a studded band around you're wrist...

Queer Eye for the straight guy.....^^^^

that's almost exactly what i was thinking. it's okay though beav, you haven't fallen into the legion of the pink lady just yet, and even if you did there's plenty an opportunity to redeem yourself. now GET to the porn forums and post post post! (straight stuff, that is :wink: )

as for you nchs09, the thing about style is (and i'm not trying to be a preacher here) is that "style" is what YOU think matters. if someone else tells you what they think you'll look good in 9 times out of 10 you'll either 1) look GAY 2) hate what you're wearing and/or 3) feel very uncomfy with it. just wear what you wanna and let your dancing make up for any lack in stylishness :wink:

robruf 02-25-2004 07:32 AM

I don't know if you have a store called ZARA near you but it is from Spain and they have awesome shit and it is not that expensive, yes it is higher than GAP and all of that crap but not nearly as high as DIESEL or HUGO BOSS or stuff of that quality.

SDK2003 02-25-2004 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by robruf
I don't know if you have a store called ZARA near you but it is from Spain and they have awesome shit and it is not that expensive, yes it is higher than GAP and all of that crap but not nearly as high as DIESEL or HUGO BOSS or stuff of that quality.

i hate zara, everything they have is brown. Do you have PULL AND BEAR, or SPRINGFIELD, these two have to coolest and best clothes over here.

NEXT is ok too but you rarely find anything with new styling, most are classic models for older people.

corvette97 02-25-2004 08:59 AM

he is not gonna find springfield on the us i think,

but i would recomend BANANA REPUBLIC or KENNETH COLE, diesel is cool, get some PUMA shoes they are great, i just bought a couple of Speed cats, (puma driving shoes) they look great and very casual,

ahmedgiyab 02-25-2004 09:25 AM

Giordano? Next? Mexx?

These are nice fashionable and have reasonable prices!

callen 02-25-2004 09:53 AM

if u want to dress to impress on a night out....ur best bet is a dress shirt with this cant be just any dress shirt,(since u are goin for a more casual look) any blues are gonna go with jeans of with dark jeans etc...u get the picture! Ive always done well with the dressshirt on! or some nice collered short sleeve shirts will do if u dont want to go all the way to a dress shirt.....BUT above all the shirt must be a decent least 75USD, because the ladies..they got an eye for this kinda shit and its sad to say the frumpy kids dont fuck hot girls!

HeilSvenska 02-25-2004 11:35 AM

What the!?
What kind of emasculated topic is this? a man asking another to find out what he should wear? what happened to us men?

DeMoN 02-25-2004 12:09 PM

^ too much time, too little post count LOL. Dunno, I dress up normal. Dont use chains or wristbands or anything. Justa a watch and regular tshirt/jeans combination. I guess I cant contribute on this one.

Oh I have one tip! Go and get stuff with a girl. I always go shopping with my frined (female friend before I am attacked as being gay). That way, she chooses stuff wemen like and I just have to wear what she chooses while I stare at girls in that shop asses.

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