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jon_s 01-28-2004 02:43 PM

This is what we need to do in the UK!
British newspaper report:

Four youths from Canberra, Australia pulled off a trick of
breathtaking bravado in order to gain revenge on a mobile
speed camera van operating in the area. Three of the group approached
the van and distracted the operator's attention by asking a series of
questions about how the equipment worked and how many cars the
operator could catch in a day. Meanwhile, the fourth musketeer sneaked
to the front of the van and unscrewed its numberplate.

After bidding the van operator goodbye, the friends returned home, fixed
the number plate to their car and drove through the camera's radar at
high speed- 17 times. As a result, the automated billing system issued 17
speeding tickets to itself.

Go Aussies!!

dropot2 01-28-2004 02:46 PM

LOL :D Great idea! I'll apply that in my country!
Colorado Dispensaries

Zonda11 01-28-2004 02:59 PM

Really good idea....but we no longer have any automated systems here. Just cops.

stradale 01-28-2004 03:21 PM

That's great! LOL! :D

Hmmmmm... I might have found a new hobby... :wink:

scubywrxr 01-28-2004 03:37 PM

thats so good - if only i could get a set of government plates. only prob is that my car stands out from the crowd and would be easy to trace :mrgreen:

BADMIHAI 01-28-2004 04:43 PM

hahaha!! Crazy aussies! That's awesome!

SamuraiGti 01-28-2004 04:51 PM

Ahah I received an e-mail "with" the plates of the new cars that they have!!

I'll make new plates and change them in my car ihih =P

jon_s 01-28-2004 04:58 PM

lol, I have a similar story:

(this is not my story, just a copy and paste)

'When I worked for Budget, we had a bloke kept ringing up wanting to hire a dark metallic blue Focus 2.0 Ghia X Estate. Wouldn't accept anything else at all. Had to be dark metallic blue, had to be a Ghia X Estate.
Now, in car hire circles that sets alarm bells ringing, if someone wants the exact car in an exact colour, then they're after A: stealing it, B: swapping
body panels etc, or C: cracked.
I tried to palm him off with a silver 2.0 Ghia X estate, he wasn't having any of it, "how about a black one?" Nope, wasn't having a black one either.
Had to be dark metallic blue.
Next thing I know, he's trying to hire it just for the hour "but it has to be the blue one".... he was offering huge amounts of money...

So I had to ask "Why a blue one?", and he looked at me with a conspiritorial grin "cos the bloke my wife's 2 timing me with has a Blue one..., and I've got his reg plates copied.. "

So I let him hire it.....

Came back in a couple of hours later, the Focus sounded like it'd been working hard, bloke wanders in, reg plates under his arm and a bottle of Glen Morangie in his hand..

reckoned he'd set off about 9 speed cameras, two
traffic light cameras and one in a bus lane...

Car seemed ok though, and the Glen Morangie was lovely. '

asthenia 01-28-2004 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Zonda11
Really good idea....but we no longer have any automated systems here. Just cops.

It looks like that might change. We're probably getting photo radar back in Ontario. :|

Kangaroo Boy 01-28-2004 10:40 PM

lol....I heard that one not so long ago,Don't know if it real or not...

SamuraiGti 01-28-2004 10:42 PM

We have photo radars in here =\

Most of them at 90km/h.

BADMIHAI 01-28-2004 11:00 PM

Yeah...those photo radars suck ass! They only catch Ontario plates too! So if you're going 300 km/h with Quebec plates, you're fine! It's stupid!

mhn3773 01-29-2004 12:09 AM

how does it tell the difference from the Ontario plates and the others?

666fast 02-01-2004 06:57 AM

Its an urban legend and has been going around for ages :roll: The cameras in Australia don't use radar, the vans always have at least 2 operators in them and there is no automated billing system in Australia. The plates wouldn't match the vehicle so no TIN would be issued. I wish it was real but unfortunately it's not. :wink:

kian 02-02-2004 09:21 PM

Naah , the kid could have the same van the operators we're using ? :mrgreen:

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