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MaffMaff 01-27-2004 09:14 AM

Project Gotham 2 : Wishlist for future versions...
I've seen a fair few wish lists around on the net. Most, if not all of them seem to revolve around features that would only benefit a small group of people (mainly the person who submitted it!)

How about a list of features and improvements that are ..

a) Realistic (ie. NOT - All the cars ever made, or All the tracks in the world)

b) Beneficial to the majority of players (ie. NOT - have motorised aerials on the cars)

c) Worth actually sending to Bizzare Creations for their consideration!

Anyway, enough of all that. I've got that off my chest! :wink:
I'll start the ball rolling with a few suggestions .....

1) The ability to buy a car that you don't currently own from a Live! game lobby. So many times (when I first started playing the game) I would join a game to find that the others were racing cars that I didn't have in my collection.

2) Instead of just a single rear view mirror at the top of the screen, have two extra "wide-angle" wing mirrors either side of a main rear view mirror. IMHO this would stop a great deal of the "Didn't see you" excuses after panel banging braking for corners in Live! games.

That's the only things I can think of so far that would actually improve the game all round.

What do you think ?


cho_888 01-27-2004 09:23 AM

i tihnk action reply should get stuffed! it is an insult to all those dedicate nerds out there! yeah i hate it that you cant buy cars for the loby but thats not too bad when you almost have em all

McLarenF1God 01-27-2004 11:49 PM

I just want free downloadable content when it comes. I think it would be cool to have a tournament option for Live! So that you get ag roup of guys, a brackett and some pre-determined cars and tracks.

RC45 01-28-2004 01:48 AM

Why not? LOL... I use the action replay to sample all sorts games that we rent...

BTW, I have at last got off my duffer and set up an extra LAN drop to the living room - so XBox Live! here we come.

When is the next JW PGR2 rally?

p.s. The few XBox games I did join, I hear all the folks talking, run the dace, and then as soon as my car flashes past the finish line, the XBox hangs on that image with the sound on the same sound.

But I can still hear the other folks talking - any ideas?

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