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zondaland 11-13-2005 07:14 AM

Thinking of a new camera
I'm thinking of heading overseas in a couple of months. Before I go I want to get a new camera. I am hopeful that if I get something good now that it will last me for several years to come. At the moment I am in the early stages of research. I am looking for a compact camera at least 4MP with at least 3* optical zoom. My price range is up to about Aus$650 around US$450. Although I would like to spend a bit less ideally.

It seems to me that Sony are producing good cameras in this segment at the moment. At the moment I am tending towards a Sony DSC W5 or a
Sony DSC-S90. My major concern is that there seem to be a few stories of poor quality control with current Sony's. Does anybody have any personal stories?

I'm not after a huge number of trick manual options but am happy to learn how to extract a fair bit from a camera so some manual options are preferred. Does anybody have any tips for a relative photography noob?

mindgam3 11-13-2005 08:23 AM

Take a look at the panasonic FZ series ;) (FZ-5, FZ-30)

|Nuno| 11-13-2005 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by mindgam3
Take a look at the panasonic FZ series ;) (FZ-5, FZ-30)

What he said. :wink:

I don't know how expensive (or not) things are down there in Australia, but the FZ-5 usually goes for around 330/400 US dollars, so it's well in your price range. :) Then there's the FZ-20, which is a bit more expensive...

It's up to you really, but you can't go wrong with either. :) I ended up buying the FZ-5, since the FZ-20 costed about 150€ more, and I'm very happy with it. :D

FZ-5 Review.

FZ-20 Review.

But since you said you want something compact, then I guess the FZ-5 would suit you better... It's not as small as a regular point and shoot, but what you lose in practicality, you more than make up in picture quality and other features.

EDIT- Check this thread, for some basic tips:

ae86_16v 11-13-2005 12:46 PM

Super-Compact. . . what about the Sony DSC-T7. That is about as small as you could get.

I personally have the Canon SD-Series (SD200) and it is not as small as the Sony but it was also a few hundred bucks cheaper.

zondaland 11-13-2005 06:21 PM

Thanks for the advice guys, I will definately look into those options.

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