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novass 10-21-2003 12:03 AM

Ogg files?
i didnt know where to post this topic, so i put it in the general section.

anyway, my question is what is a .ogg file? i downloaded some vids that are all .ogg. i thought i had the codec or whatever but it doesnt seem to work. i dled it using bit torrent, which im kinda new at, so i dont know if i missed something or did something wrong.

the name of the file says "" underneath it says "Ogg file (*.ogg)"

the program i thought would make the stuff work, which i think i was instructed to use by the site that had this link on it, but i cant find that anymore.

anyone know how to make a .ogg file work? the file sizes appear to be correct for the length of the vids, so i dont know what else to do.


Ziploc 10-21-2003 12:08 AM

an ogg file is much like an mp3

ogg files are found in non commercailgames because theres no licensing to pay for the decoders for ingame music

the same reason LFS will let you insert your own music provided its ogg format

however ive never heard of a ogg video only ogg audio

there are ogg - mp3 converters on the net

jakaracman 10-21-2003 02:27 AM

The main difference between ogg and mp3 is that the mp3 standard is patented so you have to pay if you include it in software, while ogg is free.

WilliamsF1 10-21-2003 04:49 AM

Hey, Novass

from the looks of it (judging by the file name), its a divx video with ogg vorbis audio. But I could be wrong.

anyways, to get Ogg Vorbis files to work, download the Ogg Vorbis codec at

good luck!

novass 10-21-2003 05:28 AM

thanks for the help! im still working on it. everything ive found about it so far refers to audio and i can see the thumbs in the folder, so it knows its a video, but it refuses to play it. i think ill just try to convert it, hope that works.


novass 10-21-2003 05:41 AM

holy shit!!! i got it to work somehow LOL. i mustve downloaded like 20 different codecs and programs, well i guess one of them worked! whoo hooo, mystery solved. again, thanks for the help guys!

WilliamsF1 10-21-2003 05:42 AM

sure, not a problem (unless you're not referring to me... hehe)

I have another suggestion, for if the conversion fails. but if the conversion works, then you can ignore it... :)

can't remember what the utility is called (I think it was AVIC... or something), where it allows you to see the FourCC (a four digit code that lets you see the codec that was used during the compression), so, If you find the FourCC for the video, then you can download the corresponding Codec as well for it. So, you might be able to try that if you're stuck in a bind.

Sorry that I couldn't be of any more help though.

Good luck with the conversion!

novass 10-21-2003 05:50 AM

thanks for that info, ill have a look into it that program you mentioned as i often run into codec problems. but after installing all the codecs and stuff i dled they work now, which is good cause i almost gave up and deleted them, they were taking up over 3 gigs. glad i didnt do that, took forever to dl them.


altezza 10-21-2003 02:32 PM

have u tried "core media player"
maybe it can play *.ogg format

DeMoN 10-21-2003 03:30 PM

As I replied in a previous thread, the best player for you would be VLC dowload it from its free and has its on codecs inside the progrma so you dont need to download anything to decode those vids!

novass 10-22-2003 01:04 AM

thanks Demon and Altezza! ill get those two programs, codecs always piss me off

DeMoN 10-22-2003 03:19 AM

BTW once you install VLC you wont have any of your .ogg files read by it by default. I mean, you wont have the .ogg files change icon so that by double clicking it goes to the VLC. Just open up the VLC player and go FILE OPEN and browse for that file... it will play aaannnyy file reguarless of its extension. It does not handle the file by it extention, rather by its content. So even if the file has no extension, IT WILL PLAY IT! Have fun.

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