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bobafett 06-28-2004 02:46 PM

Carrera GT - opinions
Saw Noel Li's car this weekend. Honestly, i thought it looked like a boxster from the front. His color scheme was bad (red over this dark dark brown interior), and the shifter is a bit odd. The interior is so-so, and that engine cover looks like plastic. The rear end looks cool.

I then saw a silver one @ PA Concourse later (because of the concourse, many hot cars were on the road - my favorite was of course the 250 GT California (SWB)) - better in silver/black, but same problem. Silver hides the silly rear grill problem (much like black does on the rear of the murcies).

David Wong, one of Noel's employee's (who tools around in all of his 50+ cars), told me that driving the car is a fucking bitch. He said that the clutch is literally an on/off switch with no progressive feel (4 plate carbon clutch, he said), and that overall the car was not as "sorted out" as they had thought.

Once Noel is done with his show stuff, I will have a chance to drive it. Until then, I can only go by what people say.


oscargarza88 06-28-2004 02:47 PM

well i havent seen it in person but it doesnt look like it looks like u say, but i cant say anything... i havent seen it, so ill just have to wait and start putting money into my account :wink:

yg60m 06-28-2004 03:18 PM

Looks good for me but i never saw one close to, so i can't say anything on finish/quality.
For the roadholding, i think st-anger won't be agree with Noel's employees :wink:

st-anger 06-28-2004 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by yg60m
i think st-anger won't be agree with Noel's employees :wink:

lol...not even close, btw, boba, are you sure we´re talking about one and the same car :lol:

Toronto 06-28-2004 05:23 PM

ya the car to me looks good upclose

PATo355 06-28-2004 05:46 PM

I saw the red one here in chile and its pretty impressive , i think the silver cover of the engine looks pretty good , and the rear end might be the best part , of course i havent driven it , just saw it

bobafett 06-28-2004 06:02 PM

St-Anger: like I said, I haven't driven it, only going by what the guy who does drive it said. There's also a language barrier (he's from Singapore), but his overall feeling was not so great.

Definetly Carrera GT...not sure how you confuse it? (Well, beyond that it looks like a boxster in the front).


TT 06-28-2004 06:35 PM

IMO the CGT is one of the most desirable cars available today! Look rocks and the sound is amazing! of course I never driven one :D but despite the clutch most reviews gives him BIG thumbs up :D

BTW Dan, really, you should take you camera with you when you are out to see such cars!

he7lius 06-28-2004 08:06 PM

I been close to one at the British motor show and IMO it rocks.

chipanggo 06-28-2004 10:20 PM

i haven't seen one in person and i don't think i'll ever see one in person here in my country. when i travel to europe or the us, maybe i'll get to see one (fat chance).

anyway, based on videos and magazine articles, i must say this car looks great. the great thing about it is that it still retains the essence of how a porsche should look like. what has amazed me is that it is basically still a design variation of the old 911's of yore. and yet they have come up with a beautiful supercar oozing with sex appeal.

bobafett 06-28-2004 11:23 PM

TT: I am lazy. Plus I don't really enjoy taking pictures so much... I think you would have a field day if you came and stayed with me for a while, though. JW won't be able to handle so many pictures! :)

BTW, JC is coming out here... did you ever meet up with him?


SPAD 06-29-2004 12:38 PM

I think the GT is a crazy car.I have heard alot of people complain about its clutch and how it is so hard to drive fast on track. from wat i have read it is like an f40 only made by porshe.

abbor 06-29-2004 05:46 PM

What excactly is your job bobafett...?

bobafett 06-29-2004 06:37 PM

Spad: I think an F40 might be a bit harder to drive. The CGT is supposedly pretty user-friendly other than the clutch.

Actually, that would be an interesting comparison on track: F40 vs. CGT in the hands of capable drivers.

Abbor: job?? I am "quasi-retired" for the time being.


HeilSvenska 06-29-2004 11:01 PM

Prettier than Enzo.

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