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ZfrkS62 07-16-2006 04:17 AM

I used to like sleep
At least i think i did...

when i was a little kid, i mean real little, my parents could move me from the couch to my crib, or my bed, and i wouldn't stir at all. I was like a cat. I'd fall asleep in odd positions and wouldn't budge until i woke up. And i wouldn't wake up unless i wanted to.

When i was in 4th or 5th grade, i would stay up reading until 1am. Eventually this turned into playing nintendo or watching tv until then. I'd sleep for 4 or 5 hours until it was time to go to school, then sleep in class. This lasted through high school.

Then i was working from 2pm to 10. i'd get home, eat, watch tv for a couple hours (the movie channels late at night...i think we all know what was on :wink: ) and then i'd go to bed and sleep until noon.

Then, i move out, down to arizona for school. my sleeping habits didn't change. up until midnight at the earliest and then out the door by 6:30am. Sometimes i'd snooze through class, other times, i relied on various amounts of caffine to keep me moving. STEP rolls around and i had no choice. Out the door by 5:45, get home at 7pm, study until sometimes 3am, catch 1-2hours of Z's and do it all over again, hoping i didn't fall asleep in class, or in my lunch, or under the car i was working on at work.

now, i don't end up going to bed until 11:30-midnight, roll around for about an hour and wake up and 7:40 (when either my bird, or the sun wakes me up) and leave for work, hoping no one notices i stroll in at 8:15. This keeps up all week. By the time Friday gets here, i just want to crawl in the trunk of a 745Li, curl up and sleep for awhile in the hopes that no one opens my casket and disturbs my cat nap. These days, the sound of a pin falling will wake me up.

And here i am, trying to get on a shift that runs from 6am to 7pm :? sure, it's only 3 days a week, but still. It's a 13 fucking hour shift for god's sake. Oh, and every 8 weeks, i'll have to work 6 days straight :?

anyone find it ironic that it's 3:15 am and i'm ranting about sleep? HA! I'll be the first ever documented zombie in another 2 years.

no wonder my fucking hair is falling out :roll:

saadie 07-16-2006 04:37 AM

get married :lol:

ARMAN 07-16-2006 06:33 AM

Welcome to the club :) But its not very good for long term period, sometimes I sleep 12-16 hours straight on sunday or suterday to catchup 8)

graywolf624 07-16-2006 07:34 AM

I use to sleep 8 hrs every night. A normal night now is 11 or midnight to 6 am.. at work by 7. I think its a responsibilities thing. There is just never enough days in the week or time in the day.

dingo 07-16-2006 07:40 AM

I sleep like a baby.......used to have problems but got over them. I'm the exact opposite to you it seems.... :D

I go to bed around 11pm most nights (Mon-Thurs I mean) and get up at 6:30am for work.

nickthaskater 07-16-2006 07:58 AM

Well at least now I don't feel so fucked up lol. I hardly ever sleep a wink... Stay up for 2 days and sleep the equivalent of less than half a normal sleep between the two days haha. I can hardly remember what day it is most of the time.

DeMoN 07-16-2006 02:15 PM

I used to HATE sleep as my parents forced me o have naps and sleep really early as I NEEDED 100% of 8 hours sleep before going to school. THey were really strickt about sleep and damn I hated it. Now that I am not forced by anyone, I like sleeping a lot!

ZfrkS62 07-16-2006 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by ARMAN
Welcome to the club :) But its not very good for long term period, sometimes I sleep 12-16 hours straight on sunday or suterday to catchup 8)

i'll only be able to do that if i'm really active on friday and fatigue is already weighing heavily on me. Usually when i get fatigued, i feel it in the backs of my legs first. I'll get home gifuring i'll pass out about 9, but before i know it 11:30 is showing on the clock :?

nickthaskater 07-16-2006 02:24 PM

I was never forced to sleep, I think thats my problem haha. I'd rather be doing something, anything, rather than wasting the day away unconcious. Ever since I was about 9 or 10, I've been staying up late as hell, then waking up after about 2 hours of sleep haha, and that's on a good day.

gucom 07-16-2006 04:25 PM

now that im working fulltime in the summer and have to get out of bed every day at a shocking 7am (yeah i know, i've got it easy :P ) i notice it helps to go to bed in time (before midnight for me). Normally, when i go to college and i usually dont have to get up very early, my sleeping pattern is VERY irregular, and very unhealthy, often staying up till almost morning to finish essays or something like that... i kinda like working in the middle of the night, too bad i won't be able to do it when i have a real job...

Minacious 07-16-2006 04:39 PM

Hahaha, I never sleep. Go to bed at 3:30-4:00am and wake up at 6:30-7:00am, every single day, even on weekends. A few of those days I never even make it to sleep. My body is quite used to it now. Even with such a low amount of sleep, I am not hampered by fatigue. Ah the glory that is Insomnia.

DeMoN 07-16-2006 06:59 PM

if I dont sleep 8 hours, I dont perform well at gym workout.. well actually I dont perform well at anything lol. I keep yawning and I dont like that. Im to active to be sleepy.

Fleischmann 07-16-2006 07:08 PM

Ihave no problems falling asleep,. I usually do so for about 8 hours daily (11pm-7am). If I don't get my sleep just one night I feel tired for the next few days, I'm lazy then and easily irritated.

ZfrkS62 07-16-2006 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Minacious
Hahaha, I never sleep. Go to bed at 3:30-4:00am and wake up at 6:30-7:00am, every single day, even on weekends. A few of those days I never even make it to sleep. My body is quite used to it now. Even with such a low amount of sleep, I am not hampered by fatigue. Ah the glory that is Insomnia.

until your repressed personality starts sleep walking and starting a terrorist orginaization that is plotting to blow up all the credit card buildings and erase the debt record :wink:

Minacious 07-17-2006 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by ZfrkS62

Originally Posted by Minacious
Hahaha, I never sleep. Go to bed at 3:30-4:00am and wake up at 6:30-7:00am, every single day, even on weekends. A few of those days I never even make it to sleep. My body is quite used to it now. Even with such a low amount of sleep, I am not hampered by fatigue. Ah the glory that is Insomnia.

until your repressed personality starts sleep walking and starting a terrorist orginaization that is plotting to blow up all the credit card buildings and erase the debt record :wink:

Haha, nice.

Right now is a perfect example of how sometimes I never make it to sleep. It is 5:20am here is SoCal and I need to be at school in 2 hours (7:30-4:20). I never even thought about sleep. I've been sitting in front of the computer animating all night. For joy, for joy.

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