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TT 06-21-2005 05:58 PM

Lost (TV series) - no spoilers if possible
Ok, this marvellous series finally reached our shores (swiss tv) and tonight they aired the 3rd and 4th episodes.

I already read reviews before seeing the first episodes and I knew it could have been good, but actually it is even better :D

It's really what I like. I always liked that concept (also the survivor style reality were good for me ;)). and this series seems very well orchestrated so far! Good caracthers, many known faces from other shows, strong personalities and interesting relationships.

Add to this the strange things happening, secrets and so on and fuck me, this series is ice! I don't know how I will be able to wait a whole week before seeing the next episodes.

Right now I could almost kill to know what will happen, but I am forcing me not to tape "lost synopsis" or "lost episodes guide" in google, it wouldn't be fair.

I'd like just to ask to the US friends who already probably saw the whole first season, if it is that good untill episode 25! And also. will all the misteries be solved? Sadly I guess not: I read a second season was confirmed already :bah:

Anyway, great TV series!! :good:

jorge 06-21-2005 07:14 PM

Every monday in my house my sister, my mom and i are waiting desesperately for the next episode, i think itīs an excellent TV show :)

ViperASR 06-21-2005 07:38 PM

It is an awesome TV series. It showes alot of different cultural aspects, and it is just an all together an interesing show. I give it 2 thumbs up. :good: :good:

gigdy 06-21-2005 10:41 PM

Yes it is well worth watching every episode, and as with any suspnse type series nothing will ever be answered in any sort of useful fashion

TT 06-22-2005 03:49 AM

I sense I will be mightily pissed off at the end of the season, having to wait months for the second one :D

Anonymous 06-22-2005 06:39 AM

Yes sounded good when you described it to me I must admit to being intrigued to see it myself, but damn these american series with 5904934 episodes per series, almost certain if i try to watch it i will miss some! Anyway gonna try and record a few, from your recommendation i'm sure i'll enjoy it, even if we know there won't be a conclusion! :lol:

TT 06-22-2005 06:45 AM

Actually I like long seasons or long series for that matter. Of course if it's crap I don't. But if you start to love it, you love the carachters more and more, so it is nice to have them on TV for many episodes (25 in this case I think).

Take friends, my fav series and not only mine for sure. If it would have last 3 seasons of 6 episodes each, I doubt it would have become what it did :D

But I admit most of the times I don't manage to see all of them right away. Although we are lucky here: the same series is usually on a couple of swiss channels, a couple of french ones and on italian ones too. not at the same time, but you usually can't see all the episodes sooner or later...
And anyway when I really like, the DVD box is mandatory :D

Darkel 06-22-2005 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by TT
Although we are lucky here: the same series is usually on a couple of swiss channels, a couple of french ones and on italian ones too. not at the same time, but you usually can't see all the episodes sooner or later...

Right, but for old series like ER, Stargate etc ... some channels restart at season 1 after they've finished the last season, and that's quite annoying.
Nip Tuck's season 2 finished last January on a cable channel and 2 weeks ago on another one here ... while it finished a few months ago in switzerland :?

Anyway Lost will only be launched this week here :)

dingo 06-22-2005 07:22 AM

Finally I have found something that comes out here before it does in Switzerland :shock: ......its been on for a few months here already. :P

I never actually watched a single episode, sounds like I am missing out. :(

TT 06-22-2005 08:23 AM

Well, everything TV related has to be translated here, so every TV series or movie will arrive later here

|Nuno| 06-22-2005 10:37 AM

Yep, Lost is great. Haven't missed a single episode yet! :D

And the further it goes, the better it gets. :good:

sikx5 06-22-2005 11:26 AM

Ive been watching it also, Its pretty well laid out. Not to shabby.

TT: Bitorrent is your freind, if you are impatient. :lol: :P

TT 06-22-2005 12:04 PM

Yeah sik, I know but I am watching it with my gf and she doesn't enjoy too much to see something new in english. And same goes for me, I am more used to french, so I'd rather have a first go in french or italian and just watch in the original language the second time around ;)

pharzo 06-22-2005 01:46 PM

Lost is really good...the only annoying thing is that feeling you get at the end of the episode like "they can't possibly conclude this, so it'll be continued next week"

the worst part is now waiting for the second season....i won't post any spoilers...but man :D

edit: oh and this season was 26 eps...that's like 5 years british style :lol:

sheruken 07-09-2005 05:16 AM

Yeah its a huge Head-Shot :D at the end of the last episode of Season 1. It is really hard to wait for 3 to 4 long months to see how things carry forward..
Although I am absolutely sure it is worth the wait.

As for the Season 1, it is Fantastic. I mean till the Last Episode of the season1 the freshness still stays. The writers are doing an amazing job keeping it alive. I mean initially I thought it'd be fun for about 6 to 7 episodes and then it'll be just prolonging, but boy I was wrong, you just dont get tired of it. It just keeps getting better and better with every episode..

BTW, theres one thing that I am curious about!

****Could be SPOILERS****

I am not sure which episode this is in, but when they go to find a signal on the top of the hill and they hear that French Woman's Distress call, how would they keep the "drama" alive when they translate the entire language to French? I mean I know it is a very small thing, but the tension that it creates for people who dont know french is pretty dramatic, so do they change the language of the distress call or they keep it in french only? For egs :
Character 1 speaking in English "This message is in English, and I dont know English, does anyone here speak English?", wouldnt that be funny than being dramatic? But if the same thing is said and the "English" part is changed to say "Arabic" it all becomes very dramatic..
Sorry, but I am just a little curious on how do they retain the dramatic value, after translating (or dubbing) it in a different language?

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