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ben 02-01-2004 10:05 PM

Counter strike clan
does anyone play cs
if you do. do you have a clan or planning to start on because in looking to join one

Sachmo12345 02-01-2004 10:45 PM

i play a lot of The Day Of Defeat Mod i dont like clans all that much i just like playing

Ziploc 02-01-2004 10:48 PM

i play alot of games

i have cs

DeMoN 02-01-2004 11:08 PM

i like cs a lot, however, dont have time for it anymore damnn college

possessed_beaver 02-02-2004 01:42 AM

i play cs quite regualy at evrey opatunity i get, sorry i aint joinging no clan, they are a waste of time personly, and i just play cs 2 kill time and to keep me non angry....

i just play at the net cafe sometimes with my mates ocasionaly.

Ziploc 02-02-2004 02:03 AM

the games i activly play are as follows

BF and most of its mods

LFS every day

Fleischmann 02-02-2004 03:15 AM

Lately I get my assed whipped in Quake ]l[ Arena. Never really played CS for a longer time.

levensnevel 02-02-2004 05:05 AM

I'm not really into such shoot 'n kill strategy games. But that's my age I reckon :roll:
My youngest son is really into a game called DeltaForce "Black Hawk Down" and all its mods.
He's member of the EEC (European Elite Commando's) clan. If they are any good, got no idea but I guess they are :mrgreen: They have their own game server and a 2nd one is, apparently, on it's way.
So perhaps you'll meet him some time somewhere during an online tournament, and get squashed :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Anile8er 02-02-2004 07:28 AM


i play cs quite regualy at evrey opatunity i get, sorry i aint joinging no clan, they are a waste of time personly, and i just play cs 2 kill time and to keep me non angry....

i just play at the net cafe sometimes with my mates ocasionaly.

we should all fight each other one day

Wide 02-02-2004 10:03 AM

I was playin it since version 7 or 7.1.. Cant remember well.. It was 4 years ago.. I was very good before.. But Im not playin for 2 years.. Cannot find time 2 play..
It was the most enjoyable game for me ever..

Sachmo12345 02-02-2004 01:16 PM

have any of you played the day of defeat mod for CS

sheruken 02-02-2004 01:24 PM

I am awesome in CS 1.5, Was in a CLAN too, but now they've thrashed me, as am not as good in 1.6. And also dont have much time to play anymore. Would love to play online with JABBASWORLD.COM Buddies! If some one planning to create a server or something do post in with ur IP would love to show off some skills that I have! :mrgreen:
I've never played Day of Defeat, only HL Mod I've played is CS from version 1.3.
I am good at C&C Generals, NFSU etc, Have been Regional Champion in both these games. Not so good in Warcraft 3 though.

Sachmo12345 02-02-2004 05:24 PM

shit you're right :oops:

Sachmo12345 02-02-2004 05:32 PM

does anyone know where i can get the latest client of counterstrike cus its says i need to get Steam n such :!:

SFDMALEX 02-02-2004 05:54 PM

I stopped playing CS two years ago.

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