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Tommaso 11-05-2005 11:50 AM

"I use a Murcielago like a Fiat Panda"


This is a rapid translation

100000 km with the Murcielago

One Murcielago used like one Panda. This is what it has made Roberto Padovani, entrepreneur resident in Alto Adige (italian region), from years in the financial/petroleum field, than with its Lamborghini it has as soon as cut the goal of the 100000 km in little more than two years

- A record
Yes, I have a highway system and have always had sport cars in order to make much road

- Much road indeed: 100000 km on the Murcielago they are not little..
And it is not all: in the same period also I have made others 40000 with the Pagani Zonda

- A true marathoner of supercars
Not of the supercar, of the Lamborghini, I hold to us to specify it. My love for the sport cars from Bologna is been born after many experiences with the Ferrari. I have now 62 years, but from 30 years until 52 I have always had only Ferrari (ten in total). Then once I tried, nearly for case, one Lamborghini Diablo. And from more I have then not changed: I have bought 5, have gone all very well, then are passed to the Murcielago


stmoritzer 11-05-2005 11:57 AM

:shock: , I would volunteer to make an endurance test like this :wink:

komotar 11-05-2005 12:04 PM

way to go old man 8)

I admire that but on the other side, I think he's......well, different :wink:

That much miles, I mean, I'm a hardcore car fan, but I don't think I'd go as far as he has with the daily drive thingy....

I'd buy a 7 series for things like that...

Chaos in 1983! 11-05-2005 12:38 PM

what about that other dude...Richard Loose or something with the Enzo, he also wanted his Enzo to be the one with most miles, and he used it as a daily driver as well.

If I had the money, IŽd use a supercar as a daily driver, maybe not an enzo since I think it might be a bit uncomfortable, but a Murci or a Pagani which I think are comfortable cars, IŽd drive them every single day, I wouldnŽt be able to get my hands off of them...

raphaelws 11-05-2005 11:46 PM

it has as soon as cut the goal of the 100000 km in little more than two years ..

crazy!! too much for me! :o

Fleischmann 11-06-2005 03:14 AM

I think that was Lamborghini's intention to create a supercar with imense power yet one thatcan be used as a daily drive. The clutch pedal, steering etc. is all very in the Murci which means it won't be a pain in the ass during long journeys. I agree with Chaos...if I had the money I'd purchase something the like of the Pagani Zonda as an every day car. It has a small boot, just for essential stuff and the interior is bespoke, no annoying rattles etc.

TT 11-06-2005 05:06 AM

I don't think there are many Murcielagos with so many km around. The higher I saw with my own eyes was 40'000 I think.
And he did those 100'000 + another 40'000 in a Zonda, which must be also the highest for such car LOL. Maybe beside the only C12 around (not S), the yellow one always present at the supercar rally :D

Also note that his car is not a normal production model, but the car Lambo used to clock some speed/endurance records. He wanted the Murcielago right away, so he bought that particular one (beeing a good customer, Lambo accepted).

He never had a problem with the Murci, and same goes with the Diablo. With the Zonda apparently it isn't that way :D
Changed the tires of the Murci just twice.

He says the Lambo is much more comfy that his Continental GT.
Longest trip in the Lambo, 1600 km in a day. And he is used to clock 1000 in a day.

a007apl 11-06-2005 06:55 AM


TT 11-06-2005 08:47 AM

Well, he uses it to deal with his multiple businness across Europe, so he doesn't need to take that much with him if he goes and come back in a day or two. I am sure he takes the Conti GT to the supermarket if needed ;)

TomirK 11-06-2005 09:43 AM

Great bloke! I don't know what's so weird about using a supercar every day. These cars are built to be driven and that's exactly what he is doing.

stmoritzer 11-06-2005 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by TT
Well, he uses it to deal with his multiple businness across Europe, so he doesn't need to take that much with him if he goes and come back in a day or two. I am sure he takes the Conti GT to the supermarket if needed ;)

LOL fastest shopping cart ever :love:

Anonymous 11-06-2005 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by TomirK
Great bloke! I don't know what's so weird about using a supercar every day.

depends on the roads i suppose :lol: don't fancy doing it in a city or anything around here! Also depends on the image it presents, if you are going to make a deal/ sign a contract you roll up in a Murci and the other parties are instantly gonna think hmmmm he's making to much cash somewhere :lol: I know i'd bargain extra hard! Well done for him not being scared to use it though, wonder how many resprays on the front end it's had :lol: Or maybe he just puts a bit of nail varnish over the chips (good anti rust tip :P )

saadie 11-07-2005 10:34 AM

that dude did the same thing i would ahve done if i had a murcielago .....
thats a true example and a slap on the face to the people who keep supercars in garages for shit to eat em up :|

Shinigami 11-07-2005 11:50 AM

If I had enough money to afford supercars for all year use, I sure as he11 would do it!

I don't see why one should drive a 'standard' car if it procures no pleasure and you can't use anything else during the winter months.

I personally would rather make every trip, even the short ones, something to enjoy :)

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