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TT 04-05-2004 01:38 PM

No more advice needed, I got a PRO 1! Pic on page 2
As short as possible... our old Olympus C-3000 ZOOM Is sadly outdated.. I still remember, when we bought it years ago, there was nothing above the 3.3 MP... now 3.3 is basically the standard for cameras 2 inches big ;)

So it's really time for a new one... for weeks I dreamt about the Canon EOS 300D... a damn good camera for sure.. but lately I began to realize it might be to much for me... it has features I don't really need. I love to take pics, but a shutter speed of 1/4000 sec is not mandatory considering that I'm happy enough with the 1/800 I use now LOL. And it's also pretty big even with the base lense...

And lately in the shops I see the Canon Powershot Pro1 .. smaller, 8 MP against 6.3!! Of course you can't change lenses on it as you can on the EOS... but well, I never had the need for that..
BTW for this camera, if I need to take macro pics, will I need a macro lens to add to it? I think so... but I hope not this one:

But really I don't know :( every time I read about good cameras for a good price, the EOS 300D comes up, while the Powershot is less talked about..

I'm sure it's a good camera, let's say at 80% I will buy it, but I'd like to have a couple of opinions, maybe before tomorrow since I doubt I will be able to resist more LOL.

BTW cho, if you read that, don't worry, I remember our discussions, but of course the more opinions, the better :D

st-anger 04-05-2004 02:22 PM

i had the 300D with me in Geneve this year, and i really liked it a lot, very easy to handle and takes very very good pics...
right now i´m using nikon coolpix 5000 but definitely want to change to D70 which is a bit better than 300D and nikon is well known for their masterpieces...
i´d definitely go for a digital SLR cam, they´re IMO way better than the normal digi cams....

TT 04-05-2004 02:25 PM

Well I know st-anger, but I'm trying not to spend to much and those two are already the max I can afford :D and really I don't need more than that to take pics of cars around my town LOL

deth 04-05-2004 02:25 PM

i dunno much about the 300D, but i can attest to canon's build quality. they feel really nice and solid as opposed to wome other brands.

st-anger 04-05-2004 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by TT
Well I know st-anger, but I'm trying not to spend to much and those two are already the max I can afford :D and really I don't need more than that to take pics of cars around my town LOL

try e-bay ???

TT 04-05-2004 02:28 PM

I bought lot of stuff on ebay and online in general, but for things that delicate, I prefer to go to a "real" shop and pay with hard cash ;) and have it right away w/o having to wait a week or more ;)

st-anger 04-05-2004 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by TT
I bought lot of stuff on ebay and online in general, but for things that delicate, I prefer to go to a "real" shop and pay with hard cash ;) and have it right away w/o having to wait a week or more ;)

LOL, same here 8)

TT 04-05-2004 02:34 PM

BTW, the Powershot is considered as a "SLR-like"... because it match SLR camera w/o really beeing one.. but it's to technical for me to understand LOL

So, well.. one is an SLR, the other an SLR-like... :roll: I don't know what I was saying in the previous post ;)

PATo355 04-05-2004 02:51 PM

I dont know much about cameras , but getting a Nikon or a Leica in digi format would be the best choice IMO , my dad is a Camera phreak and he uses Nikon and Rolleiflex but in the standard NOT digi model , so as far as ive heard those are good choices

TT 04-05-2004 03:53 PM

Yes as I posted in my first post ;) you can click the names of the cameras, and guess where you will end up? ;) dpreview ;)

I was asking here hoping to find some digital camera nut that could give me personal advices ;)

TT 04-05-2004 05:10 PM

LOL nono there is no automated script here doing such tricks ;) it's just me and [url] tags, don't worry ;)

RC45 04-05-2004 05:10 PM

Sorry TT - I am just a "point and clicker" - and as such found the Kodak DX6490 to suite me fine for now.

jon_s 04-05-2004 05:12 PM

some examples of the 300D in action!

I wish I could afford it as it is a VERY good camera.

TT 04-05-2004 05:19 PM

The only "problem" with the 300D are the lenses... when you have such a camera you start buying a second one.. than a third.. and it will become to expensive and a mess when you have to carry it around...

SDK2003 04-05-2004 06:04 PM

Interesting post TT :)
I’ve already spoken to you MSN but I’ll mention some stuff here

The Canon Pro1 is a very good all round camera. It has movie modes, a very useful flip out LCD screen, comes with an above average zoom lens and has a high mega pixel CCD sensor.
However, something you should be aware of - because it has so many pixels packed into a very small CCD sensor the images do contain above average 'noise' and therefore anything above ISO 200 is really unusable.

SLR cameras do have much better image quality compared to CCD 'Point and Shoot' cameras but you won't get movie modes, you can’t use the LCD to preview the image before you take the shot and the learning curve will be very high.

I’m not sure what you will be using the camera for but I have a feeling that an SLR isn’t for you. Cost issue aside there is a lot more involved with SLR cameras than just clicking the shutter to take photos.

Go for the Pro1, it’s a great camera and will meet all of your needs....... but if you do decided to go the SLR route don’t get the 300D. I've never been a fan of Nikon gear but anyone who chooses a 300D over the D70 is a fool :)

I hope that helps :)

P.S - I'm sure you will anyway but let us know what you buy

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