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dingo 06-01-2006 09:47 PM

Carbon Fibre bonnets - thoughts
What do you guys think about them?

Too ricey (say on a WRX)?

There is a weight saving involved so it helps performace, and cars like the CSL and M6 have a CF roof. ;)

bmagni 06-01-2006 09:48 PM

looks rice IMO, if you really want it and care about the looks paint it the car color.

MIHALS 06-01-2006 09:57 PM

I've seen many cases here in Brighton, which showed me that C/F bonnet is just rice... what is few kg saved for, if there's tons of electonics, changers, subwoofers and other sh*t in the boot :roll:

I respect cars with C/F bonnet only if they're high-tuned and there is this diff between normal and Carbon bonnet "visible" and it's a must have for saving avery needed gram (for example guys from BM). but it still looks too ricey :roll:

T-Bird 06-01-2006 10:09 PM

actually I like CF hoods and trunks on certain color cars like white, black and silver but usually only when the car has alot of stuff done to it. on Scubbies they look nice when the hood scoop is gone and the rear wing is gone but the shape has to remain stock looking. and the difference in weight isn't that much but it is something even going to a fiberglass hood is saving some weight. I will be getting a fiberglass one for my T-bird soon just to clear the engine so it for function not form, right now there is a dent with a ball-ping to clear the much higher and larger Throttle body and intake, basically the throttle would stick open at WOT and had to pop the hood to let it close...

If you like the look of the CF then get it and if you want you can always paint it later with a few thin coats to make it look like a ferrari F40 paint job.

Daggernite 06-01-2006 10:10 PM

They can look really ricey... but they can compliment your car too IMO. Personally, I think with your car having black rims, a c/f bonnet would fit in nice. It not rice if you doing it from a performance point of view.

I dont consider that rice.

saadie 06-01-2006 10:27 PM

saadie mode :: whats a cF hood gonna do ..... reduce some downforce ? or give you extra boost ? ;)
daggernite i right about the color combination ....... but there are alot of other butts :P if you know waht im sayin

naughtygurl mode :: wht do you want that for .. attracting hoes with ca red car in two colors ? :P :mrgreen: :lol:

davide 06-02-2006 02:26 AM

Is it just me, or would a cf bonnet cost a fortune?
Spend the cash on something else, like engine upgrade.. :)

I know I would.

DeMoN 06-02-2006 02:29 AM

CF is rice IMO unless you paint it. If you do it for the performance, you shouldnt have an issue painting it. If you just want it to be light, then paint the thing and get the stock looking one, not the fake vented ones.

Fleischmann 06-02-2006 02:36 AM

I think such a modification should be discrete, so just paint it the colour of the rest of the bonnet.

Shinigami 06-02-2006 03:27 AM

CF bonnet's are not cheap, so you might get more performance through engine tuning, then the weight gain involved...

Depending on the car it can look ricey, but a Scoobie should do fine with one. Especially a dark blue one since the black CF will look more in place.

If you paint it (with proper paint and several layers for protection), you'll add another few pounds, negating the weight saving.

Isn't the Scoobie hood already made of aluminium? So really, you'll save only a few kilos through the CF hood I think. If you've got the cash, go ahead, but I'd consider doing a bit more then just the hood if I really wanted to reduce weight (but then it costs a lot more).

dingo 06-02-2006 05:48 AM

well ofcourse its not only for the weight saving, part of it is for the look aswell - I won't deny I want my car to look good, and not all cosmetic things are going to aid performance greatly (like the wheels I just got).

The only reason I'm considering it is because I've been offered one at about half the price of a new one (and its only been used on the car for about 2 weeks worth of shows - never seen the road).

Thanks for all your opinions so far, keep them coming. :D

Shinigami 06-02-2006 05:54 AM

If you can get it for half the price and want the CF look, then IMO you should go for it ;)

TT 06-02-2006 07:22 AM

The good thing is that you save weight and also in a pretty medium-to-high part of the car. Of course it's even better a carbon roof since it's ok top and will definitely lower the center of mass of the car much more than a bonnet. Also, the saving isn't of course something you'd notice so IMO it's ok as long as weight saving will go on (removing rear seats and so on ;)). But actually if you buy it, it's a bit sad to paint it. Ok.. you will avoid any rice problem, but still a bit sad not to show the carbon wave ;)

dingo 06-02-2006 07:41 AM

If I get it then I would definately not paint it - I want to continue the red/black theme so a black bonnet would contrast nicely IMO.

TT 06-02-2006 07:48 AM

What about the look of the bonnet itself? Replicating the original one or different?

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