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ferrari550 03-29-2007 02:22 PM

April Fools jokes?
Just wondering if you guys knew any april fools joes to play on some friends?

hemi_fan 04-05-2007 09:15 PM

last year i put a bunch of gentian into some gel-capsules and hid them in the residence shower-heads. gentian is a purple medical dye that comes in powdered form and dilutes like 500:1 in water... it also dyes skin a deep purple colour. Anyway, after about 5 minutes of showering, the gel-caps dissolved spraying the gentian all over an un-suspecting person. hilarity ensued, although the person didnt find it funny at all. hahaha

heres a pic of me dyed in gentian for reference :twisted:

acmarttin 04-05-2007 10:56 PM

I told my friend who was coming out to visit for spring break that the DEA and ATF had raided my house and were pressing felony drug trafficking charges on me and that I could be facing 25 years to life in federal prison.

He believed it for about 3 minutes because I just kept dragging the joke out until he got it.

TopGearNL 04-06-2007 06:55 PM

^^ LOL!

I rang up Dominoes Pizza and had them deliver a pizza to my street and then number 50, except there is no 50, I live on 49 and neighbours are 51 so was funny to see the guy looking for a number that didn't exist :lol:

Mattk 04-10-2007 01:28 AM

^Serves them right for making pizza that tastes like cardboard.

This was the only one I actually saw on April 1.

University of Pisa win 2008 World Championships
In a shock development today the University of Pisa became the first Italian and ESL team to win the World Universities Debating Championships.

The tournament will be held from 28th December 2007 to 4th January 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand. However the closing date for initial registration was reached on March 31st with only the University of Pisa having entered the competition. Thus the 3 teams of the University will battle it out over 9 preliminary rounds, Octo Finals, Qtr Finals, Semi Finals and a final.

A source close to the World Championships said that while they were disappointed with the level of interest in the tournament they had to accept the communicated deadline. "We had hoped for around 100 times more teams but we were clear about the registration deadline and have to stick to that out of fairness to the team who registered on time. At least a swing team will get to be the first Thai team to speak in the final which is a fantastic achievement."

When asked to comment on the University of Pisa’s impending victory and the surprisingly low turn out for the competition Colm Flynn, founder of the blog “World Debating News” responded, "Oh God! I forgot to post that registration e-mail. Lising is going to kill me! Oh Bugger no!".

When contacted for comment a clearly delighted member of University of Pisa Debating Society responded “Che cosa? Non parlo inglese. È questo il primo aprile?"

Update: At this stage it is past midday in most time zones that hit on the site so yes in case anyone didn't guess that was an April Fools post. Hope some people found it funny. And now back to our regular humour packed programming....

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