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Zarkoff500 01-25-2004 06:47 PM

Mod Chipping PS2
I recently bought a magic 3.1 mod chip for my PS2. I am hoping that someone here has experience moding their PS2's or some connection to somone who does. My other question is does anyone know of anyone in the Seattle, WA area that could assist me in installing my new mod chip?

Thanks All

TT 01-25-2004 06:49 PM

Uhm.. always better to take your console to some place where "pro" ppl do that... you won't spend a lot and at least you are sure you won't mess it up :D

Matty 01-27-2004 06:48 AM

iff you got ti off the net the web page might have an instruction manual

cho_888 01-27-2004 07:39 AM

if you dont know how to solder get someoneelse to do it. But you already made you first mistake. You didnt buy an Xbox.

Chaos in 1983! 01-27-2004 11:20 AM

Is it ture that the PS2 lasts less when chip modded...I havenĀ“t modded mine because lots of people told me that they get fucked up pretty quick...

Zarkoff500 01-27-2004 11:52 AM

There are how to's all over the net. I've check a lot of them out and it is pretty straight forward. The only thing that I've seen about PS2's getting ruined is either not soldering correctly (to much head to the board) and using scratched dvd's that ware out the laser thingy quicker because it has to work harder than normal.

I agree cho_888 that XBox is a better system. The only problem there is that it doesn't have the Gran Turismo series on it.

I'm still looking for someone. A TV/VCR repair store may be able to do it.
Any other suggestions?

Anile8er 01-28-2004 12:11 AM

im using swap magic it doesnt even need a mod chip and u can get a flip top lid cover if u dont wanna use the key

Zarkoff500 01-28-2004 12:54 AM

I was thinking about getting the swap discs but I am a poor college student and didn't want to fork out the extra $30 or so for the swap discs. It also will be easier to not have to swap discs (as long as I don't damage the board when soldering)

Eat out of my butt.

Chaos in 1983! 01-28-2004 01:50 AM

how do the swap discs work?

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