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sameerrao 11-20-2006 11:19 PM

My upcoming dream road trip
Yes ... Wierd title I totally agree.

Well, on Wednesday (two days from now) I will be flying to Salt Lake City, UT to look at a car. It is a 1991 Ferrari 348 TS with 15000 miles on the clock (very cherry) with decent and recent service history.

It is for sale at a very reputable dealer. I am going get it inspected - it should be a cinch as the car looks to be fantastic condition.

So if I buy it, I will be planning to drive it down from Salt Lake to Houston - 1600 - 1700 miles in total :shock:. That's about the total miles that most F-car owners put on their cars in a year and I will get it done in 3 days :lol: So this isn't gonna be a garage queen that is for sure.

My route is going to be something like this --> Utah --> Colorado (briefly) --> New Mexico --> Texas. I am hope the snow doesnt show up and screw up my plans. If so I might have to ship the car and fly back - boring! :roll:

This is one of the reasons I am looking at a low mile car - I can put about 20,000 miles in 5 years and still have a car that would be easy to sell (most Ferrari buyers are looking at cars with under 30-35k miles).

Wish me luck that a) the car passes the test and b) the car doesn't let me down on the road trip and c) I make it back with my license intact.

I am going to call her Sophia - (after Ms Loren of course).

Link to pics of the car:

I am contemplating painting the bottom of the car red at some point time in the future - it becomes a bigger pain to maintain but it makes the car look a lot younger.

sameerrao 11-21-2006 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by goodduck
congrats man it should be a blast! maybe you should tape it up narago blue style first!!

best of luck to you. It will surely be a memorable trip one way or the other. take a digi cam for us internet losers. :D :D

Rosso style not Nogaro style - keep the "Show us your tits" sign though :)

Mattk 11-21-2006 05:59 AM

$52000! Bloody hell! But I guess with just 15000 miles on it, it is well worth it. The car looks great, and I wish you luck on the road trip, if you choose to have it. ;) 8)

ARMAN 11-21-2006 08:30 AM

Holy jump! I thought you was planing to buy it "in the future" and not in a week :mrgreen: Man this will be a experience of a lifetime!!! :P

However if I(myself) might think to take someone with with the car me to drive there and back, you might not need any help but "just in case" :) + that other person can make tooooooooons of vids from outside of your car :P also its not a 5.200$ saloon you going to drive.

Fingers crossed that car will be OK and will serve you for a looooong time :wink: 8)

TopGearNL 11-21-2006 09:03 AM

Nice find sameerrao !!

only 15000 miles in 15 years, doesn't get any better then that :shock: :D

Good luck driving it home if you buy it!

Skaala 11-21-2006 05:00 PM

nice ride!, hope it works out for you :D
good luck!

gucom 11-21-2006 05:25 PM

looks like a great car, hope it all works out for you :D i'll be expecting plenty of pics and stories if it does :wink:

sameerrao 11-21-2006 09:12 PM

^^ You bet ... the camera is packed away and ready for some action. Hope to get some shots with the stunning Utah background :)

Have bought a Garmin Nav and radar detector too to make the journey easier...

RC45 11-21-2006 09:29 PM

Good luck old chap.. :)

sameerrao 11-21-2006 09:36 PM

Thanks man! Hope the smokies leave my Red bullet alone and I dont get to find out Ferrari's famed reliability (or lack of it) first hand...

Show the turkey who's the boss!

davide 11-22-2006 03:41 AM

She's a beauty!

Have fun and remember, pics pics pics! :D

RC45 11-22-2006 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
Thanks man! Hope the smokies leave my Red bullet alone and I dont get to find out Ferrari's famed reliability (or lack of it) first hand...

Show the turkey who's the boss!

If you would have given me a heads up we might have driven up t0 get your ride ;)

Zot09 11-22-2006 03:43 AM

Nice ride, best of luck on the purchase/trip!

sameerrao 11-22-2006 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by sameerrao
Thanks man! Hope the smokies leave my Red bullet alone and I dont get to find out Ferrari's famed reliability (or lack of it) first hand...

Show the turkey who's the boss!

If you would have given me a heads up we might have driven up t0 get your ride ;)

It was a last minute deal - I finalized the deal this weekend and placed a firm offer on Monday

sameerrao 11-22-2006 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by bmuller
Cheers man, be sure to let me know if/when you get it in and maybe you, me, and ron will take the 2 red beauties out for a little drive around H-town, ya know, to stretch their legs... :P

Yeah right! I bet Susan will kill you guys if she knew what you boys were up to :)

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