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TT 06-08-2006 05:49 PM

Ford Mustang GT
** June 09: Ford Mustang GT indepth **

So, many american cars these days in this section :D after eurocopter, my turn to show you some Mustang GT :D

Actually this isn't really the perfect indepth: we didn't have lot of time and I still had the crappy non-stabilized 90-300 mm, but it's still a charming car, at least in Europe. This one has a free exhaust and it's pretty loud! I love the fact the exhaust tips seem so damn small and "stock" :D it's not the case ;)
As for the NOS, it was a "work in progress" ;)
I actually drove it for a while and I must say it makes you feel good! At cruise speeds it is a pleasure: effortless auto tranny, loud when you need, quiet burble and you want to be stealth and quite some punch when you push it! You feel some wobbliness, but didn't drive it hard enough to really complain. As for the interior quality :D (sorry Paul), well, yes it's no S-Klass, but to be honest, that's not what really matters in such a car, especially around here. it just feel special, I like it :D especially with those Pony wheels: too many modern Mustangs have BIG 20 inches bling wheels. IMO totally against the retro look Ford gave it :bad:

Click the previews to find the full high-res update

TNT 06-08-2006 05:56 PM

the second one is the best!!! great shots. i like the mild blurring. :good: :D

dingo 06-08-2006 06:40 PM

Get yourself some blue sky, those clouds are depressing. :P

Not a huge fan of the car, but the photos are top notch. I especially like the group shots. :D

Pehtren 06-08-2006 06:49 PM

Gret pics TT, the car looks good..i mean the cars :P

And whats with the starter it fitted extra?

Nice indepth TT 8)

sameerrao 06-08-2006 06:54 PM

Great pics TT .. I like the reflection of the branches on the black hood. Very cool positioning of the car against the "castle" and hedges.

Also I notice you have taken some detail shots as well. Thanks for that. :)

TT 06-09-2006 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by dingo
Get yourself some blue sky, those clouds are depressing. :P

HAHA, it was back in February, and a hell of a bad day with incredible levels of pollutions adding to the nice color in the sky :bah:


Originally Posted by pehtren
And whats with the starter it fitted extra?

That's just for the NOS ;)


Originally Posted by sameerrao
Also I notice you have taken some detail shots as well. Thanks for that. :)

Sometimes I remember :P

eurocopter 06-09-2006 10:33 AM

Wow ,the pics are so great :D , the Ford mustang is my favorit car and i love your pics, three new Mustangs? you are a Lucky guy :D

Itīs remember me of this :D

salegosse 06-09-2006 02:12 PM

Some nice pics dude !

nthfinity 06-09-2006 02:26 PM

well, shoot.... i've got a 71 GT Grand shoot im editing right now :p

that will make for what, 4 mustangs this month? :wink: :D

thanks for sharing TT

RC45 06-09-2006 04:25 PM

Re: June 09: Ford Mustang GT indepth

Originally Posted by TT
As for the interior quality :D (sorry Paul), well, yes it's no S-Klass, but to be honest, that's not what really matters in such a car, especially around here.

hehe, not unlike a bottom model 1.3l Jetta right? Afterall the Mustang is a cheap mass produced car for the masses :)

TT 06-09-2006 06:55 PM

Re: June 09: Ford Mustang GT indepth

Originally Posted by RC45

Originally Posted by TT
As for the interior quality :D (sorry Paul), well, yes it's no S-Klass, but to be honest, that's not what really matters in such a car, especially around here.

hehe, not unlike a bottom model 1.3l Jetta right? Afterall the Mustang is a cheap mass produced car for the masses :)

Not so cheap around here most of the time sadly :bah:

Wutputt 06-10-2006 11:18 AM

Maybe you didn't had a lot of time for this in depth, but you can't tell it from the pics! They are great, a nice location as background and some lovely detailed pics ;)

stmoritzer 06-12-2006 01:17 PM

I like the 3some shots from ahead, the details are amazing
but IMO the location infront of the castle doesn't suit to the Mustang :bah:, the picture infront of the brushwood is very nice

Thanks TT for this Indepth!

TT 06-12-2006 01:28 PM

It's a church just for the records ;) and I thought the contrast between historical old continent bits and a muscle car from the new continent could be interesting ;)

stmoritzer 06-12-2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by TT
It's a church just for the records ;) and I thought the contrast between historical old continent bits and a muscle car from the new continent could be interesting ;)

ok, but the strength, the power of the car is missing in the church pics (the 2nd preview pic excluded) , same goes for the third previewpic, this car neeed some tarmac under the wheels :wink:

Nevermind, a nice set of pics!

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