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RC45 09-24-2008 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 854352)
So yes, practical means have come from these experiments.

All of which is moot if the west collapses under its own greed... I never once said I am against progress - not once... but the pursuit of "progress" without lifting ones head up once i a while can be just as disastrous as no progress.

You know those Taliban dudes with a bullet with your name on it? They are only using cellphones as a means to an end, not becaus they "dig progress and discovery" - when the hordes overrun the LHC I dont think they will care what its intended use was - they will just raid it for parts for their camel wagons ;)

Spiffu 09-24-2008 10:27 PM


The new collider in Europe is small compaired to the one that was planned for Texas near Dallas that was later cancelled by congress due to its cost. Physicists in the US have been sucking hind tit ever since then.
My dad served on the Nautilus. :)


All of which is moot if the west collapses under its own greed... I never once said I am against progress - not once... but the pursuit of "progress" without lifting ones head up once i a while can be just as disastrous as no progress.

You know those Taliban dudes with a bullet with your name on it? They are only using cellphones as a means to an end, not becaus they "dig progress and discovery" - when the hordes overrun the LHC I dont think they will care what its intended use was - they will just raid it for parts for their camel wagons
Jeeze you can go off on a tangent. First the poor and homeless, now terrorists. Sound like one of Bush's speeches.

The LHC has been under development for 20 years. It's a multi-national effort which makes the price of 5 billion even less. If not for the the whole dooms day premonition BS, we wouldn't even be having this thread since the pursuit of science doesn't make news, sensationalism does.

Drop the melodrama.

nthfinity 09-24-2008 11:36 PM

While we're at it, lets disband all scientific research studying the cosmos on the most macro level of physics that exists, because that isn't relevant either. :-\ Who needs a 100 Meter fully movable satellite dish that can detect the faintest of signals from the furthest, quietest, and most significant zones of our universe. We aren't talking ET, but the building blocks of Time itself.

Lets talk about that 20% of the worlds energy coming form nukelur energy... or at least the west. That is 20% that allowed 20% more expansion of infrastructure, construction, living etc. etc. to exist. 20% is no small portion.

so much science wouldn't exist without WARTIME necessity. Out of the need to communicate came the ENTIRE study of Radio Astronomy. Without Radio Astronomy, there would be no cell phones. There would be no wireless phones, there would be no digital communication whatsoever. Not to mention countless other benefits that modern radio astronomy has brought direct and indirect technology we take for granted, and will in the future.

RC45 09-25-2008 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 854377)
Jeeze you can go off on a tangent. First the poor and homeless, now terrorists. Sound like one of Bush's speeches.


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 854377)

Why bring Bush into it? The anti-western movement far predates Bush - senior and junior...


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 854377)
The LHC has been under development for 20 years. It's a multi-national effort which makes the price of 5 billion even less. If not for the the whole dooms day premonition BS, we wouldn't even be having this thread since the pursuit of science doesn't make news, sensationalism does.

So as long as some boffins have their noses stuck in some project for 20 years then it; ok for rest of the world can quietly slide into chaos.


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 854377)
Drop the melodrama.

Actually if people paid more attention to the melodrama then financial, energy and immigration crisis like we are currently experiencing would not have happened.

Because all the while some of us were calling for changes and oversight, we were laughed down as cooks and drama queens

I have been asking why domestic oil exploration was being curtailed the day I learned of the fact in the mid 1990's.

It made ZERO strategic sense then, yet somehow "other more important endeavors" were pursued... - what good is a successful LHC if you dot get to reap the benefits of any knowledge gained because the world around you has gone to hell?

Call me all the names you want, but I have an uncanny track record o being correct - maybe it because man is essentially evil and destined to fail so my pessimistic outlook has a greater chance of being correct hehe

Spiffu 09-25-2008 12:21 AM

Then go make a thread on pessimism. There are plenty of other threads here on how the world is jacked up. This isn't one about it.

Go sell your corvette and send the proceeds to some cause.

RC45 09-25-2008 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 854388)
Then go make a thread on pessimism. There are plenty of other threads here on how the world is jacked up. This isn't one about it.

This thread is about the LHC and I commented on a posted story.

My comments seem almost more relavent that yours.


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 854388)
Go sell your corvette and send the proceeds to some cause.

Why would I do that? I never once indicated that I wanted you or I or anyone else to "give to a cause" - I just suggested there may be merit in observaitons about overspending on marginally needed projects.

silentm 09-29-2008 11:57 AM

so basically you are just whining and lamenting 'because you can'? O.o

RC45 09-29-2008 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by silentm (Post 854817)
so basically you are just whining and lamenting 'because you can'? O.o

That is what the opening post is asking for - right?

silentm 10-03-2008 01:43 PM

the opening post was about some funny stuff concerning the LHC and us wanting to act a littel nerdy, so why whine?

RC45 10-03-2008 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by silentm (Post 855290)
the opening post was about some funny stuff concerning the LHC and us wanting to act a littel nerdy, so why whine?

Whose whining?

HeilSvenska 10-03-2008 01:58 PM

Eh. No matter. We won't have to bicker for a while since the LHC is deactivated till April for repairs.

RC45 10-03-2008 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska (Post 855294)
Eh. No matter. We won't have to bicker for a while since the LHC is deactivated till April for repairs.

I am of the belief the entire "project" is just a front for scientist to play with cool shit and get to spend millions in grant money ;)

Think about it, this way they get more money and more play time hehe

HeilSvenska 10-03-2008 02:26 PM

Hahaha. Interesting idea. I'm a science geek, so I don't really believe that, but that would be hilarious. Perhaps the "malfunction" of the LHC and the "delay in testing" wasn't so accidental afterall? Bahaman vacations for everyone! :laugh:

nthfinity 10-03-2008 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska (Post 855301)
Hahaha. Interesting idea. I'm a science geek, so I don't really believe that, but that would be hilarious.

thats how it almost always is.... w/out a budget, all they have is theories. The grander the theory, the grander the project to test, and discover. Shit may roll downhill; but budgets are always an escalation ;)

Still, their discoveries lead to new technology quite often.

RC45 10-03-2008 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska (Post 855301)
Hahaha. Interesting idea. I'm a science geek, so I don't really believe that, but that would be hilarious. Perhaps the "malfunction" of the LHC and the "delay in testing" wasn't so accidental afterall? Bahaman vacations for everyone! :laugh:

Think about it.

It is its own little economy... local builders, contractors, house sales, small and medium equipment sales, land sales, water provisioning, electrical contracting, urban renewal managment, grounds keeping, landscaping, catering, cleaning and waste disposal - hell I have not even started listing the actual scientific suppliers and players - those are just the local small business owners feeding off this cash cow ;) hehe

Spiffu 10-03-2008 03:52 PM

It's their money to spend, and advancing the knowledge of the human race will always be a much more worth while cause than bailing out idiots who didn't know a hurricane was coming three days out.

Intimidation from the unknown is for the primates, I for one welcome welcome our subatomic overlords.

RC45 10-03-2008 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 855305)
It's their money to spend,

What money is "theirs" to spend? Grant money? That is not "theirs" but rather "ours" as grants are sourced from taxes collected.


Originally Posted by Spiffu (Post 855305)
and advancing the knowledge of the human race will always be a much more worth while cause than bailing out idiots who didn't know a hurricane was coming three days out.

This comment is pretty moronic and uncalled for. I would like to see how much of a supercilious loudmouth you still are when faced with a) having to leave your home behind or b) have no way to remove yourslef from the area.

And I am not only talking about people living on the water, but also the large scale broader impact a storm can have.

What is your problem all of a sudden? Seems like you are PMSing recently - get over yourself already.

10000rpmlover 10-06-2008 06:37 PM

helium in large quantities... hydrogen particles smashing onto each other...

I know they are smart and all but did any of them remember what E=MC2 does when applied to smashing particles?

is there an exact control of how many particles hit each other?

what are they doing with the neutrons that are multiplied after a hit?

no... I am sure they have thought about it, I am sure the similarities with the inner workings of a star are just coincidence... I am sure they did think about what a chain reaction could do in a machine that big... I am also pretty convinced they did read Einstein's work...

I mean not doing so, would be uncivilized

philip 10-07-2008 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by philip (Post 852835)
Lisa Randall from Harvard will be there to keep us safe.

She's my favorite Physicist right now. She will be hoping for some extra dimensions to show them selves. Maybe a brane or two.

Per the newspaper today, the problem was attributed to some bad soldering on one connection. Lisa probably had nothing to do with finding the problem, but I just wanted to see her photo again.

HeilSvenska 10-07-2008 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by philip (Post 855736)
Lisa probably had nothing to do with finding the problem, but I just wanted to see her photo again.

You think you can handle it? :mrgreen:

RC45 10-07-2008 08:31 PM

You think she has any nudies up on the net?? :laugh:

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