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666fast 07-29-2003 06:16 PM

Family Guy
Anyoen here fans of this show? I love it, it's fricken hilarious!
It's like the Simpsons but much much funnier. A lot fo the full episodes can be found on Kazaa. Just search for Family Guy videos, obviously.

In the meantime, I'll dig up some clips.

666fast 07-29-2003 06:23 PM

Some more clips

novass 07-29-2003 07:35 PM

nice!!! i love Family Guy. myself and a friend of mine searched for weeks on end and finally found all episodes on Kazaa. it takes up almost 10 cds. took forever to find and download them all.

any ideas on how i could share these with everyone here? some are pretty big. i have DC, any other ideas?

666fast 07-29-2003 08:00 PM

We could use that Bit Torrent program, if Jabba doesn't care.

SFDMALEX 07-29-2003 08:15 PM

I dont watch cartoons, but this one is hilarious. I started watching it a week ago, and I lvoe it.

gis 07-29-2003 09:07 PM

ive never really watched these animated ones,only really seen the simpsons,but when it comes to comedy programmes,nuthin beats "friends" that show is just the best

666fast 07-29-2003 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by gis
ive never really watched these animated ones,only really seen the simpsons,but when it comes to comedy programmes,nuthin beats "friends" that show is just the best

You have obviously never seen Family Guy then! Fire up Kazaa and download an episode or two, you won't believe how funny it is.
The one where the father figures out his son has a bigger penis than him is hilarious

I'll break all the characters for everyone.

The Griffens are the main family in the show.
-Peter Griffen is the father, he means well but is as dumb as a rock.
-Lois Griffen, the wife is your average housewife, just trying to keep the family together. She is from a wealthy family and they hate Peter.
-Chris Griffen, the oldest child, just as dumb, if not dumber than his father. He's amused by the simple thigns in life.
-Meg Griffen, the outcast at school, thinks she is ugly and will do anything to become accpeted
-Stewie Griffen, the baby. He has been hell bent on ruling the world and killing his mother sine he escaped from he wretched womb
-Brian, he is the super intellectual dog who has a drinking problem. At one point he was a cocaine addict. He's the only one in the family with any common sense

The neighbors
-Joe, the cop, the cop who is paralyzed formt he waist down. Physically fit and every womens dream. He is a hero and everyone likes him
-His wife, (I don't remember her name) she is more his slave than wife
-his son, just like dad but with obvious teenage problems, you don't see much of him

-Cleveland, he is the token black guy, always nice, and has a good amount of commoc sense, unless he has been dared or bet on soemthing
-Great, Clevelands wife, there but doens't do much except order Cleveland around
-Clevelands son( name??), hyperactive kid, doesn't listen to anything

-Quagmire, he is the neighborhood manwhore. All he ever wants to do is have sex. He's a damn funny person, he walked into a lesbian club and asked if any of the women there had been penetrated!

Then there is the other characters who aren't very important. Like the news reporters, they hate each other and show it in various ways on air. There is also the Asian Reporter Trish Takinawa (or soemthing liek that, and they do refer to her as the Asina reporter) she is always doing somethign to get the story, such as sleeping with Quagmire!

I think that is about it. Now I can only wonder how many people will actually read all that!

gis 07-29-2003 10:25 PM

LOL,i read it all,just proves to me that u love this show

666fast 07-29-2003 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by gis
LOL,i read it all,just proves to me that u love this show

Nah, just proves I'm very bored! :D

gis 07-29-2003 10:31 PM

lol,ah well that proves it then.

ill check out the show sumtime,its on TV here every now and again,i dunno whether your from the UK or not but if u are check out SKY ONE they have it on most weeks :)

ah i just looked at the side and you aint from the UK,sorry,my bad

novass 07-30-2003 12:20 AM

how does this whole bit torrent thing work?

if its cool with Jabba and others want some of the episodes, i would be more than happy to share them, but someone is gonna have to explain to me how to use this stuff.

666fast 07-30-2003 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by novass
how does this whole bit torrent thing work?

if its cool with Jabba and others want some of the episodes, i would be more than happy to share them, but someone is gonna have to explain to me how to use this stuff.

Basically it's just like using Kazaa. A link is made and given to whoever and they download it from you. The more people that have it the faster it goes I believe. I'm not exactly sure how it works. We would have to get Jabbas ok though. He wasn't keen on it for movies. If FOX network found out they would put a stop to it too. A bunch of websites that used to have vids now have little things saying Fox forced them to stop.

Jabba 07-30-2003 05:17 AM

I am fine about it...although obvisouly both are copyrighted....I do see a difference between shows that are shown for free...or as part of a multi channel subscription...and a movie that you PAY to go and see...I can see how they might loose out on someone paying to go and see the movie...if they could download it here....but would they really loose anything if its family guy...which I presume has already been shown on TV ??? that they have had their advertising revenues/subscripitions from anyway...

TT 07-30-2003 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by Jabba
I am fine about it...although obvisouly both are copyrighted....I do see a difference between shows that are shown for free...or as part of a multi channel subscription...and a movie that you PAY to go and see...I can see how they might loose out on someone paying to go and see the movie...if they could download it here....but would they really loose anything if its family guy...which I presume has already been shown on TV ??? that they have had their advertising revenues/subscripitions from anyway...

Well, maybe they plan to do some DVDs :P

Jabba 07-30-2003 05:35 AM

yeh but people would still buy the DVD's for the same reason I do...the quality is so much better than anything you usually can download...

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