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raphaelws 03-06-2005 10:20 AM

Small vid -> Porsche GT1

I filmed last week in Brazil

see ya 8)

rpantoja0 03-06-2005 01:04 PM

I´m from Brazil too. I didn´t know there were a GT1 in Brazil...

Fleischmann 03-06-2005 02:53 PM

DAmn dude!!

Does anybody know how many of these cars are on the roads ?? I know there has to be at least 25 of them as it's a race car in the GT class or however it is called.

raphaelws 03-06-2005 07:02 PM


Does anybody know how many of these cars are on the roads ?? I know there has to be at least 25 of them as it's a race car in the GT class or however it is called
I think it's 33..


I´m from Brazil too. I didn´t know there were a GT1 in Brazil...
é do ex-Prefeito Paulo Maluf

TT 03-11-2005 11:36 AM

Guys, I am pretty sure this is not a real GT1.. it's a 996 with a bodykit by **instert tuner here** .. and that bodykit was posted already around here I am pretty sure

here is the one I mean:

not sure it is the same thing, but definitely the one in the videos doesn't look like a real GT1..

gobs3z 03-11-2005 01:09 PM

I don't understand why no has reveiwed the GT1. The only reveiw i've ever seen was with the GT1, GT2, and GT3 and ofcourse it just had to be in German. Are there any articles let alone videos of the 996 GT1 out there? I'm looking at you TT :wink: .

TT 03-11-2005 01:34 PM

I think an american program actually reviewed it, I should have the video somewhere.. Road and Track maybe? can't remember...

gobs3z 03-11-2005 01:51 PM

Thanks, i'm trying to hunt it down, i never thought it would be that rare.

jorge 03-11-2005 08:10 PM

I´m with TT, i don´t think that´s a GT1 :?

raphaelws 03-11-2005 10:15 PM

I'll go Porsche dealership in Sao Paulo - Brazil..

to check out!!

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