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Z3uS 04-17-2007 09:09 PM

What do you do?
Work? Study? What?

I'm at college on Materials Science(Materials Engineering) course.

BADMIHAI 04-17-2007 10:27 PM

I'm in university. I'm majoring in history and math.

ViperASR 04-17-2007 11:00 PM

College/University. I'm an Accounting Major. I'm also an Ocean Lifeguard Captain 8)

Mattk 04-18-2007 12:23 AM

I go to uni. I do a combined Arts/Law course. I intend to major (for my BA) in History and minor in Philosophy. I also referee basketball and coach debating.

blinkmeat 04-18-2007 12:29 AM

i play Heman

asid631 04-18-2007 02:21 AM

I am a student actuary, giving Institute of Actuaries(UK) papers and am currently working in Real Estate, constructing and selling small apartments mostly.

Mattk 04-18-2007 02:38 AM

Good luck, bmuller. Although I have to say that accounting majors within the law school are looked down upon because they're probably not going to be lawyers. Also because I don't think there are many who enjoy accounting.

Skaala 04-18-2007 05:46 AM

Student at the Norwegian School of Managment and majoring in Business finance and Business development. Minor: International Marketing and statistics. 3yr of my bachelor.
Work: Norsafe AS

saadie 04-18-2007 07:26 AM

saad isnt here right now soo ... 0X :mrgreen:

this is his brother...well im an instructor, a student, a pilot , a ground/flight engineer as well as a flight operations officer and the MET-man all at the same time :twisted: ....oh i also throw stuff from my planes and get paid for it :prr:

TopGearNL 04-18-2007 08:25 AM

I started a course this year but didn't like it so I quit back in November.

Have been working extra hours but not what I would like, so as from monday I start a new fulltime job with more pay! :D

dutchmasterflex 04-18-2007 09:24 AM

Full time student at Northeastern University - B.S. in Computer Engineering Technology with a minor in Business focus on Entrepreneurship.

Also working full time for a leading military defense contractor.

Erez 04-18-2007 10:10 AM

I work as a mechanic for about 4 months now, might start studying Business Administration, might take a job offering in the US, (PS- dutchmasterflex, as it turns out the dude might be moving to Miami! :shock: )
ah.. and I'm also a certified Medic (from the army days), but I don't think I'll ever want to have anything to do with it again..

dutchmasterflex 04-18-2007 10:26 AM

dude, I've been meaning to mention Miami to you.. I met tons of Israeli's out there (more realistically about 6 or 8)

Good friend of mine lives in Ft Lauderdale (bout 15 mins from Miami) and is looking to move closer to South Beach.

You'll have a much easier time finding rent in your budget, not to mention you'll have a GREAT time living down there... Good luck!

Erez 04-18-2007 10:43 AM

:D thanks! like I said, I'm not pushing either way.. we'll see how things will develop..
but even if it will be Miami, I have some "business" to attend to over at NJ ;) and family to visit over at Colorado :lol: so I might be around a bit ;)
actually I think I also have some distant relatives in Miami too! :lol:
like I said.. I'll open a new thread when I'll have more specifics..
(then again last minute call I still might stay here and get my BA first.. tho I'm SOO not in the mood :lol: but I might never be.. :? :bah: )

did you find the Israelis to be as rude as our reputation would say? :mrgreen: :lol:

dutchmasterflex 04-18-2007 10:46 AM

Haha.. well I was visiting my Israeli friend who transferred to a school down Ft. Lauderdale from Boston. He already knew this other Israeli kid who ended up bumping into a group of friends he knew back from elementary schools when were were in South Beach. That night we ended up partying with them, they were good people. But who knows how they would of treated me if I wasn't already with the group ;)

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