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graywolf624 12-14-2004 10:58 PM

People like this need major attitude adjustments.
List-Eater On the Loose in Texas
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

There's at least one student who's not very popular at Texas A&M University.

Aggies started camping out last Sunday to buy tickets for this season's SBC Cotton Bowl (search), in which A&M plays the University of Tennessee in Dallas on New Year's Day.

At 4:30 a.m. Thursday morning, an unnamed woman marched right past snoring football fans and took her place at the head of the line.

When the campers woke up at around 6 a.m. and began protesting, she grabbed the posted sign-up list of students who'd been waiting for days — and ate it.

"The piece of paper doesn't justify a spot in line to me if no one is standing there," the anonymous woman, a senior, later told the Battalion, the student newspaper. "If they wanted a spot, they should've woken up."

A spokesman for the university's athletic department said students had been putting their names on lists while waiting for tickets since at least 1985.

"[She] walked up in the line and people were trying to explain to her that she had to put her name on the list," said sophomore Amineh Baradar. "She didn't want to because she said [keeping lists of who was there first] wasn't an official university policy."

Needless to say, the reaction was far from enthusiastic.

"As we kept standing out there, people kept yelling, 'Beat the hell out of the list-eater,'" student Micah Gertson told KBTX-TV of Bryan and College Station, Texas. "As she's up there talking, people started throwing doughnuts at her."

Aggie football fans regularly urge the team to "beat the hell out of" its opponents.

Texas A&M football coach Dennis Franchione (search), who'd shown up with the doughnuts, reportedly told the woman, "Eat doughnuts, not paper."

The "list-eater" told the Battalion that she'd meant to burn the list, but shoved it in her mouth when someone in the crowd grabbed her.

"People started screaming at me, asking for the list back," she said. "I spit it out and put it in my purse. I'm not dumb enough to swallow paper."

Within hours, she'd filed assault charges with campus police against a man who'd allegedly grabbed her wrist.

At 8 a.m., the ticket windows opened, and the list-eater, still second in line, got her tickets as others shouted "Eat your tickets!" according to KBTX-TV.

Most people waiting at each of the eight ticket windows ended up getting the tickets they wanted — A&M's allotment of 2,600 was sold out in 90 minutes — but students say it's the principle that mattered.

"Its just frustrating because the list is an honor system, and for her to get in the front of the line is just not right," said Baradar. "Right now, it's not university regulated because it doesn't need to be."

The list-eater, who according to other students declared she was "right with God," defended her actions.

"There were a lot of people who weren't on the list who were still in line," she said to the Battalion. "I did something a lot of people wanted to do, but didn't have the guts to do it."

666fast 12-14-2004 11:10 PM


"There were a lot of people who weren't on the list who were still in line," she said to the Battalion. "I did something a lot of people wanted to do, but didn't have the guts to do it."
Doesn't justify it slut. Someone should have given her a good kick in the ass. As for the man who had files charged against him for grabbing her wrist, he should kick her in the throat so at least those charges have some merit.

blinkmeat 12-14-2004 11:12 PM

:roll: hmm... i can see both sides, but I also don't really give a shit either.

ZfrkS62 12-14-2004 11:17 PM


The list-eater, who according to other students declared she was "right with God," defended her actions.
can we tie her to a pole and dangle her out for the extremist Muslims in Iraq? Can i at least dangle her from a pole? :twisted:

people like her disgust me to no end. Pride is listed as one of the 7 deadly sins, and hers nearly got her killed..or at least severly beaten. But i suppose it was "divine intervention" that kept her safe?

if i were there, i'd have thrown alot more than donuts :?

she doesn't deserve to be at that game. If she wanted to be in the front of the line that badly, she should have camped out earlier :P i'd be willing to bet that for her previous 3 years, she had always been on the list. This year she was too late, got jealous and acted out by screwing the system :P anyone want to bet that the school is going to make a rule about this? maybe suspending those who sign up :P

ZfrkS62 12-14-2004 11:18 PM


As for the man who had files charged against him for grabbing her wrist, he should kick her in the throat so at least those charges have some merit.

graywolf624 12-14-2004 11:20 PM

video of part of the incident in question (pretty funny)

TT 12-14-2004 11:22 PM

If only the problems of the world would be limited to stupid bitches like this one... :roll:

SilviaEvo 12-14-2004 11:27 PM


ZfrkS62 12-14-2004 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by graywolf624
video of part of the incident in question (pretty funny)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

did i mention Pride earlier? i really should add Gluttony too. All i can say, is i think JW has found it's first GALACTIC ATTENTION WHORE!!!!!

not only does she manage to get everyone to look at her and give attention (negative or not, it didn't matter to her, she was center stage and thats all that mattered to her) but the stupid cow also manages to get on the news!!!!

Vansquish 12-14-2004 11:49 PM

Sigh...people like that really annoy me. She reminds me a little bit of my grandmother unfortunately hehe...hard-ass, always right (from her perspective anyway), usually wrong (from everyone else's)

RC45 12-14-2004 11:55 PM


A spokesman for the university's athletic department said students had been putting their names on lists while waiting for tickets since at least 1985.
Holy scheister - that takes a lot of patience to stand in line for 19 years... 0X

graywolf624 12-14-2004 11:57 PM


im with the chick, you want tickets you get there and wait in line. just like when you want concert tickets or anything else you know will sell out fast. you get there before everyone and wait in line. first come first serve. simple as that. and its like she said
I think you missed the part where it said people were waiting outside for 3 days to get the tickets.. (this wasnt a case where they signed a paper and went back to their cushy dorm room)

They were in line.. they just were sleeping in a non line formation. The fat cunt thought she was too good to wait outside for 3 days like everyone else..

Regardless you dont eat the list.. shes lucky she wasnt lynched.

ZfrkS62 12-15-2004 12:10 AM

the fact is, the list was a way of maintaining order. if you get in line 3 days early, chances are, you aren't going to want to sleep out in the open (birds, weather etc tend to be not nice whenever they damn well please) So, if you have your name on the list, your spot is secure for the day tickets go on sale.

If anyone has the right to beat the god snot out of her, it's the guy who got screwed out of his ticket because she wanted to act 5 years old (actually, that may be giving her too much credit) and cut in front of 2599 people.

and she didn't get why everyone was so pissed at her :roll:

RC45 12-15-2004 01:19 AM

She is also one of the ugliest heifers ever to walk the earth... and doesn't even have a nice personality.

That makes one wonder exactly what such a loser contributes to society as a whole?

johnhobbs 12-15-2004 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by RC45
That makes one wonder exactly what such a loser contributes to society as a whole?

one should drink more tea and then feed the corgies :mrgreen:

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