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RC45 05-03-2006 10:12 AM

I nominate nth to take over this section.
Feel free to message TT and have the reigns passed.

The likes of everso, demon and few other pricks have made in zero fun to log on to JW anymore.

I am done.

Nth have fun with it.

RC45 05-03-2006 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by everso
oh come on man! it won't be the same without ya....don't take this stuff so seriously ;)

Yet another example.

It was funny 2 years ago.

It's just irritating.

If we should one day cross paths - and your teeth were on fire, I would not even take the time to piss in your mouth.

Joking and humour is one thing - constantly being a prick is another.

I now know why a number of people just up and said "Fuck it.." and left.


yg60m 05-03-2006 10:25 AM

It's not a good ambiance :? RC, please, I can understand your decision but I would like you to reconsider your position :|

TT 05-03-2006 10:34 AM

Dang dude, it would be a pity to let you go!

I can understand of course that the same old neverending discussions/fight can one day become too much and of course nobody will force you to stay, but like the others, I'd like you to reconsider and maybe just avoid the sensible topics ;)

RC45 05-03-2006 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by everso

Originally Posted by RC45

If we should one day cross paths - and your teeth were on fire, I would not even take the time to piss in your mouth.

no one said anything to you more than what you say to're just way oversensitive to people talking smack about your car.....or anything even remotely related to your car or your opinions. you really should learn how to separate opinions from facts.

Sorry fucker - you are NOT going to have the last word on my way out.

I am not over sensative to "what people say about my car" - never have been and never will be - but I am not going to sit idle and watch people post shit.

What you post is shit.

Bullshit opinion and inuendo - you try to fuck up topics and be an arsehole on purpose just to spew your crap. You and others.

it was funny the first 1,000 times - but it gets tiring.

Talking smack is one thing - but constantly puking in peoples wheaties is something totally different. That is what you have decided to make your mission. Funny 1,000 times - irritating on the 1,001th time.

The last straw was demon posting that shit in the video compilaiton thread - completely out of context and pointless.


Go and find ONE SINGLE instance where I have fanboyed and not posted facts?

One instance - you will not find any because I am not about to post falsehoods, lies or crap.

I don't work that way.

I have gone to great panes to actully point out the difference between the cars - and made a point of highlighting and acknowledging weaknesses - even magnifying them - that is not fanboying - that is being realistic and honest.

The difference is when it goes on and on and on and on for years - it just irritating and tiring.

Enough is enough.

I am exhausted - JWed out.

nthfinity 05-03-2006 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by everso

Originally Posted by RC45

If we should one day cross paths - and your teeth were on fire, I would not even take the time to piss in your mouth.

well enamel on the teeth is pretty fire resistant and even in charred and burned bodies teeth don't really catch fire, thus protecting me from your filthy and classless visions of pissing in people's mouths. ugh......strange little imagination you have, son. better get that checked out.

no one said anything to you more than what you say to're just way oversensitive to people talking smack about your car.....or anything even remotely related to your car or your opinions. you really should learn how to separate opinions from facts.

well; it kinda comes down to this. people can state thier opinons all they want. If you dont like a car; then fine... but if you reasons are based soley on false facts; then by golly... I'll prove you wrong.

its become a broken record. people refuse to believe the truth. I dont care if you like a car or not.... or if i like it... but if you/me is believing it to be crap based on false facts... kinda retarded, eh?

its the same people over and over again who come in saying its impossible that even an American car can't handle.... no matter how many times cirtain folks come in and trounce these falshoods, and prove otherwise... just to see it happen again 4 days later with the same people. It is incredibly retarded.

RC- i thankyou for your concideration

If you do take off; drop me a line so we can keep in touch. I much prefer you stick around; even if you arent a moderator :) Just free up some of your time, go guzzle some gas, and such.

although; i have an idea to help curb the problems here.

ZfrkS62 05-03-2006 11:08 AM

RC, i'm sorry to hear that you're leaving. Seems as of late there has been a small exodus from JW. I am also hoping that we are not heading towards a re-enactment of what happened over at RF.

I can understand what is driving you to this decision though. I don't think i would want to continue repeating myself as much as you have and i commend you for your dedication to keeping this section somewhat civilized.

I am sure Nth can handle the task of keeping what you've started running smoothly. If anything, i hope you come back to at least lurk and occasionaly post something.

In the mean time, take it easy, terrorize some asphalt and show no mercy to the new Kuhmos :wink:

RC45 05-03-2006 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by everso
insecure and oversensitive. not our problem or anyone else's on this's just yours. on top of that you insult anyone who doesn't agree....pretty sad. you insult other people's countries, cars, races, religions, everything under the sun...and now you complain when someone speaks back to you. haha. bye then!

nthfinity would do be a great moderator of american muscle. much more knowledgable as well.

Again fucker - you will not have the last word.


you insult other people's countries, cars, races, religions, everything under the sun
All in context and part of the appropriate discussions - 110% of the time in "character" and in jest.

The crap you spew is just irritating. What you post is unfounded and unfactual. Incorrect and out of context.

Oh - and mostly childish as well.

Insecure and oversensitive? Is that the best you can come up with?

I covered for you breaking GM's cover - took the heat and the thanks I get is the fucking bullshit you have pulled over the last 2 years?

You will not get the last word - trust me on that one.

Ghostbat 05-03-2006 11:29 AM

I really don't like that you are leaving RC but I do understand you.

I disagre with you on some topics but I like the way you're debating with a mix of humor, a lot of irony and hard facts.

And everso for fucks sake couldn't you resist being an asshole in this thread??

RC I really hope that you change your mind and stay. You will definetely be missed by one Swede :cry:

No.1 05-03-2006 11:53 AM

As far as i understand - RC is going to stick around - he's just fed up with the "trashing" (his words, not mine) of his Z06 threads, and is through with this section.

It would be a shame to see you go from JW, RC - i'd prefer you stick around :good:

LotusGT1 05-03-2006 12:04 PM

He's not going away...he just as addicted to this place as anybody else :)

I vote for an "ignore" function on JW.

Daggernite 05-03-2006 01:29 PM

Come on RC dont be hasty, you seem fed up at the momment, just take alittle break before making any rash decision, with you gone there wont be hardly any topics with such emotion and drama. RC I doubt your leaving for good, you dont seem like a guy who would leave just because you not getting along with someone.

Hope you stay, I really dont think anyone can moderate this section aswell as you.

Minacious 05-03-2006 01:39 PM

Damn it RC, you better not leave JW.

bmagni 05-03-2006 01:43 PM

seriously RC, c'mon... are you just gonna leave and take the easy way ? Yeah some comments are annoying and maybe that won't change, so why you don't just ignore those and take the ones that really contribute... a joke from time to time ain't bad, so just take it for what it is. I inderstand the fact that enough is enough but if some people annoy you its just a part of the community and that doesn't need to make you leave. As you may have annoyed others with your comments, which are a bit harsh, I don't think someone smart enough would leave for just a reason like that.
So think about it twice. :D

skituner 05-03-2006 01:48 PM

well, see ya later :bye:

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