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BADMIHAI 09-25-2004 01:36 AM

Canadian government supporting wiggers?
This year about 600 new students entered my school. About 400 of them were "fast-forward" students coming in for "special" programs designed to get them in to the working force as quick as possible. What I noticed about these "fast-forward" students is that they're predominantly wiggers. A big problem in the Canadian system seems to be the lack of "skilled trades" workers. I think that the Canadian government is encouraging these wiggers because it seems to be a viable way of sending them into the skilled trades and generally the "blue collared" work force. Statistically middle class children in Canada are very likely to go to a university or college. I think that the Canadian government (and possibly other governments...I don't know the situation in the U.S.) is encouraging these middle class children to become wiggers to that they can fuck up their academic lifes and go in to the blue collared work force. I am aware that generalization was used in the above sentences so there's no need to point that out.

What do you guys think?

nthfinity 09-25-2004 01:59 AM

canada wants more skilled tradesmen because of their middle class constituencies.
ill explain myself lol. :lol:
skilled trades, such as mechanics, welders, carpenters etc. cost a lot of friggin money to the everyday middle class family.
the best way to lower the costs of the work done by skilled trades persons is to flood the market with a very large number of them, and although they are quite skilled, they are in turn retarded being wiggers... hence, they will lower thier rates to the current competetive rates, since they will be able to spend all thier money on goofy clothes, chain link steering wheels, and purchassed rap music while living in their parents basement, they will think it is 'hoot hoot, hollah hollah' mad cash.
thus, the middle class actually benefits from the invasion of skilled tradesmen in the workforce.

not only does supply and demand lower the costs, but also the sheer fact they are wiggers lowers the costs to near 'child labour' rates :wink: thus, the middle class can acutally afford to send their 'smarter' children to prominent universities with much more ease.

which in turn creates more middle class families, and a factor of homogination occurs, as rates hit a plane, and such.

BADMIHAI 09-25-2004 02:10 AM


not only does supply and demand lower the costs, but also the sheer fact they are wiggers lowers the costs to near 'child labour' rates
"That be mad tight, yo!" :mrgreen:

SFDMALEX 09-25-2004 11:15 AM

Hey who gives a fuck? More retards in the work force, the easier it is for the rest to get into uni :wink:

graywolf624 09-25-2004 11:35 AM


This year about 600 new students entered my school. About 400 of them were "fast-forward" students coming in for "special" programs designed to get them in to the working force as quick as possible. What I noticed about these "fast-forward" students is that they're predominantly wiggers. A big problem in the Canadian system seems to be the lack of "skilled trades" workers. I think that the Canadian government is encouraging these wiggers because it seems to be a viable way of sending them into the skilled trades and generally the "blue collared" work force. Statistically middle class children in Canada are very likely to go to a university or college. I think that the Canadian government (and possibly other governments...I don't know the situation in the U.S.) is encouraging these middle class children to become wiggers to that they can fuck up their academic lifes and go in to the blue collared work force. I am aware that generalization was used in the above sentences so there's no need to point that out.
1st, Im left wondering if your use of the word wigger means the same as ours.

Second, Sounds like votech schools to me. I dont see anything wrong with it. The world needs blue collared people too.

BADMIHAI 09-25-2004 03:15 PM


The world needs blue collared people too.
It does indeed.


1st, Im left wondering if your use of the word wigger means the same as ours.
Over here it means a kid from the suburbs that dresses/acts like a guy from a Detroit ghetto.
Here are a couple of fine representants of female wiggers:

..and their male counterparts:

nthfinity 09-25-2004 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by BADMIHAI

The world needs blue collared people too.
It does indeed.


1st, Im left wondering if your use of the word wigger means the same as ours.
Over here it means a kid from the suburbs that dresses/acts like a guy from a Detroit ghetto.
Here are a couple of fine representants of female wiggers:

..and their male counterparts:

they would all be shot dead in D-town. specially that dood with the magic's jersey. i swear they would shit thier pants where i used to walk the streets here and there :lol:
oh, and we dont call it Detroit ghettos, we call it the east side, or west side.. the west side being largly populated by the latino community.

graywolf624 09-25-2004 09:11 PM


they would all be shot dead in D-town. specially that dood with the magic's jersey. i swear they would shit thier pants where i used to walk the streets here and there
oh, and we dont call it Detroit ghettos, we call it the east side, or west side.. the west side being largly populated by the latino community.
Meanwhile, I still dressed like a preppy when I worked in downtown wilmington delaware (Worse then it sounds. As the homeless shelter and the crack house a block away sorta show.) and no one bothered me. Mind your own business and keep the hell outta other peoples way is the name of the game. You certainly dont call attention to yourself if it isn't your neighborhood. But hey, high school kids gotta think there cool somehow, better then that damn teenage angst.. to have those problems again..

SFDMALEX 09-25-2004 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by BADMIHAI

The world needs blue collared people too.
It does indeed.


1st, Im left wondering if your use of the word wigger means the same as ours.
Over here it means a kid from the suburbs that dresses/acts like a guy from a Detroit ghetto.
Here are a couple of fine representants of female wiggers:

..and their male counterparts:

Christ man. That is some sad sad shit. Possers at their best I guess...

the best thing is to rapidly approach these people on the street and say "YO! YOU GOT ANY COKE YO!" And scare the fuck out of them :lol:

nthfinity 09-26-2004 05:04 AM


Christ man. That is some sad sad shit. Possers at their best I guess...

the best thing is to rapidly approach these people on the street and say "YO! YOU GOT ANY COKE YO!" And scare the fuck out of them
careful, when they are fully cirtified tradesmen, they will likely have some coke since they are living in their parents homes; then they will act like they have some insane connections

... not so sick as 'nicky' the guy who says 'I love money, what can i say? im a sick motha-fucka'..... that guy told me to let him know if i were to blow up any buildings...(d-town event a while ago)

SFDMALEX 09-26-2004 11:47 AM


lol man indeed. But they'r still posers living in their mamas basement who buy cronic off another dealer, and prolly make 2 dollars a dime since they cant find a runner to get weed off....

We got those here. They act like dealers but in real life they just buy half an oz of a real dealer and still sell it at street buy at street price and sell at street price............just to make them selfs look all hard. :lol:

I would love to see one of these posers approach a hells angel in Toronto to ask for a weed deal.........they would probably lay a brick the moment they enter the strip bar.

BADMIHAI 09-26-2004 08:41 PM

They're bitches. My best friend was "attacked" by one of them in the classroom, when the teacher went down to take the attendance, because he told him to be quiet so they could hear the movie that was being played. When the wigger grabbed my buddy by the neck my buddy proceedes to punching him in the mouth a couple of times. The "tough" wigger started crying (keep in mind they were both in grade 12) and said he wanted to go to the principal. Bwahhahaha...pussies. :mrgreen:

Toronto 09-27-2004 12:01 AM

i love walking around town, and laughing at these guys,
but you might want to call me a wigger, i listen to biggie and BigL all the time.

"yo, yo, yo, i talk tha talkizl too biznatch."

I blame Much Music and vanilla ice, eminem, but not the beastie boys, those guys are great. good ol jewish new york city boys.

T-Bird 09-27-2004 12:19 AM

Going to an upper class private school my whole life I have come across many Wiggers in my time and they are funny as hell. It's hilarious seeing all the rich white boys and girls listening to Rap Music in their fancy cars but as soon as they go near a lower class neighborhood on goes the DMB. :lol: The best is driving by these people and cranking the bass and rattling every bolt loose in your car just to laugh at them. (One kid had his Radiator crack because the bolt vibrated off and the radiator hit the ground, funny as hell)

I have to say that I am going to school to be a working class man (Mechanic) because I can't see myself sitting at a desk all day. And the fact that I know I will be doing what I love instead of what makes me money. I will be doing both, making great money and working on cars so you can't say that being in these fields are for lower class people.

jon_s 10-01-2004 12:16 PM

I am sure this bloke was on some MTV MC battle. If it is the same bloke, he is blind and can rap with the best of them. He gave all his opponents a lyrical licking. I have respect for that. Having said that, it may not be the same bloke lol

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