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Mattk 01-13-2006 02:05 AM

The Constant Gardener. Warning, SPOILER AHEAD
This film is really boring. Don't watch it.

Basically, the film revolves around Justin Quayle (Fiennes), a diplomat whose wife, Tessa (Weisz), is found murdered. He tries to investigate the death, believing that there's some sort of conspiracy. There are some boring flashbacks, the most eye-catching of which is the one of Rachel Weisz in the bath. Side characters include Tessa's gay doctor friend Bluhm, and Quayle's bosses, Sandy (mission chief), and Sir Bernard (foreign secretary, probably)

SPOLIER SPOILER SPOILER: Now, there really is a conspiracy, and having found out why Tessa was slaughtered (she was investigating a pharmaceutical company scamming African people), he gets killed as well.

Boring, boring, boring is all I can say. Incredibly slow-moving. Plenty of Brit stars: Fiennes, Weisz, Bill Nighy (Sir Bernard), but they don't really help. It's still boring...

AlienDB7 01-13-2006 03:53 AM

I think you just gave away the ending there.... should put a SPOILER WARNING in the topic!

Saw the movie in the theatre few months ago, personally I like it. If you're expecting to see an action movie (which the trailer suggests), then yes you'll be disappointed. I found it similar to the movie "Traffic" from few years ago, It's just a "different" kind of movie.

Ghostbat 01-13-2006 05:56 AM

I think it was a great movie. very nicely filmed and an interesting way to tell the story. Maybe you are too young to enjoy a movie like this Mattk.

Like alien says you're giving away tot much. Put a spoiler warning in the topic plz.

Mattk 01-15-2006 08:11 AM

Oh, sorry. I've put the spoiler warnings in.

I don't think it's an inherently poor movie. The plot is solid, and realistic, and the cinematography good. The flashbacks were a good idea, but didn't work for me. More use should have been made of them.

Or perhaps my viewing experience was affected by sitting in an airplane seat with limited lateral support.

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