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a007apl 05-26-2004 04:45 PM

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
The Film is set 3 years after Attack Of The Clones with the Clone Wars coming to an end.
The Film opens with a spectacular Space battle.
Anakin saves Obi-Wan's life during the Space Battle.
Just as Anakin questioned why he was not a Jedi Knight in AOTC he will question why he is not a Jedi Master in Episode 3.
Mechanical Vader will only appear for about 12 minutes.
Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship is much closer but Anakin has also formed a close relationship with Chancellor Palpatine.
The Anakin Vs Obi-Wan duel will be uninterrupted and about 10 minutes long. They will both fight with Blue Light-sabers.
There will be more Light-Sabre duels than any other Star Wars movie.
Palpatine and Darth Sidious will be revealed as the same person.
There will be much more of Paplatine in Episode 3 where we see him at a theatre and there will be an explanation to his origins.
We will see Darth Sidious unleash force powers.
Yoda will have more than one fight sequence.
Padme will perish in the film (As for Leia remembering her mother Rick McCallum says this will be explained an is not a continuity error.
Chewbacca will appear on the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk.
Temuera Morrison will re-appear as a Clone Trooper called Commander Cody who be-friends Obi-Wan.
A Cyborg called General Grievous will lead the droid army. He fights with multiple light-sabre's.
Grievous is described as "The greatest Jedi killing terror machine the galaxy has ever seen. In one scene his arms split into two and he duels Obi-Wan with 4 lightsabre's.
The General Grievous role is very important for completing a very specific plot line of the films. However much like Darth Maul there will not be much explanation of his origins.
Mon Mothma will appear as a senator in Episode 3.
The twins will be less than a month old by the end of the film.
Star Wars stunt director Nick Gillard will play a Jedi Padawan who briefly duels Anakin.
Geonosis wil not appear but there will be Geonosians in Episode III, it will not only be Poggle the Lesser.

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The film opens with the Clone wars still raging.

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is being held captive by the Separatists onboard a Starship.

An epic space battle begins the film with the Jedi knights and Clone troopers battling the droid starships.

Obi-Wan is a Jedi Master and Anakin a Jedi Knight.

The new baddie in the film is General Grievous (a half-man, half-droid) who leads the droid army.

Anakin and Obi-Wan land on the Separatists flag ship. Obi-wan and Anakin duel Count Dooku with Palpatine (still held captive) looking on.

Mid-Way through the duel Greivous enters and begins to duel with Obi-Wan.

Palpatine encourages Anakin in his duel with Count Dooku which ends with Anakin killing Dooku.

Obi-Wan is injured by Greivous and Anakin saves Obi-Wan before General Greivous escapes.

Palpatine returns to Coruscant and meets Senator Amidala (who is hiding her pregnancy).

Palpatine tells the senate to wipe out the sepratists now that Dooku is dead. He orders the Clone Army to defeat the Separatists.

The Jedi Council sends Obi-Wan on a mission to find General Grievous.

Anakin is angry that the Jedi council don't sufficiently acknowledge his achievement in killing a Sith.

Palpatine asks the council to permit Anakin to be his personal bodyguard in light of his recent kidnapping, the Jedi accept his request.

Bail Organa,Mon Mothma and Padme Amidala meet to discuss Palpatine's failure to relinquish his emergency powers.

The Jedi Knights and Clone Troopers continue to defeat the Separatists all around the galaxy.

Yoda travels to Kashyyyk (The wookie homeworld) to command the clone troopers there in a battle to defeat the Separatists.

Mace Windu on Coruscant becomes suspicious of events and goes,(along with a number of other Jedi) to see Chancellor Palpatine and discuss why he hasn't relinquished his emergency powers.

Palpatine declares the Jedi corrupt and deceitful. Palpatine unleashes his Sith powers and easily disposes with the other Jedi. Palpatine then turns on Windu severely injuring him. Its then that Anakin faces his biggest decision of his life, to save Windu or join Palpatine.

Anakin makes his decision and finishes off Mace Windu believing he intended to harm Palpatine.

Palpatine then convinces Anakin that the Jedi are incompetent and to join him as a Sith Lord is the only way forward.

On a never seen before planet Obi-Wan locates General Grievous and hunts him down.

There is a spectacular chase in which Grevious speeds off on his speeder whilst Obi-Wan chases him on a giant Lizard like creature. A spectacular battle then erupts.

Obi-Wan has a light-saber duel with Grievous and finally kills him off with a blaster shot.

Meanwhile the clone troopers battle Grevious's battle droid's on this planet.

Palpatine addresses the Senate and tells them that the Jedi are traitors to the Republic. He tells them that the Jedi were conspiring with Count Dooku and are the reason behind many of the Galaxy's problems. Palpatine then tells the senate Anakin saved him from an assassination attempt by a Jedi Knight.

Palpatine orders the Clone Troopers to attack the Jedi. There are scenes of the Clone Troopers fighting the Jedi all over the galaxy, The Jedi are vastly out numbered. Obi-Wan is forced to kill a Clone Trooper he had become friends with during the Clone Wars.

Yoda is attacked on Kashyyyk but with the help of Chewbacca and other wookies he manages to escape.

The Jedi (on various planets) are vastly outnumbered and council members such as Ki-Adi Mundi and Plo koon are defeated along with many other Jedi knights.

Obi-Wan takes temporary refuge on a planet where he is helped by an alien race.

Padme,Bail Organa and Mon Mothma meet to discuss the situation decide and go into hiding to protect themselves.

Anakin travels to the Jedi Temple with a group of clone troopers where they massacre the Jedi that remain there.

Obi-Wan finds Padme where she tells him that she is pregnant. Obi-Wan and Padme travel to Mustafar after she reveals that Anakin is traveling there to destroy the remaining separatists.

Present on Mustafar are Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Poggle the Lesser, Wat Tambor, San Hill, Shu Mai, Po Nudo, Passel Argente and Denaria Kee.

Upon their arrival Obi-Wan and Padme find that Anakin has already killed the separatists.

Anakin confronts them, and angry at Padme for bringing Obi-Wan there with her he uses a force power on her in a moment of uncontrolled rage. Padme is thrown backwards by the force of this.

Obi-Wan and Anakin then have there legendary duel.

The duel is very intense and takes place in several places, the duel culminates next to a volcanic crater. After an long and ferocious duel Obi-Wan cuts of Anakin's leg just below the knee causing him to fall back into the lava, despite Obi-Wan's attempt to rescue him.

Obi-Wan then takes Padme and leaves believing Anakin is dead.

Obi-Wan goes to a ship where Yoda and Bail Organa are waiting. They take Padme to a planet where she gives birth shortly before succumbing to her injuries. Padme dies in a saddened Obi-Wan's arms.

Anakin later regains consciousness after Palpatine rescues him from the lava pit.

Anakin is badly injured and only his new protective suit keeps him alive.

Palpatine then gives Anakin his Sith name Darth Vader.

Anakin is distraught to hear of Padme's death and becomes very angry and bitter.

Bail Organa has R2-D2 and C3-P0's memories erased to protect the location of the twins and their identities.

A funeral is held in Padme's honor. Obi-Wan decides to take baby Luke and seek refuge on Tatooine whilst giving Leia to Bail Organa on Alderaan.

Yoda goes to hide on Dagobah as the Jedi decide to scatter across the galaxy.

The last few scenes show Palpatine,Vader and Tarkin on the bridge of a Star destroyer discussing hunting down the remaining Jedi.

One of the final shots is of Obi-Wan on Tatooine.


Ewan McGregor - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Samuel L Jackson - Mace Windu

Frank Oz - Yoda

Ian McDiarmid - Chancellor Palpatine

Natalie Portman - Padme Amidala

Hayden Christianson - Anakin Skywalker

Anthony Daniels - C3-PO

Kenny Baker - R2-D2

Christopher Lee - Count Dooku

Wayne Pygram - Tarkin

Temeura Morrison - Commander Cody

Jimmy Smidts - Bail Organa

Joel Edgerton - Owen Lars

Peter Mayhew - Chewbacca

Bruce Spence - Alien

James Earl Jones - Voice of Darth Vader

Kristy Wright - Handmaiden

Ahmed Best - Jar Jar Binks

Silas Carson - Ki Adi Mundi

Genevieve O'Reilly - Mon Mothma

Keisha Castle Hughes - Queen of Naboo

Matt Sloan - Plo Koon

Nick Gillard - Drallig Cin

Rohan Nichol -

Bodie Taylor - Young Clone Troopers

Dave Bowers - Mas Amedda

General Greivous - Kyle Rowling

nthfinity 05-26-2004 05:20 PM

i wonder if it will turn out to be this good :)
of course, most internet roumers arent quite accurate, but the pics look great!
thanks a007apl :)

Tomerville 05-26-2004 05:24 PM

OOO nice, I've been wonering when it will come out.

gis 05-26-2004 07:28 PM

that actually sounds a hell of a lot better than i thought,ive always thought that making these 3 movies ruined the original trilogy.i still stand by this,although these 3 movies have been pretty good to watch,i dont think it suites the original trilogy now 6 movies.

SilviaS15Cwest 05-26-2004 09:23 PM

I cant wait. I am definitly going to have to see this in theaters.

antonioledesma 05-27-2004 12:23 AM

hope this movie wont have the tedious and boring love scenes as AOTC. Anakin looks darker than ever. His dark colored clothes have always revealed him as a jedi with a weakness for the dark side (remember luke in chapter 6, he was wearing black clothes, also in the comic dark empire, when he is leaning towards the dark side)

General Grievous looks great and too much for the jedis in the mini series of clone wars (even when they can be obtained in kazaa, If you want the whole series, PM me. I obtained them from a friend's account at the SW website :wink: ) I wonder how the Gen. Grievous will be depicted in the big silver screen (yes, I know he will be 98% CGI)

just waiting for the last movie of the SW series!!

HeilSvenska 05-27-2004 12:42 AM

It'd be sooo funny if it was rated R or NC17 in US to keep nerds out of the theatres...

yg60m 05-27-2004 12:46 AM

Thank you for these informations !!! :D
Even if i prefer the 4, 5, 6 episodes i am interested by this.

ae86_16v 05-27-2004 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by gis
that actually sounds a hell of a lot better than i thought,ive always thought that making these 3 movies ruined the original trilogy.i still stand by this,although these 3 movies have been pretty good to watch,i dont think it suites the original trilogy now 6 movies.

Yeah, at first I didn't even care about it anymore. But now, this looks like it'll actually be a pretty good movie. We'll see though.

Now I got my hopes up ;) .

nthfinity 05-27-2004 03:41 AM


Yeah, at first I didn't even care about it anymore. But now, this looks like it'll actually be a pretty good movie. We'll see though.

Now I got my hopes up
i loved AoTC :)
and, no movie can compare, as of yet, to the empire strikes back.... :-D
TPM was greatly enjoyable during the obi wan and qui gon jin vs. darth maul attack :) and of course, natalie portman is hot :-D !!!!!

Sm@ck 05-27-2004 06:00 AM


i loved AoTC :)
and, no movie can compare, as of yet, to the empire strikes back.... :-D
TPM was greatly enjoyable during the obi wan and qui gon jin vs. darth maul attack :) and of course, natalie portman is hot :-D !!!!!
I agree empire strikes back was the best episode, I hope that the EP-III will be equally dark.
For me the best part about TPM was the POD race. In ATOC, it was Yoda fighting. As for Natalie Portman being hot... Well I would take Leia over Amidala any day, but tastes do differ...

Thanks for the post sounds promising. Cannot believe thy want to pack that all into one movie.

kompak 05-27-2004 08:54 AM

hey a007apl

where did you get the synopsis of the film....???damn...Episode 3 now becoming the boring film......why did you do that??? 0X

a007apl 05-27-2004 09:36 AM

Gallardo_lover 05-27-2004 10:22 AM

Pics look great, story sounds interesting... Now bring on Padme nude scene!! :twisted:

espen 05-27-2004 02:16 PM

Looks like Anakin should have put out his sig before fueling up his TIE fighter :lol:

Hopefully this movie will be better than the last two. I mean, whoever decided to try to make SW funny? The whole idea that makes the first three movies so good is that they are pretty gloomy and hopeless, yet the good natured quarreling between Han, Luke and Leia shows a human side to the whole thing. I cringe when I see that clumsy rasta-froggish-creature, wtf is he doing in SW? :roll:

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