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styla21 12-27-2008 11:17 PM

Body of Lies... Fantastic. 9/10.

RC45 12-28-2008 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by 10000rpmlover (Post 861254)
yes that guy, the movie is brilliant, has some seriously good WTF moments, like when a US senator tells him that there is no IQ test to be in the government

there is an awkward silence.... then a comment that had me spewing water all over the place:crying: I was crying of laughter:laugh:

Except Bill Maher has become a bitter has-been with about as much star attraction as a bag of burning dog-turd. His childish view of the world doesnt help muh either... it is a pity, because there was a time when his commentary carried some intelectual weight, but not these days.

philip 12-28-2008 11:54 PM

Saw Spirit. Not as good as Sin City. I was actually sort of bored. Good visuals. Missed the R rating, as now it is PG13 "a family movie". Maybe a C, but remember I like movies. Kinda of sorry I didnt break my personal boycott and go see Tom.

10000rpmlover 12-29-2008 04:56 PM


Only because the wife wanted us to, do not waste your time, this was the worst piece of crap film I have seen since I was dragged to see masters of the universe with dolph lundgren... everything failed in this thing, the dialogue is forced and extremely "americanized" doubtful that the nazis talked like this at all, it is pure BS, Tom Cruise is as believable as a German officer as the spice girls are to a music scale, who the hell wrote the screenplay? Richard Hammond? oh wait then it would actualy be watchable, the only saving moments are when Tommy boy gets hurt

I give this piece of dog poo a solid -5 out of 10 (yes it says MINUS FIVE)

PS: after seeing Tom Cruise in that tight Nazi outfit, my wife made the comment that he must be endowed like a 2yr old or he is not a he but a she...

I had to go clean up a mess of hawaiian punch I did after that

RC45 12-29-2008 05:55 PM

^^^ Yeah seemed odd that Cruise didt play Hitler himslef.. I woudl have thought that would be a natural role for him ;)

Watched Death Race.. NetFlix finally shipped it.

100% for all the stunts that were real with no CG cars at all. So 10/10 for visuals, 5/10 for "boys night out" storyline, it was a little blah.

It seemed the ending was sort of forced, a let down.

Worth a watch if you just want to see a violent car flick though. ;)

silentm 12-30-2008 08:43 AM

Transporter 3

what a joke :D the dialogue is rubbish and i just can't take the chick seriously this time... she's hot no doubt. The action is great again of course, Statham shows some nice martials arts, even though all the moves are sped up to seem artificially faster and more action packed. the car chases are cool to watch but of course you are watching the transporter so expect more entertainment than realism.

oh yeah and he has an encounter with a german friend, who is probably the pinnacle of all clichés german :D i was feeling embarrassed for the film, not us germans.

i give it a 6.8/10 (no not a 7, that would be too much ;) )

oh yeah and when did Frank turn out to be a pedophile?:ohmy:

RC45 01-02-2009 02:09 PM

Eagle Eye 8/10

Pretty good, if a little far fetched story... pretty plausible, but the scene with the "intelligent" high voltage powerlines was the only part that spoiled the movie... from that scene on I was waitig for the next "unbelievable" scene.

Other than that, an ok aciton flik.

T-Bird 01-02-2009 11:17 PM

Eagle Eye and Wanted I give extra points for location being both based out of Chicago.

Mattk 01-06-2009 12:41 AM

I saw Eagle Eye recently and thought it was solid. The story was a bit far-fetched in its genesis, but it worked really well. Could do with a bit more character development but its fast pace rendered that impossible. A good, compelling viewing.

ae86_16v 01-06-2009 03:47 PM

Roshomon - 9/10

A film from the 1950s from the acclaimed director Akira Kurosawa. Basically it is a murder/homicide thriller. But it is innovative for it's story telling, camera, and lighting. Kind of hard to explain but it is definitely worth checking out.

A times it is a bit out of place with the popcorn flicks of today but if you like movies and cinema it is definitely a must see.

r2r 01-19-2009 01:39 AM

In Bruges

good dark comedy film.

philip 02-07-2009 01:48 AM

Ok three movies one post. Over the last two weeks I saw:

Defiance with Daniel Craig. I liked it probably will buy the Blueray. I'll give it a B. I like
Daniel Craig. A little preachy, Moses metaphore a little much, but still a solid movie. A friend hated it, thought it had all been done before. First person Stuka dive bomber a first in a movie for me.

Taken with Liam Neeson. Think Die Hard and Ronin combined sort of, but not quite as good as either one. I'll buy the Blueray. I'll give it a B+. Not very believeable, but it was fun. If we were this good 911 wouldnt have happened. Liam has his revenge on the dark side.

Push with Chris Evans and Dakota Fanning. Big chunks of Firestarter, X Men, Heros, all whipped into a new movie. Filmed in Hong Kong. I really liked it. A little long but I will definately buy the Blueray. I'll give it a B+A-. Very unusual plot, but with the familar characters from the other movies. Chris's best role yet, and Dakota shows she hasnt lost a step in her absence after her porno fiasco. She still acts like an adult in a kids body. You have no idea where the plot is going, complicated, with lots of action and confusion. Rotten Tomatoes only gave it a 27% Got to see the full preview for Watchmen.

Remember I like movies.

10000rpmlover 02-07-2009 04:20 AM

just watched
18 yr old virgin, very stupid american pie style flick, with lots of nudity, quirky situations and full frontal which prompted me to obtain the second movie I am watching this weekend

asian street hookers 18. self explanatory

(I also bought a box of kleenex and astroglide, the wife is visiting her mother for the weekend)

pitfield 02-07-2009 09:28 AM


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