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Pokiou 04-18-2007 06:44 PM

WOW... im taken by this game... I love it. I have never played a game that makes me not put my game pad down. I installed the game thinking yea its gonna be a OK game.. but totally under estimated it.

Ok the game is just a port from the console version (i think) and is best played with a game controller as it makes the game so much easier.

im about 15 hours into the game or something along the lines like that and i cant believe how much im in love with it.

Game Type:
Hack and slash. About time a good one came across to the PC. You start off on a flying battle station that is known as the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier when its attached by the bad guys. Nick Fury your commander orders you to fight your way around the ship to help get rid of these menacing enemies which is led by the evil Doctor Doom.

Now this is a 3rd person view and you have a team of 4-5 characters that you control, but truly ever control only one at a time. At the start of the game you have a set team which cant be altered to later on in the game.

Anyways...... The graphics are just visually stunning and the texture and color depth is amazing. The scenes vary from Underground and Circus battles to the city of Atlantis and Hell. As you progress in the game you unlock more Marvel Hero's and along the way you accumulate points that you spend on your character to make him stronger and to get special attacks. Just simply basic and awesome battle system.. true to the nature of the game, hack and slash @ its best.

To control the characters i choose my XBOX controller converted to the PC and it made life so much easier. As i battled through the sections of the game im greeted with wonderfully created cut scenes. Just for that fact alone its worth playing the game, oh and of course to see some of the super villain chicks in tight cloths :D

The sounds in the game are fantastic especially when you get to the Circus stage, as you really feel your there with the music and color scheme all tieing in perfectly. There is a downside to the sounds also and thats the fact that they get to repetitive but thats fine as your hack your way through enemy soldiers so you really don't notice it to much.

Character choice is stunning. Heaps of goodies to chose from. Its like a kid in a candy store. Spidy, Wolverine, Thing, Iron man, Storm, Capitan America. With a massive line up like that ... its like a Hollywood A list. At the end of each section there is a boss you fight. Now i played the game on easy and i had a blast it was a good challenge for me .. i could of gone with hard or medium but i just wasn't going to stress over getting past villains, so i took it easy.

Multiplayer... I played with a mate that brought his controller over. Same screen. We got in each others way but not in the sense of annoying but in the sense of 90% of the battles are close combat so your always there. Fun in multiplayer is an understatement. Its simply PURE FURY FUN whacking away at the game pad like a drummer on speed. Yelling at the screen and our legs moving in sync with our heart beats as it went up. I crap you all not... when me and him where done, we where covered in sweat and had a massive smile on our faces as our fingers and thumbs ached in pain.

Game load times are fast nothing like a good game that loads fast. You don't need a high end machine. I turned all the features up and played @ the highest resolution my monitor could support and it was ... unplayable! But im sure most of you have high end machines so it should be no problem @ all. I got a onboard HD digital surround sound card and with surround sound speakers so you feel every punch and every explosion in your chest when it goes off. But im sure you could get away with a simple sound card.

A successful port of a arcade hack and slash game from the console. I loved it and so did my mate and a few other people that played it @ my house. I would recommend buying this game if you just simply love X-Men or miss playing those old classic hack and slash games. But i wouldn't recommend playing it with a keyboard and mouse as it would make it feel truely unnatural. Gamepad all the way and these days you can pick up the xbox360 controller for the PC for a cheap $50aus.


Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 8/10
Game Play: 8/10
Last: 8/10
Multiplayer: 9/10

Overall a excellent game you can play with out getting to crazily bored. I would recommend having mate over when playing it as you can go nuts together.

Have Fun.!

Sir_GT 06-01-2007 06:14 PM

Played it on the PC, uninstalled it after the first go.

I've got a 2gb, P4, Nvidia 6600... not a slouch for heavy graphic work, but it definitely turned out sloppy when I played UA.

That game's for a real high-end PC. Unless you've got one... it's kind of hard to appreciate when you're waiting for everything to load.

acmarttin 06-01-2007 07:13 PM

I played it on XBOX 360. I enjoyed it pretty well. Not well enough to finish it. I sent it back to gamefly so I could get NBA 2k7 - because I've got Playoffs fever.

I'm kind of turned off by games like M:UA - I call them "button mashers" at least that seems to be my local slang.

My normal team was - Deadpool, Iron Man, Wolverine, and Colossus.

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