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nthfinity 01-12-2010 05:11 AM

Mark McGwire is an idiot
Damn it, I love baseball. The best game and field that one can love like few other things. Why on earth did he admit to using the Roids? The era of the mid 90's through the mid 2000+ is what it is. Who cares? Baseball fan's don't. We love the game. Only journalists care. Without the roids and the competition, the game would have died and the fans would have gone elsewhere.

I'm tired of people going on years later to admit to something... just go gain another 15m. of fame? WTF. GAh. I will tell my grandchildren of the amazing HR competition between Sosa and McGuier and they will understand the amazing feat that it really was. Roids or not.

Could Schwarzenegger hit a 100 mph fastball?

Ok... so get that my opinion is that "I don't care, except that he had to go and admit it."

SHIZL 01-12-2010 08:42 AM

i love bb also got some of his rookie cards. there has always been a edge and players have always done them were they might not been as powerful as the roids but something will take there place and players will do them also. the one thing i always say is the pitchers would have more to gain than the hitters would from the steroids.

nthfinity 01-12-2010 05:23 PM

It's pretty crazy, as players have always taken an edge in whatever way they can... from pine tar on the pitchers mound, to batting champions corking their bats.

The 90's needed excitement in the game. We got it. Now we are reaping the political side effects of that great era. Make no mistake, it was great.

Minacious 01-12-2010 08:23 PM

Nth, I agree with everything you said, except for the whole liking baseball thing. :-D

szumszer 01-13-2010 08:11 PM

bunch of cheaters ... hope everyone who loves baseball so much doesn't mind paying high prices for overpayed cheaters who have tarnished an otherwise great game

nthfinity 01-13-2010 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by szumszer (Post 873013)
bunch of cheaters ... hope everyone who loves baseball so much doesn't mind paying high prices for overpayed cheaters who have tarnished an otherwise great game

I don't mind one bit. Neither do the other fans of Baseball as attendance has been very high lately :)

Minacious 01-13-2010 11:57 PM

As far as I am concerned, sports would be far more entertaining to watch if the athletes were all physically enhanced. Like it or not, you can't deny it.

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