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666fast 07-10-2003 01:48 AM

Pikes Peak videos
Just came across this one at another forum I visit. Pretty cool video, not long enough though!
For those that don't know, Pikes Peak is a mountain in Colorado. 157 turns up the steep ass hill. On some corners, the cliff is 1000 feet down.
Crazy awesome stuff!
The 350Z's at the beginning have Skyline GTR motors in them!

Anyone know of any other videos of Pikes Peak?

novass 07-10-2003 02:44 AM

thanks for the link! i love watchin this kind of stuff, wrc, hill climbs, etc. i havent really been able to find too much of pikes peak. there is the one movie called hill dance or something like that with Ari Vatenen (not sure about his name, i lost the file) driving a audi quattro. thats a cool video. the only other thing i found was an inside shot of the Escudo, only 18 secs long tho

666fast 07-10-2003 03:18 AM

I've got the Climb Dance video. (It's a Pugoet 416 or something, not a Audi)
Pikes Peak videos are hard to find. Which sucks.
Hit me up on AIM if you want that video nova.

TT 07-10-2003 04:46 AM

It's a Peugeot 405 T16 with Ari Vatanen behind the wheel :) and it's one of the best vid EVER :)

Thanks for the link BTW :)

novass 07-10-2003 06:17 PM

LMAO...i havent watched that video for a while i thought it was a quattro cause this has been my background for quite a while. im a retard

thanks for the offer on the video....i think i have it somewhere, ill look

SFDMALEX 07-10-2003 10:10 PM

I saw this video long long time ago. Great vid. That guy got to have GRANDE COJONES. Not that I cant do that........

possessed_beaver 07-10-2003 10:38 PM

very impressive video, is pikes peak in america?
aparantley the higher they go the thinner the air, and that causes trouble with the turbo's

666fast 07-10-2003 11:11 PM

Beav, it's in Colorado, so yea, it's in the US.
You can find out more about it here:

Anonymous 07-10-2003 11:38 PM

LMAO........ sorry Im rofl.........

Pikes Peak is a awesume road..... been up it several times and watched a race once even drove the course but because I had no intention of becoming the Flyin Hawaiian I didnt even make Q time LOL (also had no desire to wreck a nice Z-28 still was a thrilling experience that had me shaking for a long while after.....

Hi altitude richens the mixture out making any car run like shit unless it has a computer managed system like most new cars have. It has no bearing on weather a car is turbo or not just a matter of air density and fuel mixing, less air same fuel mix eaqual rich mixture.

SFDMALEX 07-11-2003 11:48 AM

Yeah, Id love to see a carburated car race there, that would be fun.

troskap 07-15-2003 01:02 AM

They show the Pike's Peaks runs on ESPN2, occasionally. What impresses me most isn't just the run itself, but the variety of competitors that do the run. I remember seeing awhile back a Pike's Peak race featuring big rig semis! Considering how precarious some of the turns are on that course (one bad pitch, and you're headed down a 1,000 feet slope), that was quite a moment to behold. Though you have to give a little acknowledgement to the cojones of the fans that stand along the edges of the cliffs as the drivers are racing by too....

666fast 07-15-2003 01:13 AM

Anything and everything gets raced up that hill. Quads, motorcycles, car, trucks, semi's, dune buggy things. It's quite cool.

geekdiggy 07-15-2003 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by TT
and it's one of the best vid EVER :)

it'd be difficult to disagree with you there. btw dope sig pic

TT 07-22-2003 04:36 AM

Sorry if I "up" this old topic, but it's just to show there is a new section at JW, to discuss about motorsports or to post videos about them :)

troskap 07-23-2003 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by TT
Sorry if I "up" this old topic, but it's just to show there is a new section at JW, to discuss about motorsports or to post videos about them :)

And a well appreciated new topic, too, TT :)

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