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Stoopie 01-15-2007 11:33 AM

I miss Need for Speed 4: High Stakes
I miss Need for Speed 4: High Stakes :(

I really do!

I want to ride with El Nino again, and be the cop for a change and chase my brother on the network, and all in stunningly ugly graphics :( Oh how I miss the old days..

Ghostbat 01-15-2007 11:37 AM

Why don't you just install it :wink:

Stoopie 01-15-2007 11:39 AM

Oh right :D

McLaren4eVa 01-15-2007 11:44 AM

LOL. I agree those were the good old days but my favourite Hot Pursuit 1 & 2. Cream everyone in my Macca

Stoopie 01-15-2007 11:45 AM

^ Yeah well HP 1 was good, didn't like 2 so much.. Too graphic-ish :P Even on my Xbox! Even though, good game to play, especially the woods levels :)

ARMAN 01-15-2007 11:58 AM

and Dl my cars to play in it :) hehe

TopGearNL 01-15-2007 12:01 PM

Ive got every NFS, you bastard im installing them again because of you! :mrgreen:

Stoopie 01-15-2007 12:30 PM

^ LOL, well I don't blame you! The game is just great :D Is there a new version coming any time soon? Hope it'll be HP3, I like being chased by the cops. Or perhaps HS2? Did I already say how much I love HS? :P

TNT 01-15-2007 12:46 PM

has anyone play the Testdrive unlimited? i know its a different game but its close and this threst got me thinking of racing games.

Stoopie 01-15-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by TNT
has anyone play the Testdrive unlimited? i know its a different game but its close and this threst got me thinking of racing games.

Don't have a 360 :( But I do love Need for Speed II as well.. I remember waiting for it to come out for weeks :D Oh sorry I just love NFS.

TNT 01-15-2007 12:57 PM

lol ya NFS i hot but i lost some respect when underground and dub and all that other shit came out. :|

Stoopie 01-15-2007 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by TNT
lol ya NFS i hot but i lost some respect when underground and dub and all that other shit came out. :|

True.. Even though the first underground was brilliant! It was the first of its kind :D And I kinda like tuning cars etc. But yeah you're right, the other NFS are better :)

ViperASR 01-15-2007 01:00 PM

The old need for speeds ruled, but Porsche Unleashed was the greatest by far IMO

Stoopie 01-15-2007 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by ViperASR
The old need for speeds ruled, but Porsche Unleashed was the greatest by far IMO

Well I have to say that I loved the fact that you could FINALLY use the indicators on the cars :D And those factory test drives were cool as well :D

HeilSvenska 01-15-2007 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Stoopie

Originally Posted by ViperASR
The old need for speeds ruled, but Porsche Unleashed was the greatest by far IMO

Well I have to say that I loved the fact that you could FINALLY use the indicators on the cars :D And those factory test drives were cool as well :D

And the physics wasn't bad either. It is the best NFS game. I have everything from 3 to Underground 2 (yes, I do have one) but haven't touched them due to the crappy performance of my compy. And XP doesn't like Porsche all. The Carbon looked promising, (only because it had the Koenigsegg CCX), but they limited the CCX's top speed to like 200 so, no deal. :roll:

I miss those games, although I don't miss horrible driving physics in earlier ones. Can't wait to get a new compy and Test Drive Unlimited in Feb. though.

ViperASR 01-15-2007 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Stoopie

Originally Posted by ViperASR
The old need for speeds ruled, but Porsche Unleashed was the greatest by far IMO

Well I have to say that I loved the fact that you could FINALLY use the indicators on the cars :D And those factory test drives were cool as well :D

I LOVED the Auto-x thing and the spinning 180s and 360s and such, that was the best part of the game. NFS needs to revert back to basics like that

McLaren4eVa 01-15-2007 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska

Originally Posted by Stoopie

Originally Posted by ViperASR
The old need for speeds ruled, but Porsche Unleashed was the greatest by far IMO

Well I have to say that I loved the fact that you could FINALLY use the indicators on the cars :D And those factory test drives were cool as well :D

And the physics wasn't bad either. It is the best NFS game. I have everything from 3 to Underground 2 (yes, I do have one) but haven't touched them due to the crappy performance of my compy. And XP doesn't like Porsche all. The Carbon looked promising, (only because it had the Koenigsegg CCX), but they limited the CCX's top speed to like 200 so, no deal. :roll:

I miss those games, although I don't miss horrible driving physics in earlier ones. Can't wait to get a new compy and Test Drive Unlimited in Feb. though.

Yeh i'm waiting for TDU on the PS2. Need for speed realy need to get over this tuning scene i say bring out HP3.
I just remembered when i watched the making of HP2, the producer sed the idea for HP2 came from the fans so maybe we should do a huge petition and try getting their attention.

HeilSvenska 01-15-2007 02:34 PM

It looks like it's gradually getting over this tuning thing seeing how Carbon has a stonking array of supercars.

ViperASR 01-15-2007 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
It looks like it's gradually getting over this tuning thing seeing how Carbon has a stonking array of supercars.

yea, but the physics are still crap

Stoopie 01-15-2007 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by ViperASR

Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
It looks like it's gradually getting over this tuning thing seeing how Carbon has a stonking array of supercars.

yea, but the physics are still crap

You can say that again, I can't remember the last time an SLR smashed into a wall and wasn't even scratched.

And now back on topic: no porsche unleashed, high stakes! I miss the classic NFS levels which in some mysterious way seem to go round and round all the time :lol: Especially the one in HS where you go from the countryside, through the forest (with that bridgehouse :D), to a village with those red/white/blue banners and back to the countryside again :D The best graphic of that level was that a little aeroplane flied over the countryside every now and then :D And leaves would lift when you flew by! *sigh* the nostalgy..

*edit: I remember parking my E39 M5 on the parking lot of some little housey in the forest :')

TopGearNL 01-15-2007 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by TNT
lol ya NFS i hot but i lost some respect when underground and dub and all that other shit came out. :|

Me too bigtime!

Last real NFS for me was Hot Pursuit 2

Stoopie 01-15-2007 03:25 PM

^ True, that had some good levels too :)

bmagni 01-15-2007 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by TopGearNL

Originally Posted by TNT
lol ya NFS i hot but i lost some respect when underground and dub and all that other shit came out. :|

Me too bigtime!

Last real NFS for me was Hot Pursuit 2

yeah, that was the greatest of them all IMO, lots of fun factor.... but oh well

TopGearNL 01-15-2007 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by TopGearNL

Originally Posted by TNT
lol ya NFS i hot but i lost some respect when underground and dub and all that other shit came out. :|

Me too bigtime!

Last real NFS for me was Hot Pursuit 2

yeah, that was the greatest of them all IMO, lots of fun factor.... but oh well

I think Porsche Unleashed was the best :D

bmagni 01-15-2007 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by TopGearNL

Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by TopGearNL

Originally Posted by TNT
lol ya NFS i hot but i lost some respect when underground and dub and all that other shit came out. :|

Me too bigtime!

Last real NFS for me was Hot Pursuit 2

yeah, that was the greatest of them all IMO, lots of fun factor.... but oh well

I think Porsche Unleashed was the best :D

nah, it was great but just Porshces wasn't enough

ViperASR 01-15-2007 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by TopGearNL

Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by TopGearNL

Originally Posted by TNT
lol ya NFS i hot but i lost some respect when underground and dub and all that other shit came out. :|

Me too bigtime!

Last real NFS for me was Hot Pursuit 2

yeah, that was the greatest of them all IMO, lots of fun factor.... but oh well

I think Porsche Unleashed was the best :D

nah, it was great but just Porshces wasn't enough

It was the best conseptually and driving dynamics. I liked the auto-x and such mode, and the driving dynamics were really cool. I just wish there were some real tracks to race the cars on.

Stoopie 01-15-2007 04:06 PM

I like HS better. 0X

r2r 01-15-2007 04:36 PM

Need for speed series used to be a game that I bought the systems for just to play them.

but now with the underground and carbon series, I could care less about the future of NFS.

ViperASR 01-15-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by r2r
Need for speed series used to be a game that I bought the systems for just to play them.

but now with the underground and carbon series, I could care less about the future of NFS.


TopGearNL 01-15-2007 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by ViperASR

Originally Posted by r2r
Need for speed series used to be a game that I bought the systems for just to play them.

but now with the underground and carbon series, I could care less about the future of NFS.



Im afraid NFS will never be what it was thanks to the ricers :x

Stoopie 01-15-2007 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by ViperASR

Originally Posted by r2r
Need for speed series used to be a game that I bought the systems for just to play them.

but now with the underground and carbon series, I could care less about the future of NFS.


Barbarians! I still hope that NFS will say goodbye to the tuning scene after 3 tuning games, and that they will get back to their roots: get some exotics in a surreal surrounding and race them again :D I hope they can contract the Koenigsegg CCX, I would LOVE to race that car in a game (decently, that is).

ARMAN 01-15-2007 04:50 PM

NFS4 was one of the best mostly because there was TONNS and TONNS of addon cars, tracks, settings etc. I remember when first conversion of the NFS1 track was released for NFSHS :twisted: it was a dream come true :P

I could spend DAYS tweaking my cars in the game and then making my own NFS page with cars to download (>37000 visitors is not bad for a tiny site ;)) after 3rd time they deleted my whole database of cars(+-200mb) on i was gathering for months that idea left me, last site was a little page with the best cars for NFS at that time :)

Stoopie 01-15-2007 04:55 PM

^ Finally someone who agrees with me :D HS is just the best version, best levels, best cars, and really the best gameplay! :) ARMAN I can't believe you actually designed cars for HS :D Why aren't they online anymore? :shock: I've got that game at home somewhere, I want your cars :D:D

ARMAN 01-15-2007 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Stoopie
^ Finally someone who agrees with me :D HS is just the best version, best levels, best cars, and really the best gameplay! :) ARMAN I can't believe you actually designed cars for HS :D Why aren't they online anymore? :shock: I've got that game at home somewhere, I want your cars :D:D

link to is in this topic + in my profile is my last homepage with some of the cars 8)


Originally Posted by ARMAN

gucom 01-15-2007 05:25 PM

I likes NFS Porsche Unleashed best for its more realistic gameplay, although HP and HS were pretty awesome too :D

stoopie: the countryside/forest track was awesome, superfast :D and that 90 degree corner in the village, and the jump after the bridge :D man you're really bringing back memories now, it's been 5 years since i played that game... I also loved the redrock ridge track in the desert, and the snowy tracks, basically all of them :P

And arman: yeah the downloads were awesome, i had soooo many cars, too bad i could never do that with NFS Porsche... there were some reaaally nice modified tracks also, whole city tracks :shock:

NFS 2 was cool too, especially the mystic peaks track where you could fall off the mountain :wink: and the hollywood studios, and the proving ground... maaaaan i need to install them again :P

aight gonna do homework now, nostalgia's bad for my grades :oops:

Mers 01-15-2007 06:04 PM

I loved the PC Porsche one...not so much the PS1 one...

But yeah, High Stakes was really cool. It had it all, the best cars, good cops, really cool stages. Too bad they went "tuning crazy"

Stoopie 01-15-2007 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by gucom
stoopie: the countryside/forest track was awesome, superfast :D and that 90 degree corner in the village, and the jump after the bridge :D man you're really bringing back memories now, it's been 5 years since i played that game... I also loved the redrock ridge track in the desert, and the snowy tracks, basically all of them :P

Damn that redrock is cool as well :D Yeah we're exactly on the same line here, I'm gonna install it ASAP :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by gucom
NFS 2 was cool too, especially the mystic peaks track where you could fall off the mountain :wink: and the hollywood studios, and the proving ground... maaaaan i need to install them again :P

AWESOME! That Hollywood track was G-R-E-A-T! The variety in landscapes is just weird, but hey it's Hollywood ;) I miss that T-Rex from that level too :( And the Outback level, that was great as well, real fast!

ARMAN 01-15-2007 08:39 PM

All NFS's up to NFS6 are cracked so there are cars available to download including NFS Porsche :twisted: Driving Camaro or Stradale in the streets of Porsche Unleashed :P here is the list of cars :) its not alot there is much more cars for NFS 6(HP2) 8)

HeilSvenska 01-15-2007 09:50 PM

Red Rock... That's where I maxed out cars. Haha. I remember the F2002, Bugatti EB110, and the Koenigsegg CC all going like 230+. Fun game.

Stoopie 01-16-2007 04:05 AM

I really gotta install HS again, can't wait to go home :)

dons5 01-16-2007 06:13 AM

Need for speed 2 SE was the best by far all and only supercars so cool, and something about the way the cars drove i dunno how to explain it but it was the funnest of the need for speed series. And for purely cop chases need for speed 3 hot pursuit was the best, none of the need for speeds gave me such an intense rush when getting chased by cops i dunno what it was about it

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