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Sachmo12345 03-12-2004 07:38 PM

What do you think of it?

SFDMALEX 03-12-2004 07:41 PM

Fuck it, dont like. Dont ask why. I just get a bad trip all the time. And for the record the only drugs I do is getting piss drunk every once in a while.

coombsie66 03-12-2004 07:56 PM

Ive dabbled slightly, my mates got into it heavily for a spell, it effected them very badly, they couldnt see it but i could. I always felt like it slowed my brain down and hangovers lasted for days, so i stopped doin it. I might have a toke if ones bein passed round at a party, but i had so many different experiences from the few times i did it that i didnt like the 'randomness' of what you felt like when u were stoned. Had a few laughs tho.
Its the same wiv alcohol i think, in moderation its ok, but when u let it take over your life ur in deep shit.
I do not condone ANY drugs that are harder than weed tho, ive seen it change people, and its not nice.

Sachmo12345 03-12-2004 08:06 PM

i never have had hangovers

TT 03-12-2004 08:10 PM

Completely against it.. as to any other drug...

callen 03-12-2004 08:20 PM

im a moderate-heavy smoker... (once a day or slightly less) it helps to pass tose long cold the summer my smoking dwindles to less than three times a week. but i suppose that this is more than the folks who have posted as of yet.. motivation is chopped at with a chainsaw so u have to be strong to smoke regularily and still accomplish mondane tasks like cooking and cleanin and seems my stoned self likes vid games and i like to smoke! :D

gis 03-12-2004 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by TT
Completely against it.. as to any other drug...

i agree

666fast 03-12-2004 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by gis

Originally Posted by TT
Completely against it.. as to any other drug...

i agree

Same here.

RC45 03-12-2004 09:25 PM

I love it that so many people go through life stoned - means the rest of us that are sober get to actually make a success of our lives and profit and prosper.

Just don't let your stoned fucking self cross my path...

p.s. Why does it not surprise me that the "peaceniks and terrorist lovers" are also users....

SFDMALEX 03-12-2004 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by coombsie66
Ive dabbled slightly, my mates got into it heavily for a spell, it effected them very badly, they couldnt see it but i could. I always felt like it slowed my brain down and hangovers lasted for days, so i stopped doin it. I might have a toke if ones bein passed round at a party, but i had so many different experiences from the few times i did it that i didnt like the 'randomness' of what you felt like when u were stoned. Had a few laughs tho.
Its the same wiv alcohol i think, in moderation its ok, but when u let it take over your life ur in deep shit.
I do not condone ANY drugs that are harder than weed tho, ive seen it change people, and its not nice.

You kind of summarize all my thoughts.

I've know people that got heavily into it, and they are really fucked up now.

I also get random trips, and most of them are bad. Once we bought a dime of some rockers and that shit was laced with coke or something, and I was tottaly fucked. I mean I was tripping for two days straight, thought Im gonna die........

Now I dont even touch weed. Some of my friends do it all the time, but I only stick to alcohol.

And I also never did anything besides weed. I do my reaserch all the time before I experiment with anything, and weed was and is the only thing I tried.

In conclusion those younger ones out there, weed or any drugs is shit! There is no better feeling then having a good sleep, eating a good meal, and fucking a chick. Drugs are not good, they are only for losers that are so bored of their life that they want something new. Right away shrooms/ magic mashrooms come to mind. Drugs may be a good short term solution for some, but in the long run, your fucked. 1st you dont get the high that you got the first few months of usage 2nd you just become dependent on the drug, and you cant live without it.

And for those curios ones. Probably every second Canadian smokes up every once in a while. In Toronto, weed is all over the place!!!

davmac 03-12-2004 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
In Toronto, weed is all over the place!!!

even more so in vancouver. never smoked it though

SFDMALEX 03-12-2004 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by davmac

Originally Posted by SFDMALEX
In Toronto, weed is all over the place!!!

even more so in vancouver. never smoked it though

Yeah I herd it's pretty bad in Vancover also. I guess its in all of Canadas major cities.

blah 03-12-2004 10:32 PM

I think the Government should sell it, we could balance the budget so quickly.

DR.GONZO 03-12-2004 10:39 PM

smoked herb for 6yrs but stopped for about a year and a half and don't plan on smoking again, but I Drink! There is nothing wrong with herb in my opinion, but that's me!

pudpuddy69 03-12-2004 11:13 PM

don't smoke çause its something to do. Don't smoke thru boredom. It's also pretty hard to get off even though it's supposed to be non-addictive.

Whats that crap about terrorist lovers and peaceniks anyway. Its like saying all Yanks are ignorant! :D

RC45 03-12-2004 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by pudpuddy69
don't smoke çause its something to do. Don't smoke thru boredom. It's also pretty hard to get off even though it's supposed to be non-addictive.

Whats that crap about terrorist lovers and peaceniks anyway. Its like saying all Yanks are ignorant! :D

Your point?

asthenia 03-13-2004 01:43 AM

It may not be physically addictive, like cocaine/heroin/alcohol/etc., but it is psychologically addictive. It's pleasure on demand. In a bad mood? Smoke up. Hard day at work? Smoke up. Got in a fight with your girlfriend about how you're stoned all the time? Have a bowl, it'll make you feel better. It's still a narcotic, and it can still fuck up your life.

Some people can handle it, use it 'responsibly' every now and again at a party or whatever. Some people can't handle it, smoke up all the time, get obsessed with it, never shut up about it, replace their friends with a bunch of other stoners, let their lives fall apart...

I guess it's a lot like booze that way. :(

BADMIHAI 03-13-2004 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by 666fast

Originally Posted by gis

Originally Posted by TT
Completely against it.. as to any other drug...

i agree

Same here.

And the same here. I've never tried it, and I'm never going to.

DR.GONZO 03-13-2004 02:48 AM

marijuana is not a drug, (i used to suck dick for coke) Bob saget!

ak1na 03-13-2004 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by TT
Completely against it.. as to any other drug...

Yeah me too. Lots of kids my age drink/smoke/and what not and I can't stand that. It's disgusting. :roll:

Fleischmann 03-13-2004 03:40 AM

Wanna ruin your life?? - start taking drugs.

Is Coffeine concidered as a drug?? Coz I drink a lot of Coke :)

DR.GONZO 03-13-2004 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by Fleischmann
Wanna ruin your life?? - start taking drugs.

Is Coffeine concidered as a drug?? Coz I drink a lot of Coke :)

you are addicted to coke! JUst my point many things can be addictive does not matter if legal or not, well all illegal is bad (except weed ) in my opinion, as for coffee I can't drink it I drink orange juice to get me up, v C
But that might be bad for you too. Herb is O.K, Drug's do ruin people lives though but Strictly weed no problem, but DOPE FUCK THAT no good maybbe shit you have experimented with in the past mostly high school, if you go further than beer and weed, it goe's down the drain!!!!!!!!!! Unless your and abusive weed addict(never heard of that) but beer(many cases) depends on the person.

RC45 03-13-2004 05:17 AM

Let's see the fully functional contributing member of society you will make as a potted up dope head...

Illegal or not - potheads are fucking useless brainfucks that are not very reliable employees ... and being high half the time is sure not going to let you be your own master and run a successful business.

So - as I say - stay high - just stay the fuck out of my way while you are...

Evo 03-13-2004 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by BADMIHAI

Originally Posted by 666fast

Originally Posted by gis

Originally Posted by TT
Completely against it.. as to any other drug...

i agree

Same here.

And the same here. I've never tried it, and I'm never going to.

I'm with them... Never did. Never will

possessed_beaver 03-13-2004 05:28 AM

personaly i have never tired it, despite my very heavy party lifestyle.

if i was to be doing drugs, i would probley do something like speed or something (not heroin) i would pefer to be wide awake, and active, then to be tiard hungry and have a dry mouth.

and the only reason why pot/canabas is illigial, is because using the hemp plant, they can make incredibley strong fibres, and it would put the steal industrys out of buisness.

DR.GONZO 03-13-2004 06:05 AM

trust me possesed YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO SPEED!!!!!!!!!!!!! as for rc 45 you are true about what you said To certain people!!! It varies, (really) but beaver you are INSANE or RETARTED for saying that, you would rather do SPEED you do not know how many people /family I know that lives are ruined!!!!!!!!! No Joke

It's really sad! :( :( :(

Not to diss what you said nothing personall about insane or retarted But I have seen and been through some shit and I hate that shit, fucked up their lives as well as any other nasty drug, many members of family have fucked up their lives from speed and pcp, some recovered and are normal, but a couple hear things are twacked out of their mind say things they think happened but never did, say so and so told me this and I went to go find them , Pretty much looney, really sad I tell you from experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as FOR WEED shit everybody I know smokes it execpt for 3 people, Hell I used to smoke it for years but not anymore, They are still the same, But I always talk shit with them cause I'm not high just to mess with them but they are still cool, .

possessed_beaver 03-13-2004 06:17 AM

there is a differnace between the rare recreational use, than been a "speed addict" im sure.

for the record im in no hurry to try it, but the thought will always be at the back of my mind.
i do know people with serious speed problems, and i rely feel sorry for them.

i know alot of people that do weed, and it seems to serve it's name well as a "gateway drug" thoes people are now using harder drugs..

gucom 03-13-2004 06:33 AM

never used any drugs(unless u count alcohol as drugs), never even smoked a cigarette. a good friend of mine got addicted, thats enough of a warning for me

SPEEDKILLAR 03-13-2004 07:52 AM

Never done it, never will, I don't even drink alcohol or smoke ciggaretes, I mean I don't need to use anything to have a good time. But I know a person who uses weed and he went paranoia, he told me he saw weird looking insect crawling on his skin... :?
Bassicaly any kind of addiction is bad, the only thing I am addicted to is coffee, cars and girls. And that's not bad, I think :wink:

LotusGT1 03-13-2004 08:30 AM

Good discussion about it on another forum I regularly visit.

LOL...not everybody using weed end up like a fucked up pothead. That statement screams narrowmindedness...

SPEEDKILLAR 03-13-2004 08:48 AM


LOL...not everybody using weed end up like a fucked up pothead. That statement screams narrowmindedness...
Yes it does, agree with you on that

BADMIHAI 03-13-2004 09:34 AM


Never done it, never will, I don't even drink alcohol or smoke ciggaretes, I mean I don't need to use anything to have a good time. But I know a person who uses weed and he went paranoia, he told me he saw weird looking insect crawling on his skin...
Bassicaly any kind of addiction is bad


Yes it does, agree with you on that

"I'm making a U-turn. Get the fuck out of my way!" *screeching tires :mrgreen:

SPEEDKILLAR 03-13-2004 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by BADMIHAI

Never done it, never will, I don't even drink alcohol or smoke ciggaretes, I mean I don't need to use anything to have a good time. But I know a person who uses weed and he went paranoia, he told me he saw weird looking insect crawling on his skin...
Bassicaly any kind of addiction is bad


Yes it does, agree with you on that

"I'm making a U-turn. Get the fuck out of my way!" *screeching tires :mrgreen:

Hahahahahah, you're so funny, hahahahahaha, very original :roll:

Kangaroo Boy 03-13-2004 09:51 AM

Tell you the Truth,I have tried Pot,and ain't special.
I rather go drinking then smoke pot.I also used to smoke cigarettes.But really,My mates smoke pot,and they are nice people although they only been smoking it for 1 year and really they haven't change.They aren't voilent,or be cockheads to anyone else and they are easy going people......But there are people that do smoke pot that are fucked up and I have meeted them.
But I Recommend don't do any drugs.No chemical is a safe chemical.

SPEEDKILLAR 03-13-2004 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Kangaroo Boy
Tell you the Truth,I have tried Pot,and ain't special.
I rather go drinking then smoke pot.I also used to smoke cigarettes.But really,My mates smoke pot,and they are nice people although they only been smoking it for 1 year and really they haven't change.They aren't voilent,or be cockheads to anyone else and they are easy going people......But there are people that do smoke pot that are fucked up and I have meeted them.
But I Recommend don't do any drugs.No chemical is a safe chemical.

Nice said Kangaroo Boy, because its the truth.

Kangaroo Boy 03-13-2004 10:10 AM

Thanks.^^ :D

callen 03-13-2004 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kangaroo Boy
Tell you the Truth,I have tried Pot,and ain't special.
I rather go drinking then smoke pot.I also used to smoke cigarettes.But really,My mates smoke pot,and they are nice people although they only been smoking it for 1 year and really they haven't change.They aren't voilent,or be cockheads to anyone else and they are easy going people......But there are people that do smoke pot that are fucked up and I have meeted them.
But I Recommend don't do any drugs.No chemical is a safe chemical.

I agree, as it seems so far i the only regular user of marijuana (or the only one who has posted so far), it has at times had a direct effect on my life. as posted earlier it is easier to say "well ill just smoke this instead of go to class" or "ill have lunch later lets smoke some more!" it has at times consumed my life(specifically second semester last year). Yet i learned my lesson and although still consume copious amounts of dope(by definition i am a heavy user, but in truth, a moderate one) i stil function normally. I have no problem finding, and keeping a job and never do i smoke while i am workin, because it seriously numbs ur motor skills, and saps ur motivation. but i do have friends who do nothin except smoke weed. all day everyday. they dont go to class(or go three hours a week on a 20 hr sched), leave the house, or do nethin except smoke weed, play video games,smoke weed, eat,smoke weed, watch tv, smoke, shower(some times :( ) they cant hold a serious job(besides painting or mcdonalds or whatever) or just dont even fuckin bother to get one and use OSAP(ontario student "heres some cash pay us back after school fund" ) (as u can see i work for my dollar and find good jobs in the summer, hence my last post sayin i smoke considerably less in the summer while employed). and no i dont plan on smokin my life away. i wont smoke after i fini school(because it wont be as readily accessible, and thats my main problem). so to sum this rant up, ppl can go through life on the pot, but it is difficult, if i wasnt at fan"FUN'shawe college crankin out straight A's ,high as hell and at a real school(a univ, which i will be next yr, unsure of where as of yet) then i wouldnt be smokin nearly as much because i wouldnt be able to. now i understand that i could be doin other things(startin my own business, etc) but edu is important and i think that i am no better or worse off from smokin weed all the time. BUt as i said, some ppl do let it consume their lives, and cant break it(its been three yrs and counting for the guys i was refering to before and they all have nothin to show for it cept gen ed diplomas(or worse fail 3/4 of their classes), so if u are one of these ppl, take a good look around, theres more to life than burning, and next time u light that shit up stop and think. " is this where i am goin to be in 5 years?" i hope the answer to that question is no. Thanks for reading guys ttyl.

RC45 03-13-2004 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by SPEEDKILLAR

LOL...not everybody using weed end up like a fucked up pothead. That statement screams narrowmindedness...
Yes it does, agree with you on that

What a bunch of naive fuck heads... as I say - PLEASE, go through life on a buzz - it is one less person I have to compete with...

...anything that takes the edge off your competitive mind is bringing YOURSELF down.... Instead of "doing little weed" to feel good, how about keeping focused, becoming successful and taking your Zonda out for a spin to "get high"... etc etc etc...

I can tell you straight up - out of my graduation class in 1985 - ALL the users, yes, even thoe occasional ones are nothing more than mediocre floaters, working their minimum wage job and going no where in a hurry.

That is what the "lemme do a little now and then" attitude will get you - no where... but that may turn some people on - to just be the guy/gal making 4.25/hour backing groceries when they are 27 - or making 7.50/hour loading boxes... more power to ya...

coombsie66 03-13-2004 01:41 PM

^^ So you are smoking every day and still cranking out straight A's in all your classes!?
If thats the case then think what the hell you could be doin if you wernt smoking!!And if youve bin on it daily for the last year or more then giving up just like that when you go to uni aint gunna be at all easy.

callen 03-13-2004 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by coombsie66
^^ So you are smoking every day and still cranking out straight A's in all your classes!?
If thats the case then think what the hell you could be doin if you wernt smoking!!And if youve bin on it daily for the last year or more then giving up just like that when you go to uni aint gunna be at all easy.

heeh well hey maybe not all A's but the majority...i was only trying to prove a point. i know smokin is detrimental to ones health, that it saps energy, enthusiasm, motivation etc. and i understand that yah it wont be all that easy to stop cold turkey, but once again i didnt say i was going to stop altogether when i go to univ, just severely cut down, now as RC45 says, i also know that theres more to life than just burning, but i dont fully agree with the fact that my life would be exponentially more successful than it is at the moment. and coombsie, i dunno if u attend college(community college i am refering to) or univ but the majority of college programs here in canada are a breeze.(dont flame me i didnt say it was so for everyone, this is my opinion based on my educational skills, background and general "smarts" i was given to by my parents. and please dont say "if u were smart, u wouldnt smoke" cause thats bull as well. the way i justify smoking on a regular basis is that as long as i am gettin done what needs to be done(school, thats all i have on the table right now, then employment during the summer) then i see no problem with smoking on a daily basis. YEs i know it can cause cancer, and i know it "slows" u down, but frankly where i am in my life, i can do it whenever i want without any severe lashback. (for reference i am in biz admin marketing)

RC45 03-13-2004 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by callen
but frankly where i am in my life, i can do it whenever i want without any severe lashback. (for reference i am in biz admin marketing)

...sure - it's not cocaine and you can handle it and it's not so strong and just "slows" you a little, and should be legal blah blah blah... right up until you try put that "biz admin marketing" degree to use, and either fail an applicant drug test --- or worse still - get sacked because you fail a random test when you are on the job - and pretty much take all your hard workd and piss it away...

Is the risk really worth a few jollies?

If so - more power to you - go smoke it up.... as I say - less competition for the rest...

coombsie66 03-13-2004 03:32 PM

I aint saying that your life would be exponentially better if you stopped, but dont you think you should be trying to push yourself harder academically? I aint trying to diss u, i just think that every day is excessive.

coombsie66 03-13-2004 03:35 PM

Oh yeah, and i attend Uni, Imperial College London, studying Mechanical engineering (recently in the times guide the best uni for this subject in britain). I work my balls off and i like the fac that i am pushing myself. Its a bitch sumtimes, but it will be worth it. I know that if i was smoking every weekend let alone every day i would not be where i am now.

RC45 03-13-2004 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by coombsie66
Oh yeah, and i attend Uni, Imperial College London, studying Mechanical engineering (recently in the times guide the best uni for this subject in britain). I work my balls off and i like the fac that i am pushing myself. Its a bitch sumtimes, but it will be worth it. I know that if i was smoking every weekend let alone every day i would not be where i am now.

Kudos for trying to strive for improvement... :D

SPEEDKILLAR 03-13-2004 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by thamar
Ey RC45, first of all, before you call someone a potthead make sure you have some bloodresults of that person.
I dare you to let my blood be tested by a lab and they'll give you back a clean result.

So I suggest to you, to get out some more, from behind those pc's. Find a woman and get your dick sucked ASAP. If you're to ugly, fat, or socialy handicapped (that last one sure is the case) I suggest you go see a psych who's allso a prostitute, in that way you don't have to leave those precious pc's too long.
Cus eum dude, you are way to frustrated for this world. No wonder you're pissing on everyone, your balls are about to blow houston from the side of the earth.

Hahahahahahahahaha :lol: :lol: , the truth can be soooo funny :wink:

coombsie66 03-13-2004 04:26 PM

And the flutter of pages of a thesaurus.

RC45 03-13-2004 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by thamar
Ey RC45, first of all, before you call someone a potthead make sure you have some bloodresults of that person.
I dare you to let my blood be tested by a lab and they'll give you back a clean result.

Then you are lying about using pot - as if you do, THC will be in you blood.


Originally Posted by thamar
So I suggest to you, to get out some more, from behind those pc's. Find a woman and get your dick sucked ASAP. If you're to ugly, fat, or socialy handicapped (that last one sure is the case) I suggest you go see a psych who's allso a prostitute, in that way you don't have to leave those precious pc's too long.
Cus eum dude, you are way to frustrated for this world. No wonder you're pissing on everyone, your balls are about to blow houston from the side of the earth.

You are almost funny - if you were some fucking idiot one could probably have a laugh at you.

I can safely say - I would not even bother pissing in your mouth if your teeth were on fire.

Why would I be frustrated with a world that has given me a family, success and fortune?

Makes no sense to me...

RC45 03-13-2004 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by brembo
I hear keys in the distance...... :wink:

...sorry to disappoint you - that's the sound of some cowards in the desert wrapping towels around their heads and stuffing explosives into backpacks with your towns' address on the tag... you might want to start worrying about the real problems at hand...

RC45 03-13-2004 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by coombsie66
And the flutter of pages of a thesaurus.

\\...nah - no need to - I just use my general vocabulary...

SPEEDKILLAR 03-13-2004 04:39 PM


Why would I be frustrated with a world that has given me a family, success and fortune?

Makes no sense to me...

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