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Sir_GT 05-25-2006 10:23 PM

X-Men 3: WTF DID THEY DO??!?!?!
It... sucked. :|

spanky 05-25-2006 10:26 PM

Was it that bad? I was thinking of seeing it on weekend too.

bmagni 05-25-2006 10:32 PM

i thought it was gonna be good... so I guess its better to wait for rent

HeilSvenska 05-25-2006 10:38 PM

Well. I need to know exactly why I should not go watch it tomorrow.

TNT 05-25-2006 10:41 PM

i am heading anyways i have loved the first two, i want a box set of all three.

coloradosilver 05-25-2006 11:04 PM

Re: X-Men 3: WTF DID THEY DO??!?!?!

Originally Posted by Sir_GT
It... sucked. :|

Thats kind of a bullshit comment.

Tell us why it sucked, that wouold be a bit more informative. Do so without giving things away if possible.

nthfinity 05-26-2006 12:39 AM

meh, I'll still see it and enjoy it

My guess is it suffered the Episode I, II, III fever... too many characters, too many fights, too little time. I'll let you know after I see it

TT 05-26-2006 03:41 AM

Re: X-Men 3: WTF DID THEY DO??!?!?!

Originally Posted by Sir_GT
It... sucked. :|

Your opinion, and of course explaining why would be more constructive.

IMO it was brillant actually! Lot of powerfull action, Miss Grey as sexy and hittable as ever (same goes for Rogue ;)), new mutants and a good plot! Some strong/sad moments..

IMO it's worth to be seen, it was really enjoyable!

Evo 05-26-2006 03:51 AM

Saw 1 & 2 and both were good 3 is even better IMO.. enjoyed every min of it...

Shinigami 05-26-2006 04:16 AM

Saw it last night and thought it was quite good actually.

TT 05-26-2006 04:20 AM

You were at Flon's? We could have met there, but hell, when we arrived the parking was full :shock: so we redirected ourselves toward Malley which is actually 100 meters from home ;)

Chaos in 1983! 05-26-2006 09:53 AM

I saw it last night, and I think it was very good, easily the best one of the three. Good plot, action packed, penty of mutants, Jean was evil and sexy as hell. And man, what an ending! just awesome...

So I only have a few complaints about the movie, first off, not even a cameo of Gambit, I would've loved to see him at least in the crowd of mutants. They kill the proffesor, does this happen in the comics?

I didn't like Juggernaut, he isn't a mutant, he gets his power from this wierd rock, and when he charges Kitty and the other kid that takes away mutation, he looses his strenght (because of the bald kid) and smashes into the wall and falls to the floor...I didn't like the helmet which looked like a penis in the movie, and was made from concrete, wtf?

Still, it is a great movie, I loved it...everybody go see it...

dutchmasterflex 05-26-2006 10:01 AM

Oh dear God I hope the new director didn't ruin this movie!!!

5vz-fe 05-26-2006 10:19 AM

When I open this thread, I am really scared that it gonna suck I was looking forward to see it tonight. Alittle relief that at least there are some mixed comments. Will let you guys know...

(leaving this thread now before the spoiler comes)

Daggernite 05-26-2006 10:31 AM

I went to see this yesterday. Brilliant! great effects, great story (well if you like comic-ish storys) and good action. Id recommend it for kids and adults because its the kind of film everyone can watch.

How hot is Mystik in her un-mutant form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******

HeilSvenska 05-26-2006 11:56 AM


How hot is Mystik in her un-mutant form!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ******
Meh, I saw that in the trailer.

I heard that the plot's kind of iffy, but I'm going to watch it today anyways.

Sir_GT 05-26-2006 01:27 PM

Ok, here's my explanation why it sucked (copy and pasted it from my blog because it's not a movie that's worth the effort of writing two posts)

I saw the film the other day (Wednesday) with Jenn, my co-dork (Let's just admit it dear, shall we?), and after X-Men 2, Jenn and I were expecting a lot from X-Men 3. I mean hey, why not? It was about Dark Phoenix after all, the single greatest storyline in the history of X-Men. Anybody familiar with comicbooks knows this. I swear, I was so excited I was actually becoming agitated when all these people were trying to find their seats when the lights went off. The movie hasn't actually started yet, but the whole time people were walking in front of me, I was holding back myself from shouting out "Get the f*ck out of my face people! It's f*cking X-Men 3!"

Yes. I know. I am a dork.

So as the movie started, and as the story started to unravel, I was really starting to get into it. A cure for the mutant gene? What an interesting concept to throw in. A mutant whose power is to suppress the powers of other mutants? Hmmm... all these possibilities started flowing into my head... "Are they going to use him to suppress the dark phoenix power?" That would be an interesting twist I thought.

Well, twist is right. Because as the story went on, a gigantic cloud of doubt with "Oh My God They Are Going To F*ck This Up" started to hover above me. This is the Dark Phoenix saga right? So where are the Hellfire Club? Where's Jason Wynngarde? The man whose power is to create hallucinations in people's minds. He was the man that created hallucinations in Jean Grey's mind, posing as her lover from the past, and thus awakening her Dark Phoenix power when he convinced her to join the Hellfire Club as the Black Queen.

Then the whole thing just started going horribly, horribly wrong.

Who just died? Who else died? Well, just the two most important characters in the Dark Phoenix saga! Wolverine was practically a non-entity in that story, and yet, the two most important characters were killed off! Oh blimey, I thought, if the rumors are true, and this is supposed to be the last X-Men film, then they certainly went out with the biggest fart in hollywood history.

I won't spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it, but I seriously cannot recommend this to either comicbook or non-comicbook fans alike. As a film, X-Men 3 is as cliche and as cheesy as they come. Personally, I thought it was the worst among the 3 X-Men films (yes, even worse than the first) if I was looking at it from a movie go-er's perspective. As a comic-to-film adaptation... well... let's just say that they actually figured out how to completely butcher one of the best storylines ever written. Well done mates. I think if a fourth one comes out, I'll just download it on bittorrent. At least I won't waste P500.

So in conclusion?

Movie: X-Men 3: The Last Stand
Verdict: 2 out of 5
Comment: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Shinigami 05-26-2006 01:35 PM

So basically you didn't like it because the movie was different from the comic book?

Well, I haven't read much Marvel comics, so the movie was just right for me. Who was I to know what the phoenix was and so on.. so it seemed all just fine for me.

TT: I was in the "Galleries" cinema near the railway station in Lausanne.

Sir_GT 05-26-2006 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by insane
Sounds to me like you're just pissed because the movie was not made completely after the source matherial. Which in essence doesn't really tell anything about how good the movie is. My guess is that it's much better then you say...


Not at all. In fact, all three X-Men films didn't follow the comic books. Thing is, the first two X-Men films were good as stand-alone films. Especially X-Men 2. The direction of the film, the script, and where they placed the main plot points were well done. It was a film you would want to see from start to finish.

X-Men 3 is a far cry from that. You could predict what was going to happen next, and when you thought or expected something to happen, instead of a clever twist being utilized, you end up with a half-assed one. The use of the mutant gene-suppressing kid is a perfect example. The drug was the backbone of the story, and they dedicated quite a few significant scenes to the boy (such as his little way of greeting Beast), building him up to be quite a character in the story.

And then... nothing happened. So the little X-Men girl pushed him away just in time for him to cancel out Juggernaut's powers... which sounds good on paper, but in the film, you could see that scene from a mile away.

The film was just so predictable... It was riddled with cliches and cheesy scenes. The scene wherein Magneto goes "what have I done..." was so poorly executed it was nearly a parody.

Seriously. It was a crap movie. Compared to Spiderman 1 & 2, X-Men 1 & 2, V for Vendetta, and Batman Begins? X-Men 3 was shite. Sorry. It really just was.

TT 05-26-2006 06:26 PM

As others, I am not a fan of Marvel comics, so from that point of view I have no opinion.. as for cliches or predictable outcome, IMO such things doesn't necessarily spoil the plot.. this is an action movie afterall, and ppl want action, not intricated plots to follow. It was a very entertaining action movie.. IMO it just depends from which perspective you look at it :bah:

DeMoN 05-26-2006 11:54 PM

I totally forgot this started to be shown on theaters! Damn, gotta go see it!

HeilSvenska 05-27-2006 12:51 AM

Meh, Sir_GT, I don't go to the movies as a critic. I go to the movies to be entertained. I'm sorry if you weren't entertained, but that's no valid reason to say that the movie was crap. I thought it was really good (although that's not a valid reason to say it wasn't a bad movie). Granted, the movie, by its unique nature, cannot have profound character development, but I thought it had many surprising twists. And yes, you have to remember that this was a movie made from a freakin comic book! It was a good action/sci-fi movie. And the special effects. The special effects were awesome. So people go watch it to have fun, not to criticize it. If you aren't satisfied, you can always petition for a refund.

And everyone who are going to see it. Stick around till the end of the end credit there's something you may want to see.

By the way X2 didn't do anything for me. The plot was okay, but it nearly had zero character development.

Zot09 05-27-2006 01:50 AM

I found it to be a pretty good movie. The story was pretty well written, and kept me and my 15-other dorm-mates entertained. Just to tell you guys, you deffinitly have to watch this clip on youtube before you watch the movie.
After you watch it(or if you already have and didn't get it) it will make you laugh sooooo hard during the movie(it made all of my friends and me laugh, so i'm sure it will do the same for you). It was worth my $9; I give the movie a 8/10. [/b]

HeilSvenska 05-27-2006 02:00 AM

Pah. I paid just $5! That Juggernaut scene was hilarious.

Caplax40 05-27-2006 02:02 AM

^^^^^^^^^ It says I have to sign up, but if that's the "JUGGERNAUT BITCH!" movie, then that is absolutely hilarious!! :lol: :lol:

I just got back from seeing it and thought it was a great movie.

Two questions though: Does anyone know if the whole Juggernaut phrase was in the movie before the cartoon parody was created? My friends and I were trying to figure this out. It doesn't seem like they'd insert such an obscure reference, but who knows.

And can someone explain to me (maybe via pm?) the very last clip that aired after the credits? I guess I don't know the background behind it, but the theater erupted after it aired!!

HeilSvenska 05-27-2006 02:14 AM

I can't ruin it for people, so I'll pm you.

Sir_GT 05-27-2006 02:37 AM

Admittedly I didn't stick around for the after credits part either. Could you pm me too HeilSvenska.

As for my opinion: Hey, I'm glad you guys enjoyed the film. That means you didn't feel like you wasted your money. Maybe I expected too much because of the dark phoenix factor, but I know I wasn't alone in my disappointment because my girl was just as disappointed, and so were quite a few people in the theater.

I still stand by what I said though. I really do feel like they ruined what they could have potentially done with the dark phoenix storyline.

TT 05-27-2006 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
I can't ruin it for people, so I'll pm you.

Me too, pretty please :)

Mr.Vercetti 05-27-2006 06:31 PM

I saw it on Thursday and all I can say is that it was my fav. Xmen movie. Yeah.. a lot of heroes died.. yeah it was a bit short.. but the story was amazing, the variety of heroes was vast and it was pretty well directed. I have a feeling though that it wont be the last Xmen movie despite the fact that Marvel had announced from the Xmen 1 that there were going to be only 2 sequels. Do you also have this feeling guys? :P

Caplax40 05-27-2006 08:57 PM

Did you guys catch Stan Lee's cameo?

TeflonTron 05-27-2006 10:09 PM

How can a kid with the power to suppress a Mutant Gene do anything to Juggernaught? He isn't a Mutant.

Sir_GT 05-27-2006 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by TeflonTron
How can a kid with the power to suppress a Mutant Gene do anything to Juggernaught? He isn't a Mutant.

Nobody knows that except people who have read the comic books...

TeflonTron 05-27-2006 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sir_GT

Originally Posted by TeflonTron
How can a kid with the power to suppress a Mutant Gene do anything to Juggernaught? He isn't a Mutant.

Nobody knows that except people who have read the comic books...

True. I haven't even seen a single minute of ANY of the X-Men films, and probably won't.

Juggernaught is an aweome character, and possibly my third favourite, behind Deadpool and Gambit.

T-Bird 05-28-2006 03:06 AM

I just saw the movie tonight and I thought it was very good. yeah it sucked that both the professor and Cyclops died before the battle even begun. It was somewhat suprising that kitty was such a big character in this one and what Rogue did? oh and btw where was Nightcrawler...

Zot09 05-28-2006 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mr.Vercetti
I have a feeling though that it wont be the last Xmen movie despite the fact that Marvel had announced from the Xmen 1 that there were going to be only 2 sequels. Do you also have this feeling guys? :P

This is what I thought as well when I left the theater. The ending(both the Charles and Magneto part) left so much open for a sequal, that I think there has to be another.

HeilSvenska 05-28-2006 02:23 PM


where was Nightcrawler...
The official game's suppose to explane why he isn't there.

T-Bird 05-28-2006 03:06 PM

soo what was the scene after the credits if I knew there was one I would have stayed.

nthfinity 05-28-2006 04:07 PM

PM sent

and by far, this is the best Marvel to movie rendition BY FAR!!!!

i highly recomend the movie, and i will see it again at the cinima :)

T-Bird 05-28-2006 05:02 PM

oh I will be seeing it again aswell probably at the drive in this time though with over the hedge sometime this week.

HeilSvenska 05-28-2006 05:42 PM

^^^ You guys still have drive-in movies?!?!?!!!! They've gone extinct where I live, The OC™

nthfinity 05-28-2006 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
^^^ You guys still have drive-in movies?!?!?!!!! They've gone extinct where I live, The OC™

New York ?? ;)

there are several Drive In's around here... AM radio, misnitches!

HeilSvenska 05-28-2006 05:46 PM

The OC™, California. Everyone knows where that is...from Fox

T-Bird 05-28-2006 06:19 PM

hell yeah they are still all over the midwest.

antonioledesma 05-28-2006 09:12 PM

shit!! there was a scene after the credits???? :|
damn, I left the first minute after the movie ended.

then I'll have to go another time :mrgreen:

I liked it, even the surprise scenes (you know, some deadtoll), but I don't know if the dark phoenix saga had the same surprises :|

Sir_GT 05-28-2006 10:05 PM

A newspaper in Hong Kong called the film cheesy... same thing I said... maybe it's an asian thing. :|

HeilSvenska 05-28-2006 10:07 PM

Eh, not really. It's all about personal taste. I find nearly all asian things cheesy, movies, books, cartoons, tv shows, music, etc... No offense?

gottacatchup 05-29-2006 01:40 AM

^^^Yeah its supposed to hint at xavier coming back in another body. iF you remember the one scene where he was teaching a class and talking about implanting another person's conscious into some other body, it basically tells you xavier used that process to come back.

Over all i thought it was a good movie and i was hooked, start to finish. My only problem with the movie comes from the lack of character developement with archangle and the mutant-suppressing kid. I feel like the director wanted to do much more with these characters but had to cut the scenes out because of time.

DeMoN 05-29-2006 05:27 AM

wat? just saw the ending and nothing after letters... goddamn lol!

Nice movie, I liked it.

Zot09 05-29-2006 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
^^^ You guys still have drive-in movies?!?!?!!!! They've gone extinct where I live, The OC™

Actually my friends have been telling me that there is a drive-in around the Verizon Amphitheater, which is around the Spectrum.

Sir_GT 05-29-2006 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by HeilSvenska
Eh, not really. It's all about personal taste. I find nearly all asian things cheesy, movies, books, cartoons, tv shows, music, etc... No offense?

None taken. I was speaking in general terms anyway.

I know that a majority of people in Asia, especially those in the developing nations such as Malaysia, Korea, Philippines, and China have been leaning towards more and more Asian-sourced media, such as J-Pop (Japanese pop culture), K-pop (Korean pop culture), and Taiwanese pop. Most of the opinions I hear seem to cite that Hollywood films in general have become a little too predictable, especially with regards to the scripts, and the film sequences.

This doesn't mean that excellent Hollywood films are ignored though (LoTR, films by Steven Speilberg, etc.), it's just that traditional Hollywood action films no longer seem to "wow" Asian audiences like they used to.

Personally, I think it has a lot to do with Hong Kong cinema. After two decades of supercharged Jackie Chan-type films (There's a huge difference between his Hollywood work, and his Hong Kong work), most Asian movie goers have become rather spoilt in the action genre, thus the less-than-flattering reviews regarding X-men 3.

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