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RC45 05-03-2006 10:12 AM

I nominate nth to take over this section.
Feel free to message TT and have the reigns passed.

The likes of everso, demon and few other pricks have made in zero fun to log on to JW anymore.

I am done.

Nth have fun with it.

RC45 05-03-2006 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by everso
oh come on man! it won't be the same without ya....don't take this stuff so seriously ;)

Yet another example.

It was funny 2 years ago.

It's just irritating.

If we should one day cross paths - and your teeth were on fire, I would not even take the time to piss in your mouth.

Joking and humour is one thing - constantly being a prick is another.

I now know why a number of people just up and said "Fuck it.." and left.


yg60m 05-03-2006 10:25 AM

It's not a good ambiance :? RC, please, I can understand your decision but I would like you to reconsider your position :|

TT 05-03-2006 10:34 AM

Dang dude, it would be a pity to let you go!

I can understand of course that the same old neverending discussions/fight can one day become too much and of course nobody will force you to stay, but like the others, I'd like you to reconsider and maybe just avoid the sensible topics ;)

RC45 05-03-2006 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by everso

Originally Posted by RC45

If we should one day cross paths - and your teeth were on fire, I would not even take the time to piss in your mouth.

no one said anything to you more than what you say to're just way oversensitive to people talking smack about your car.....or anything even remotely related to your car or your opinions. you really should learn how to separate opinions from facts.

Sorry fucker - you are NOT going to have the last word on my way out.

I am not over sensative to "what people say about my car" - never have been and never will be - but I am not going to sit idle and watch people post shit.

What you post is shit.

Bullshit opinion and inuendo - you try to fuck up topics and be an arsehole on purpose just to spew your crap. You and others.

it was funny the first 1,000 times - but it gets tiring.

Talking smack is one thing - but constantly puking in peoples wheaties is something totally different. That is what you have decided to make your mission. Funny 1,000 times - irritating on the 1,001th time.

The last straw was demon posting that shit in the video compilaiton thread - completely out of context and pointless.


Go and find ONE SINGLE instance where I have fanboyed and not posted facts?

One instance - you will not find any because I am not about to post falsehoods, lies or crap.

I don't work that way.

I have gone to great panes to actully point out the difference between the cars - and made a point of highlighting and acknowledging weaknesses - even magnifying them - that is not fanboying - that is being realistic and honest.

The difference is when it goes on and on and on and on for years - it just irritating and tiring.

Enough is enough.

I am exhausted - JWed out.

nthfinity 05-03-2006 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by everso

Originally Posted by RC45

If we should one day cross paths - and your teeth were on fire, I would not even take the time to piss in your mouth.

well enamel on the teeth is pretty fire resistant and even in charred and burned bodies teeth don't really catch fire, thus protecting me from your filthy and classless visions of pissing in people's mouths. ugh......strange little imagination you have, son. better get that checked out.

no one said anything to you more than what you say to're just way oversensitive to people talking smack about your car.....or anything even remotely related to your car or your opinions. you really should learn how to separate opinions from facts.

well; it kinda comes down to this. people can state thier opinons all they want. If you dont like a car; then fine... but if you reasons are based soley on false facts; then by golly... I'll prove you wrong.

its become a broken record. people refuse to believe the truth. I dont care if you like a car or not.... or if i like it... but if you/me is believing it to be crap based on false facts... kinda retarded, eh?

its the same people over and over again who come in saying its impossible that even an American car can't handle.... no matter how many times cirtain folks come in and trounce these falshoods, and prove otherwise... just to see it happen again 4 days later with the same people. It is incredibly retarded.

RC- i thankyou for your concideration

If you do take off; drop me a line so we can keep in touch. I much prefer you stick around; even if you arent a moderator :) Just free up some of your time, go guzzle some gas, and such.

although; i have an idea to help curb the problems here.

ZfrkS62 05-03-2006 11:08 AM

RC, i'm sorry to hear that you're leaving. Seems as of late there has been a small exodus from JW. I am also hoping that we are not heading towards a re-enactment of what happened over at RF.

I can understand what is driving you to this decision though. I don't think i would want to continue repeating myself as much as you have and i commend you for your dedication to keeping this section somewhat civilized.

I am sure Nth can handle the task of keeping what you've started running smoothly. If anything, i hope you come back to at least lurk and occasionaly post something.

In the mean time, take it easy, terrorize some asphalt and show no mercy to the new Kuhmos :wink:

RC45 05-03-2006 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by everso
insecure and oversensitive. not our problem or anyone else's on this's just yours. on top of that you insult anyone who doesn't agree....pretty sad. you insult other people's countries, cars, races, religions, everything under the sun...and now you complain when someone speaks back to you. haha. bye then!

nthfinity would do be a great moderator of american muscle. much more knowledgable as well.

Again fucker - you will not have the last word.


you insult other people's countries, cars, races, religions, everything under the sun
All in context and part of the appropriate discussions - 110% of the time in "character" and in jest.

The crap you spew is just irritating. What you post is unfounded and unfactual. Incorrect and out of context.

Oh - and mostly childish as well.

Insecure and oversensitive? Is that the best you can come up with?

I covered for you breaking GM's cover - took the heat and the thanks I get is the fucking bullshit you have pulled over the last 2 years?

You will not get the last word - trust me on that one.

Ghostbat 05-03-2006 11:29 AM

I really don't like that you are leaving RC but I do understand you.

I disagre with you on some topics but I like the way you're debating with a mix of humor, a lot of irony and hard facts.

And everso for fucks sake couldn't you resist being an asshole in this thread??

RC I really hope that you change your mind and stay. You will definetely be missed by one Swede :cry:

No.1 05-03-2006 11:53 AM

As far as i understand - RC is going to stick around - he's just fed up with the "trashing" (his words, not mine) of his Z06 threads, and is through with this section.

It would be a shame to see you go from JW, RC - i'd prefer you stick around :good:

LotusGT1 05-03-2006 12:04 PM

He's not going away...he just as addicted to this place as anybody else :)

I vote for an "ignore" function on JW.

Daggernite 05-03-2006 01:29 PM

Come on RC dont be hasty, you seem fed up at the momment, just take alittle break before making any rash decision, with you gone there wont be hardly any topics with such emotion and drama. RC I doubt your leaving for good, you dont seem like a guy who would leave just because you not getting along with someone.

Hope you stay, I really dont think anyone can moderate this section aswell as you.

Minacious 05-03-2006 01:39 PM

Damn it RC, you better not leave JW.

bmagni 05-03-2006 01:43 PM

seriously RC, c'mon... are you just gonna leave and take the easy way ? Yeah some comments are annoying and maybe that won't change, so why you don't just ignore those and take the ones that really contribute... a joke from time to time ain't bad, so just take it for what it is. I inderstand the fact that enough is enough but if some people annoy you its just a part of the community and that doesn't need to make you leave. As you may have annoyed others with your comments, which are a bit harsh, I don't think someone smart enough would leave for just a reason like that.
So think about it twice. :D

skituner 05-03-2006 01:48 PM

well, see ya later :bye:

RC45 05-03-2006 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by everso
keep on crying. and don't bring up the GM stuff.....i posted it for YOU because you like the Corvette, which unfortunately multiplied to outside sources...wasn't really the fault of either one of us, as we are just car people.

Don't even try weasel out of it.

I graciously took the fall for you - and your true 2-faced unappreciative self showed up after a while.

I could have simply rolled over and given you up weeks before I had GM send their PI's to give me the squeeze.

The truth is you are just not the class-act you make yourself out to be - and this entire exchange proves it.


Originally Posted by everso
i'll just get on with my usual business. i'm not here to provide you with psychological help, i'm here to talk about cars.

seems you've lost the plot. i don't care about having 'the last word' because your comments get worse with every post you make.....rubbish in fact.

so carry on. ;)

Again - your true arsehole nature is beginning to shine through - I have enough back-channel confirmation from others about this.

The real reason the community at JW suffers the fragmenting and brekup it does is because of oppiniates such as yourself.

My comments get worse?

Why? Because they are candid truths you fail to face up to?

Zot09 05-03-2006 02:12 PM

Both of you are fighting like little girls. I agree that you can be very opinionated at times RC, and that you can be a tad bit oversensitive, but you also do back up a lot of the things you say with facts even though it does make you sound like a fanboy. Everso, I haven't really had any problems with any of the comments you have posted since I found JW, but you are being a bit of an ass right now. Actually, both of you are being asses. Can't we all just get along?

RC45 05-03-2006 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by everso
deep breaths. drama queen ;)

Whatever chum.

You might want to look over your sholder for the Securitas folks.

I am just amazed Dan lasted as long as he did - he is a far better person than I.

stradale 05-03-2006 02:30 PM

I just read the video thread that initiated this mess and frankly I can see what ticked you off about it, RC. And yes, the comments about American cars with bad handling directed at Z06s, Ford GTs, Vipers and the likes are getting tiresome, even for a die-hard Euro fan like me.

Problem is, you're not exactly unbiased yourself. You like to provoke people with a different taste just as easily. Plus, when you're trying to convince someone, I feel like I've been shouted at for half an hour when I'm done reading it. That's not helping and will also continue to draw in reactions.

Don't leave, though. Most of your views aren't mine, but that doesn't stop me from laughing at your jokes. And despite your debating style, the Z06's antics have certainly won my respect. In other words, we need both sides here.

This is a community which encompasses a lot of different nationalities, tastes, opinions, interpretations of "facts", like in the real world. With a few thousand members you just can't get along with every single one. In that case, and this is not aimed at RC but at everyone, stay a little out of each other's way.

LotusGT1 05-03-2006 02:35 PM

^Very good post, agree with what has been said.

nthfinity 05-03-2006 02:45 PM


its always good to see you here, man. you and some of the others are the among the greatest reasons why I have found JW as the community that I belong to.

RC's style has always been that of 'devils advocate' something that nobody else has come close to mirroring here. sometimes it's evoked no responce... and others, all hell broke loose :lol:

im 100% sure its not just the corvette bashing that is realing RC out of here; but also the general loathing of the USA. the most knowlegdable people in pollitical though that I've met are immigrants to this country... including our friend Paul. although his accent cought me off guard when we spoke some time back :P

I definately concider everso another friend of mine, another great enthusiast who i've enjoyed being around immensly

... I'm not sure which of you two innitiated the whole corvette = gay = audi TT thing; and to where it is now; but seriously; name calling and the like just isn't accepted here, and never has been.

I'm not sure people realize how incredible this guy really is; and what a loss we would have without him. Jabba knows that; and in the past, it has always been a bragging point

sameerrao 05-03-2006 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by stradale
I just read the video thread that initiated this mess and frankly I can see what ticked you off about it, RC. And yes, the comments about American cars with bad handling directed at Z06s, Ford GTs, Vipers and the likes are getting tiresome, even for a die-hard Euro fan like me.

Problem is, you're not exactly unbiased yourself. You like to provoke people with a different taste just as easily. Plus, when you're trying to convince someone, I feel like I've been shouted at for half an hour when I'm done reading it. That's not helping and will also continue to draw in reactions.

Don't leave, though. Most of your views aren't mine, but that doesn't stop me from laughing at your jokes. And despite your debating style, the Z06's antics have certainly won my respect. In other words, we need both sides here.

This is a community which encompasses a lot of different nationalities, tastes, opinions, interpretations of "facts", like in the real world. With a few thousand members you just can't get along with every single one. In that case, and this is not aimed at RC but at everyone, stay a little out of each other's way.

Good post.

--> The following is not directed at any specific person but to everyone (including me of course)

In future, my advice to anyone is that if you don't like a particular car or cars from a certain country or a particular sub-forum stay out of it.

Ask yourself the question what do you want out of your time on this community - is to make friends?, spam, make fun of people and their ideas or their interests, or whatever.

I am here in JW to have a good time, relax and chat about F1, cars and since recently photography. Personally, I am not a fan of American Muscle and what I do is stay out of the entire forum. I have no interest in annoying others by posting this car is shit or that car is shit. What is the end game? What do I gain out of trolling?

Jumping in a forum to say that Car X is for hairdressers, or particular group of people are rednecks because they like American cars, or people who like or drive Ferraris are poseurs is really counter-productive and troll-worthy. It may seem funny the first time to you or the first few times perhaps but in long run it makes people form a distinct impression about you that you are biased or like to flame or whatever... It basically fans the flames ... Lets say Person X loves Euro cars and goes into the American forum to bash every car that is posted there. This provokes Person Y who is a fan of American cars to do the same in the European section.

End result: People are pissed and the quality of conversation/discussion deteriorates.

Personally, I used to be a huge poster in the JW F1 forum but of late I have posted very little. If someone asks a question or there is a topic that I know a bit about I reply but otherwise I stay out of it.

Why? Its because I'm finding this Alonso bashing propogated by a few individuals very tiresome. It is similar to the American Muscle forum in that I find the arguments put forward very fact-light and opinion-rich. It may seem very funny at first but then at least to a person like me who likes about 3 or more drivers in F1 - I find it extremely tiresome. It is not worth my valuable time to keep defending and arguing about it - I would find another F1 forum where the discussion is more neutral and informative. :bah:

ZfrkS62 05-03-2006 04:57 PM

Stradale and Sameerao, great posts, both of you.

There is alot of info around JW that has been buried in spam/troll bait. It amazes me how many simple questions have turned into flat-out arguments and mud-slinging competitions.

How St-Anger and Lakatu have kept Porsche Central clean of this, i will never know. Maybe they deleted shit like that before anyone could ever really see it, or perhaps RC has a much more valid point than i realize about no one tearing a Porche apart for the simple reason that it's a Euro car. I don't know, i don't care.

But i think that the constant American Car bashing may be more than that. Maybe underlying the plastic interior jabs and such, is more of an anti-America motive. Hell, maybe i'm just reading too far into it.

Sameerao has a point though, and in case you decided his post was too long to read, let me sum it up for you:


Nth, i hope you can regin in some kind of order if you decide to take over American Muscle. Good luck buddy!

SFDMALEX 05-03-2006 04:57 PM

Leave mate? Common...

I was in the same boat as you. Tired off all the useless discussions, including one's with you, but you see I have little hats, as Jabba put it once. "Political Hat" and "Discussion Hat".

That way I dont really hold anything against anyone. I told LotusGT1 to fuck off in a political discussion, but that doesnt mean that I wouldnt drink a beer with his Dutch ass at a strip joint if I meet him one day :wink: Dunno how he feels about it though...

Same with you...And same with a few other memebers...Just want to say "fuck you, you, you and you!"....latte crowd comments for x years are annoying aswel ;)

Hence you no longer find me in Vette Vs. World threads, nor do I bother much with any political discussions.

I just stand on the sidelines now and watch people fight...and fuck is that intertaining...

So you should do the same ;)

ANyway if you decide to leave all the best to you, keep in touch via msn though ;)

Erez 05-03-2006 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by ZfrkS62

i second that..

nthfinity 05-03-2006 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by ZfrkS62


Nth, i hope you can regin in some kind of order if you decide to take over American Muscle. Good luck buddy!

I'll gladly help out, and make it my goal to make this place where RC, and even US hating slime :wink: could enjoy it.

bmagni 05-03-2006 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Erez

Originally Posted by ZfrkS62

i second that..

you know ? reality aint always nice, and some people don't like the truth, therefore they think its not nice

i guess its more like

If you don't have anything COHERENT to say, shut the fuck up

Minacious 05-03-2006 06:27 PM

As difficult as it may seem, sometimes you just have to let stuff go. I have been a member of JW since the beginning, but you have never seen me get into a heated debate with anyone during that time. Sometimes you have to let folk go on believing what they do. They believe it for a reason, and a few people on the internet aren’t going to end up changing those imbedded beliefs. Arguing on the internet is pointless. Friendly debates on the internet can be fun. Leave them as just that – friendly debates.

Is there an anti-American sentiment on JW? You bet there is. Will it ever end? Not bloody likely. Do I let it get me down? Of course not. This is one case where America is the minority in the big playing field of the world. The minority will always be looked down upon and that will never change.

I’m tired of seeing respected JW members leave. We are supposed to be a damn family.

ZfrkS62 05-03-2006 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by bmagni

Originally Posted by Erez

Originally Posted by ZfrkS62

i second that..

you know ? reality aint always nice, and some people don't like the truth, therefore they think its not nice

i guess its more like

If you don't have anything COHERENT to say, shut the fuck up

that too :mrgreen:

ARMAN 05-03-2006 06:35 PM

:| please dont do what Dan did, it will suck to have you not beeing around and its sux not seeing Dan around cause you just like Dan are THE CORE members of JW and you are practically our family. Members as you, Dan, TT, Jabba(and few others) make JW what it is - best place on the net. Period. Without you guys it will be just another forum on the net.

If you do so than we probably cannot do anything agaist it fcourse, I dont know really how someone can just leave JW :bah:

And I agree with everything Stradale have said.

DeMoN 05-03-2006 06:46 PM

what the hell? how can I be to blame for this one. I cant even be partly blamed.

DeMoN 05-03-2006 06:52 PM

It must have been less than 10 times where I reffered to you RC so if you want to leave then so be it. Please just dont blame me. Everso is correct when he says you have zero tolerance for others if they dont agree with you. Not only me, but many ppl post stuf and you reply to them disdain.

I even remember the 1st time when you used your "charisma" on me. The day I posted how Infiniti dealership was going to do the cablework to hook up my Valentine.

Besides, I never called you ignorant as you did towards me when I asked about the 6th gear on the Corvette. You always act up like if you were a friggin dictator. Well, booo hoo, I'm so sad Castro... now you are the little cry baby.

RC45 05-03-2006 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by DeMoN
It must have been less than 10 times where I reffered to you RC so if you want to leave then so be it. Please just dont blame me. Everso is correct when he says you have zero tolerance for others if they dont agree with you. Not only me, but many ppl post stuf and you reply to them disdain.

I even remember the 1st time when you used your "charisma" on me. The day I posted how Infiniti dealership was going to do the cablework to hook up my Valentine.

Besides, I never called you ignorant as you did towards me when I asked about the 6th gear on the Corvette. You always act up like if you were a friggin dictator. Well, booo hoo, I'm so sad Castro... now you are the little cry baby.

Yes you are to blame.

Again - arseholes like you (and you have proven again you are an arsehole) are why the original core membership is shrinking. You still don't get it - and never will. Then again, we know how and why you are in the USA anyway... aren't you like 2 notches above a border jumper anyway?

BTW, this is what you posted - a blatant uncalled for trashing of thread that had NOTHING to do with a car test even - it was a video for people who enjoy the car - period.


Originally Posted by DeMoN
I have another video. Its a BestMOtoring one

Ferrari 360, GT-R, Porsche 911, EVO, Corvette (guess who comes out last)

Not only was your post out of context, it was topically incorrect and non-sensicle.

Sad to see pricks like you destroy the community Jabba put together on his own dime.

If I had the interest, I would go research, but I am almost certain you were a huge contributor to Dan leaving as well.

Enough said right there.

How sad Jabba, TT's and Dans efforts come to be unravelled by unappreciative jerks - you just don't get it.


666fast 05-03-2006 07:14 PM

All I'm gonna say is this, don't leave RC. After it's all said and done, this is just a forum (Best forum on the internets!!), and it's not worth getting yourself all worked up over it. Even if i is the best plae on the internet.

Just don't take the bait anymore, let it slide.

DeMoN 05-03-2006 07:23 PM

You are totally wrong in me being a contributer to dan's departure. Do your research, drop the C6 Corvette porno mag you always read. I was HERE at JW wayy before you.

To be exact, I was here 2nd to Jabba only. Jabba and I were the two first doods at JW.

And Dan did not leave because of me (not even one bit). I never asked for something to be fixed, I always thanked him for his effort, and I am not a retard who doesnt appreciate Jabba, and Jabba knows that.

NEVER have I insulted ANYONE here till you asked for it. And what? Posting a silly link showing the Corvette be destroyed in your "wonderful" thread offends you? This is a forum opened to anyone and I posted that link to discuss it. I wasnt going to make a new thread out of it. So do your work and show proof of "the bad member I am" and "how I made Dan leave." You'll be surprized how you find jack-shit of it.

@666fast - you are a regular yourself, Im sure you know how RC45 is, you've read his comments and I am sure what he wrote, at one point, mad you uneasy. He is all about attacking people even though (like me) people dont even want to fight. All the want is a simple car-discussion.

TT 05-03-2006 07:23 PM

So, I see it's really impossible not to have a small fight even in this topic :D you guys will never learn :D

I agree with what said about different opinions and trying not to fight by just looking away. That's what I do most of the time, but everybody is free to do as he prefers. Just too bad this lead to a core member "leaving"
As the others, I hope you'll still lurk or just post in "calm" sections.

Anyway , the change happened already (since I have some precious spare moments right now and nth was online in MSN)

Now we could start discussing about pushrods engines, why not :fuck:

dingo 05-03-2006 07:29 PM

Oh my god...... :?

nthfinity 05-03-2006 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by TT
So, I see it's really impossible not to have a small fight even in this topic :D you guys will never learn :D

I agree with what said about different opinions and trying not to fight by just looking away. That's what I do most of the time, but everybody is free to do as he prefers. Just too bad this lead to a core member "leaving"
As the others, I hope you'll still lurk or just post in "calm" sections.

Anyway , the change happened already (since I have some precious spare moments right now and nth was online in MSN)

Now we could start discussing about pushrods engines, why not :fuck:

well, all these new options!

now...about those pushrods... 8)
dont forget, we have DOHC, SOHC, OHV, 4 valve/3 valve, 2 valve hi-po cars all over the place ;)

thanks TT

RC, I'll man the the gattlin gun for the time being

gangajas 05-03-2006 07:30 PM

Goodbye and good luck

DeMoN 05-03-2006 07:32 PM

This is the 1st time I get into a "fight." And I wasnt even expecting it. I let many things go by without attacking back, but everything comes to an end, as you can see with RC's apparent departure. When dan left, it was sad as his post were informative instead of being discriminating like RC's. If RC leaves, I am sure he will be missed by far less people than when Dan left, if at all. I, myself, think it will make things better.

DeMoN 05-03-2006 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by RC45
Then again, we know how and why you are in the USA anyway... aren't you like 2 notches above a border jumper anyway?

Im from Bolivia, far from Mexico so dont even pull the Race card. How am I here? I studied in an American school back in Bolivia. Got 1200 SAT scores and made it to college here. I speak English, Spanish, and German (which is more than you speak I am sure)... and I am here why? To study. I bet you didnt know that?

RC45 05-03-2006 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by DeMoN

Originally Posted by RC45
Then again, we know how and why you are in the USA anyway... aren't you like 2 notches above a border jumper anyway?

Im from Bolivia, far from Mexico so dont even pull the Race card. How am I here? I studied in an American school back in Bolivia. Got 1200 SAT scores and made it to college here. I speak English, Spanish, and German (which is more than you speak I am sure)... and I am here why? To study. I bet you didnt know that?

Exactly - elaching of the system and daddy'es money. Nuff said.


Originally Posted by DeMoN
This is the 1st time I get into a "fight." And I wasnt even expecting it. I let many things go by without attacking back, but everything comes to an end, as you can see with RC's apparent departure. When dan left, it was sad as his post were informative instead of being discriminating like RC's. If RC leaves, I am sure he will be missed by far less people than when Dan left, if at all. I, myself, think it will make things better.

You still don't get it do you?

You didn't plan on a fight - yet you still posted the shit you did.

That my friend is the mark of a young immature mind - doesn't think before it speaks.

Whether missed or not - why would I care - there is really only one person whose opinion I value, and that's Jabba - thank you very much. For the rest, there as respect and admiration - and the remaining idots... well I don't suffer fools.

BTW, you learn to wire a radar detector yet?

My god.. you have harboured a grudge since that day --

To keep things less cluttered, I appreciate the emails, back channel messages and topic wishes and requests to stay, but no thanks.

It was fun for 2 years - tolerable for another year - and pretty much done when demon posted that video.

Those who have my email and MSN - see you around.

DeMoN 05-03-2006 08:03 PM

Being the"special" person you are, I think you deserve a farewell Tribute...

From what I see, you like the quote/answer/quote a lot, so I decided to do one just for you. Doesnt it already make you feel special? :oops:

(I'd find more quotes for you, but you aren't worth my time)

A Moment in History, with RC45


Originally Posted by RC45
So to anyone wanting to know - Borla XR's and longtubes are SpeedTV Challenge Car loud - not for the faint of heart :P
Below 2000 rpm it is really nice and deep and rumbline... 2500 it is attention getting - 3000rpm is as loud as I was at 6000rpm before... 3500 to 6000 sounds like a full bore Can AM race car.

Apparently you like the "american muscle" cuz it sounds loud. Sounds like a broken fridge if you ask me. Surely, you love NASCAR too huh? Stupid redneck sport where all you need is an idiot driver going in a straight line and barely turning. SO easy and yet so many accidents.


Originally Posted by RC45
The '01's may be down 20hp, but we are lighter and the power delivery about makes up for it - and a cold air intake and exhaust levels the playing field - followed with a cam and the "405" and "385" cars all ed up equal.

Plus, the 2001 is the original.. :) All the others are cheap wannabe immitation clones

Here is you dissing on your own "wonderful piece of american." Also saying that the 385 is lighter, 20 pounds lighter. If you were that conserned about weight, you should be on a diet rather than finding how to drop 5lbs on your car.


Originally Posted by Daggernite

Originally Posted by RC45
I respect your sentiment but again - your own uneducation and bias is showing up right here...

:shock: damn you put some effort into that last post. Im not sure how i was showing bias and uneducation, by saying "give the car some credit". I did'nt say it in the frame of mind that the previous models was'nt any good. I think you were readin in wrong context to what I meant.
Actually alot it seems to me was taken the wrong way, probably my fault since im not the best writer, and i did write alot :P. Well it was a peace talk in a way, i guess i failed :|

Here is you making someone else feel bad....


Originally Posted by RC45
Wow - I didn't know Porshces suck at handling straight dry roads?

Another german car failing to make the grade... right? :roll:

I dont like porsches myself, but its because they are lazy designers. The cars themselves are awesomelly fast and DO handle well despite their engines being in the "wrong" position. What amazes me is that on another thread, you said you'd defend a Citroen 2CV if someone talked crap about it huh? How true to your word you are! Or is it the age factor? hmm... it must be getting to ya since you dont even abide by what you post.
Is this your idea of the best car "ever evar"? HorsePower and only good on a straight line?

And the LAST quote:

Originally Posted by RC45
Out with the old... In with the New... :arrow:

I guess your own quote pretty much sums up resignation and nthfinity's postulation to take over.

666fast 05-03-2006 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by DeMoN
@666fast - you are a regular yourself, Im sure you know how RC45 is, you've read his comments and I am sure what he wrote, at one point, mad you uneasy. He is all about attacking people even though (like me) people dont even want to fight. All the want is a simple car-discussion.

I know how RC is. I also slightly agree with his arguement. Take a peek through this forum, it's full of inane babble about american cars and how crappy they are, whether or not what they have to say is fact or fiction. It's a never ending debate that RC took upon himself to try and clear up. Unfortunately, it was a waste of his time.

I do understand his arguement, and he does have a point. It does get annoying when someone preconcieved notions are completely biased and untrue.

Has he attacked people, well, yes. I wouldn't say attacked is the right word though. He has defintely argued tooth and nail. Does he sometimes go overboard with his comments? Yes, most everyone on this board has at one point or another. I remember getting into an arguement with Speedkillar. Can't remember why though, which is probably good, since it was probably stupid.

I'm not here to judge who was right and wrong. Simple answer is that it isn't any one person. Everyone is guilty.

I suppose the only answer to this, is to maybe start another thread where the regular members and admins, mods etc.. can have a CIVIL discussion on how to avoid problems like these. One of the best things about this place, was how much of a tight knit group we were. When things like this happen, it's painfully obvious, some of the magic has been lost. How about we stop the insults and try to get this place back to the way we all know, and want, it to be.

Lets all remember, everyone here is here for one reason only, they are car fans. It doesn't, and shouldn't, matter which model or make you like or don't like, the least everyone can do is respect anothers opinion.

As I stated earlier, RC, please don't leave. I think we have enough intelligent members here to find a way out of this and get back to the way it should be.

nthfinity 05-03-2006 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by DeMoN
If RC leaves, I am sure he will be missed by far less people than when Dan left, if at all. I, myself, think it will make things better.

how arrogant :?

all I ask is that you ask yourself why its nessisary to continue on.

if you want to post about how you are happy to have another core member leave, then do so elsewhere.

sameerrao 05-03-2006 08:10 PM

Can someone please lock this thread. It seems like a train wreck.

Will all the angry ones take a chill pill please.

Thanks in advance.

nthfinity 05-03-2006 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by sameerrao
Can someone please lock this thread. It seems like a train wreck.

Will all the angry ones take a chill pill please.

Thanks in advance.

I thought about it, until i have something else written about it, I'll leave it open.

people need to remember what this place is about.

DeMoN 05-03-2006 08:15 PM

The only person I have ever been offended by at JW is this old fart and his passion for a car as old as he is. Its true that things like this sort of divides the regulars, but he has been asking for it for quite some time. There are people who JOKE-insult, but this guy apparently gets kicks from insults.

It is not a matter of which car is good and which one is bad, as the idea of this forum is discussion. If everyone agreed, much of the point would be lost. I never tried to dictate anything (unlike Redneck Castro here). I am not saying I acted 100% correct, but I am 100% sure this guy has uneased more members than I have.

He tries to point out that I post without thinking and then goes as far as saying I was one of the causes Dan left. Then, its the Bolivian "illegal alien" that doesnt do his research right? Im fed up with him, not with JW. So him leaving will make JW even better for me. Sorry if this makes other users dislike me, but I rather argue in the forum instead of flame unlike him. That right there is the difference between my anti-American-car comments vs RC's anti-Bolivian-PERSON ones.

DeMoN 05-03-2006 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by nthfinity

Originally Posted by DeMoN
If RC leaves, I am sure he will be missed by far less people than when Dan left, if at all. I, myself, think it will make things better.

how arrogant :?

all I ask is that you ask yourself why its nessisary to continue on.

if you want to post about how you are happy to have another core member leave, then do so elsewhere.

It isn't arrogance. Arrogant would be comparing his departure with me leaving and saying I'd be more missed (which is something I'd never do). I think much of my "happiness" from his departure might be due to his racial issues and other-member thrashing. Bashing on me about car topics is one thing, but being so idiotic as to randomly throw out insults everywhere and accuse me of things I did not goes overboard.

666fast 05-03-2006 08:24 PM

How about this?

We are adults. We are supposed to be able to argue without insulting others. I'm not talking about any one person, it's coming from both sides.

EDIT- fixing typos

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