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nurbrun 05-09-2005 05:10 PM

Do you play a instrument?
i would like to start this topic of with if you play an instrument, discuss what kind of instrument and what kind of music do you play.

i play bass and i have a fender jazz bass. i like to play all kinds of music but i usally play Funk/Slap bass. i love all primus bass lines :drool:

black_magician 05-09-2005 05:29 PM

well, I'm a drummer. I've been playing all through out high school and hopefully continue through college.

here's my setup. Yamaha Stage Custom
hope theres more musicians out there! :D

twboy1999 05-09-2005 05:55 PM

i used to play piano, violin, clarinet,
but that is yrs ago.. and forgot how to play all of them

basically wasted shit loads of money

T-Bird 05-09-2005 07:09 PM

Well Trumpet, Baritone, Piano, and a little bit of trombone.

TransAm 05-09-2005 07:11 PM

A furry brown harmonica on occasion... (think about it!)

stradale 05-09-2005 07:14 PM

I play keyboards/synths, but not as much as I used to anymore.

na2o 05-09-2005 07:21 PM

I play the guitar pretty well for over 3 years now, this is a picture of me jamming with my band (pretend like u don't see the awkward furniture in the room coz it's the only one we can play in :mrgreen: )
and this is my other guitar

ZfrkS62 05-09-2005 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by TransAm2001
A furry brown harmonica on occasion... (think about it!)

:lol: since when does a harmonica get played in the vertical position? :wink:

See my posts in the guitars and basses thread :wink:

Mers 05-09-2005 07:57 PM

I posted beofre, but this seems more apropriate...
I am proud to be a drummer....A Jazz one, for that matter, although i have two bands, one is 60's and 70's classic rock influenced, the other is a jazz trio....
I've posted pics of my kit before....maybe i'll put them here later...

Music-wise, i like jazz, and classic rock more than anything...for that matter i compose a bit, and play August, i'm starting piano, to get a better understanding of harmonics, melody etc....

EDIT: Drumming for 8 yrs now...

graywolf624 05-09-2005 08:07 PM

Previously I played the trumpet for about a decade and the violin for a year.
Currently I've done about a year of guitar(but no real lessons, im on my own)

jj23 05-09-2005 09:21 PM

I'm a guitar nut! I've been playing for around 8 years now. Play a lot of blues and rock. Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, that kind of stuff :D . Pretty much any time i like what i hear i'll go home and learn how to play it.

SFDMALEX 05-09-2005 09:52 PM

I play guitar. Play lots of RHCP, and John Frusciante solo stuff, Pink Floyd, Hendrix...mainly John Frusciante though.

I have a Kramer Focus. Sounds as good as a mexican Start.

Can see the neck in this shot.

nurbrun 05-09-2005 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Mers
I posted beofre, but this seems more apropriate...
I am proud to be a drummer....A Jazz one, for that matter, although i have two bands, one is 60's and 70's classic rock influenced, the other is a jazz trio....
I've posted pics of my kit before....maybe i'll put them here later...

Music-wise, i like jazz, and classic rock more than anything...for that matter i compose a bit, and play August, i'm starting piano, to get a better understanding of harmonics, melody etc....

EDIT: Drumming for 8 yrs now...

you have been drumming since 7? Damn thats awsome!!!!!

racer_f50 05-10-2005 12:35 AM

well...I own a banjo, but I gave up on learning it since it was so hard.
My girlfriend is really into playing guitar. She likes playing a pretty wide variety of stuff, from metal to accoustic 8)

JiggaStyles09 05-10-2005 12:41 AM

i played the guitar for a couple years in high school, i own an ibanez but i dont play it all that often anymore.

i had taken lessons for a few weeks but my guitar teacher quit lol and i never went looking for another teacher.

Aleighy 05-10-2005 01:06 AM

used to play the flute, but i had a shitty time reading sheet music for it, so i gave it up. i play piano by ear, but no sheet music there either. my best is by far the viola, been playin since like age 9, private lessons and all, and because of my history there, i can play most stringed instruments, but the violin is probably the second easiest. I had my stint with the drums, bass, and guitar, and i think the only one im likely to continue is the guitar. there were also some off-beat ones, tuba (tried it, hated it, gave it up), and slide guitar (just not fun).

ZfrkS62 05-10-2005 01:20 AM


and slide guitar (just not fun).
a country girl that doesnt' like the slide guitar?! :shock: are you toying with us?

@ALEX- did you mention before you were left handed? i can't remember :?

Aleighy 05-10-2005 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by ZfrkS62

and slide guitar (just not fun).
a country girl that doesnt' like the slide guitar?! :shock: are you toying with us?

nope, totally serious, i had to look back and fourth so much, and that holdin it like that kinda hunched over is hard on the back, but i can see where you might think that, zfrks. i like the slide guitar in my music, i just dont like to play it myself :)

pzgren 05-10-2005 02:32 AM

i played trumpet for many years and since a few years i play classic guitar. but i never had any lessons, just learned it by myself. but in the past i didnt' had a lot of time to practice...

Refefer 05-10-2005 02:52 AM

I will join the ranks of the guitar players here. I'll post a pic later, when I return home for the summer (semester is finally over) but I play an Alvarez and a Seagull M6 Spruce guitar. Not to expensive, but beautiful sound and I love how incredible it looks. I gotta give it to the canadians: they know how to make them on the same league as Martin or Taylor.

Oh right, and i've been playing now for 5 years.

cho_888 05-10-2005 02:53 AM

i play guitar, and lots of it. I play pretty much every sort of music

saadie 05-10-2005 03:24 AM

i play computer ...
sounds fimmiliar huh ... :lol:

well .. one of my dad's frd is in a local band .. he kinda taught me how to play guitar ..... but what i really want to get onto is drums .... but they are just too expensive. ... :roll:

jamberl 05-10-2005 06:49 AM

I play guitar and bass.... and recently ive started learning piano.
I used to be in a band but it broke up, so now im in a casual songwriting project with a couple of mates.

Bass: musicman stingray

Guitar: fender jaguar (i got this pic off the net, my jag hasnt arrived yet, and my old guitar isnt really worth posting a pic about!)

Mers 05-10-2005 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by jamberl
I play guitar and bass.... and recently ive started learning piano.
I used to be in a band but it broke up, so now im in a casual songwriting project with a couple of mates.

Bass: musicman stingray

Guitar: fender jaguar (i got this pic off the net, my jag hasnt arrived yet, and my old guitar isnt really worth posting a pic about!)

Cool instruments...i love the jazzmaster/jaguars and the musicman is breathtaking...but gibson always had it for me...Guitar:Sg, bass EB-0 or especially EB-3

SFDMALEX 05-10-2005 08:18 PM


@ALEX- did you mention before you were left handed? i can't remember :?
Yeah Im a lefty man.

jamberl 05-11-2005 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by jamberl
I play guitar and bass.... and recently ive started learning piano.
I used to be in a band but it broke up, so now im in a casual songwriting project with a couple of mates.

Bass: musicman stingray

Guitar: fender jaguar (i got this pic off the net, my jag hasnt arrived yet, and my old guitar isnt really worth posting a pic about!)

Cool instruments...i love the jazzmaster/jaguars and the musicman is breathtaking...but gibson always had it for me...Guitar:Sg, bass EB-0 or especially EB-3

yeah gibsons are cool, ive never tried an SG, but im sure they're great

SPAD 05-11-2005 09:12 PM

i play guitar.ive been playing for about a bit over 4 years i think.i love it.i play alot of blues style stuff and alternative.i dont play much of other peoples stuff i just make stuff up while i play or play some things that i remeber from other times.I also play a bit of piano and drums or watever i can get my hands on.Also im in a band with nubrun

alex_jean22 05-11-2005 10:11 PM

Me I play barythone saxophone at school in harmony, but I'm not very good and I have approximatly one class of harmony per week.

Since I listen music like Iron Maiden and Metallica, I want so much to play guitar. I will probably buy an acoustic one to get familiarized with it and after i'll see for an electric one.

SPAD 05-11-2005 11:05 PM

^ ya thats a good idea.Ive been playing for a few years and i still dont have an electric,i just use my friends but acoustic is fine.also they build your finger muscles so when u go to electric its easy.

evoWalo 05-11-2005 11:26 PM

I used to play drums. Always wanted to learn bass/guitar/keyboards but was too lazy.

SFDMALEX 05-12-2005 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by SPAD
^ ya thats a good idea.Ive been playing for a few years and i still dont have an electric,i just use my friends but acoustic is fine.also they build your finger muscles so when u go to electric its easy.

Hehe, I started with electric, and acoustic gauge basicly. I started with 11s. :lol:

SFDMALEX 05-14-2005 11:28 PM

And I just bought one of these.* I have to say its not too hard to put things down by ear, for example I can already play a few guitar riffs on the keyboard...But I mainly use this as a controller for guitar FX.


Skaala 05-24-2005 01:32 PM

the trumpet

Ian_yamaue 05-24-2005 01:51 PM

I play guitar too, not much like cho_888, but I try :wink:
I play piano a little better.

adamwich 05-24-2005 03:51 PM

I have played guitar for 5 years... But I am currently making a lot of music on my computer..

irrational_i 05-25-2005 05:53 AM

I can play classical guitar - but not great at all.
Same with Piano. Some sonatas and short pieces.
Self-taught on both.

My piano was a cheap one I found in someone's garage. A bit old and tired now but a friend owns a Steinway upright I play on sometimes.
My guitar is a 25 year old Ibanez. I recently tried to get info and all I got was that it is fairly rare, has incredible sound and a replacement would be around $2000.

|Nuno| 08-09-2005 05:20 PM

Me, I play bass. Here it is:

It's a Yamaha BB614. Great bass, I love it. :D

With my Amp (Behringer GX 108 Combo):

More shots of the Amp:

...And next to my cousin's acoustic guitar:

And that's it. Excuse the quality and size of some pics, but I took them with my cousin's Camera when I went at her house on Sunday, and it didn't have much battery left so...

430csjj 08-09-2005 05:28 PM

I play guitar, I`ve been playing for 2 years. Heres my guitar and amp:

CWW 09-13-2005 12:28 PM

I play piano/keyboards and I even have some of my songs online for downloading. If anybody is interested in lounge/easy listening please feel free to visit my account at

jamberl 10-03-2005 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by |Nuno|
Me, I play bass. Here it is:

It's a Yamaha BB614. Great bass, I love it. :D

And that's it. Excuse the quality and size of some pics, but I took them with my cousin's Camera when I went at her house on Sunday, and it didn't have much battery left so...

Wow, thats an interesting looking bass. Whats the sound like? Im assuming it has passive p/ups?

|Nuno| 10-03-2005 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by jamberl

Originally Posted by |Nuno|
Me, I play bass. Here it is:

It's a Yamaha BB614. Great bass, I love it. :D

And that's it. Excuse the quality and size of some pics, but I took them with my cousin's Camera when I went at her house on Sunday, and it didn't have much battery left so...

Wow, thats an interesting looking bass. Whats the sound like? Im assuming it has passive p/ups?

Thanks! :D And it has active pickups (unless I'm missing something).

The sound is ok with my crappy Amp (need to get a new one soon), and fantastic with the 100W Ampeg that I tried at the shop. I looked at a BB614 and a RBX375 before, but they sounded very weak with the Behringer BX108...

That's the cool thing about the BB614 - it makes my Amp sound more powerful than what it is in reality, and thanks to the active electronics, it's very flexible. :D Plus, it's very light and to me, it has just the right size.

nthfinity 10-03-2005 05:34 PM

4 guitars,(samick imitation strat, TC electric slide, Heavily modified (also dissasembled) Mexican Fender Stratocaster, Costom hand built Classical guitar)
a practice amp from Samick, and a 1970 Kasino 50 watt amp. ive been playing guitar for 5.5 years

i also own an Alto Saxaphone, id need at least a month to recondition my mouth to play it again... but reading music, playing the notes/scales, or most of the songs i played... impossible to forget that 8) i played my sax regularly for about 8 years, but not much the last 3 years

... i have the ability, but only have medeocre ambition these days.

i mostly just jam around some interesting riffs/rythms when i pick er up.

im heavily influenced by SRV, and Led Zeppelin and Iron Maiden, with a few nocks to the fat sweed; Yngwie Malmsteen.

also i do some classical segovian fingerstyle songs like 'Disiderata'... i dont think i'll ever be able to play true flamenco fingerstyle like Poco de Lucia... he's just not human :shock:

when i have the extra money, my Fender is going to get repaired (refretted, re sorted electronics, left hand whammy, neck straitened.

corpse_grinder0 10-04-2005 01:14 AM

ive got a custom left handed Ibanez RG 570

heres a pic from back in the day.

if my computer didnt crash... id be able to post some some of the music videos ive made back in high school. man I could HEAD BANG!

FPVPSI 10-04-2005 02:15 AM

The radio...

Yablokov 10-04-2005 02:24 AM

i play the triangle.

Mers 10-10-2005 08:36 PM

So, here's specs and pics (well, links of pics) on my drumkit...

My drumkit is Here

Basically it's a Pearl Export Set, with bass drum 16x20, tom tom diameters 8, 10 and 12 (although only the 12 is pictured) and floor tom 14x14...

My snare drum is a Ludwig Supraphonic Hand Hamered Bronze,'s a 1998 model, and has a GREAT sound, really...

My Zildjian cymbals are a 1950's Zildjian Ride, 22"(i can't bring myself to rivet it, but it sounds like mitch mitchell's and ginger baker's rides)

a 20" K Ride

a 18" K Ride, slightly old (1980's i think) with 3 rivets

and a pair of 14" K constantinople Hi Hats....

The bass drum pedal is a Ludwig Speedking

I am soon gunna change the drums to a Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute, with a 16x18 bass..same size tom (only the 12) and floor tom...But this is what i'm rockin on right now....

There are more pics on the site mentionned abvoe...
Sorry I couldn't link the actual pics, but imageshack really sux....

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