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LotusGT1 07-06-2004 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by mit5005
Well Lotus, the funny thing is that I am a student and I am on summer break right now so i have time on my hands to get more involved in this forum. You, on the other hand, are 24 and have more time than me to post here. Kinda sad..

Ehhm, I'm a college student myself who had his last exams about 3 weeks ago. Hence the fact I'm having time enough.


Originally Posted by mit5005
And referring to your arguments, it is easy to see that you only care about what you think is right and not what the real facts are. And you are being a real jackass trying to explain your point which nobody is believing. You are just bias and even a little jealous I think.

LOL, you didn't even try to read it all. Bias ? Jealous ? LOL, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Looking at your previous contributions I'm not surprised....

mit5005 07-06-2004 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by LotusGT1


Originally Posted by mit5005
And referring to your arguments, it is easy to see that you only care about what you think is right and not what the real facts are. And you are being a real jackass trying to explain your point which nobody is believing. You are just bias and even a little jealous I think.

LOL, you didn't even try to read it all. Bias ? Jealous ? LOL, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Looking at your previous contributions I'm not surprised....

Actually I think I do have an idea, you are just bias towards European built cars and will say anything to try and make American cars look bad. I mean how can you not associate handling with lap times? It surprises me that someone as arrogant and stupid as you are can be in college.

X-ale 07-06-2004 06:15 PM

Does College = University?! Cuz he's a bit old to still be in college no? I mean, I was in college from 17 to 20... Maybe that could explain somethings :?

T-Bird 07-06-2004 08:14 PM

Ok if he went to college (same as University) at 18 like most people in the US some even later 19-20 he could still be in school and if he is studying for a Masters or doctorate then he could easily still be in school. Or he is doing graduate work so it's possible.

X-ale 07-06-2004 10:24 PM

^^oh ok... in Quebec we have a 2 year college program before getting in a University. 3 to 4 years if you party that is. Since it's right after high-school which is normally finished between 15 and 17 that would mean that by 21 your in a University. Unless you went for a technical program and those would last at most 5 years, so if ya still party hard, by 23 your out. But i guess it could be easy to butch it up and still be in school till your 25. If ya dropped and went back after a couple thats another story of course.

T-Bird 07-06-2004 11:10 PM

yeah at first I was torn between subjects so I'm still going to a Local College and then I will go to a career specific program at another College/University so I will be behind 2 years when I go to a big time school but I don't mind it.

LotusGT1 07-10-2004 08:36 AM

I'm doing my master year in Economics at a dutch university. That's quite normal for my age. You start university at 18-19, and it takes you at least 4 years to finish it. If you do something besides college, it will take you a little longer. That much for that.

How in the world can you direct out of the few post I made around here I have a bias for european cars ? My first car was japanese, and I've owned a Lincoln for a while. I don't try to make american cars look bad, have you actually read the threads ? Sjeez...get a clue...

If you think I didn't associate handling with laptimes you need to learn how to read. All I said that faster laptimes don't equal better handling per se. And that's a simple FACT.

graywolf624 07-10-2004 08:44 AM


'm doing my master year in Economics at a dutch university.
Senior year or masters degree?

Lost in the translation.

mit5005 07-10-2004 01:38 PM

Lotus, I think you need to read the threads again so maybe you can get a clue.


Originally Posted by LotusGT1
If you think I didn't associate handling with laptimes you need to learn how to read. All I said that faster laptimes don't equal better handling per se. And that's a simple FACT.

And I think everybody agrees with me that if the cars are similar in acceleration performance, then the one with the faster lap times handle a little better. Of course this doesn't apply to let's say a Koenigsegg versus an Elise or something.

LotusGT1 07-11-2004 07:08 AM

Last year -> Going for my master degree, probably called senior year at your place....

TransAm 08-06-2004 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by T-Bird
actually the Focus is built in Canada

and built in Germany or Belgium (I forget which). Some VWs are built in Mexi, some in Germany, some Hondas are built in UK, some in US, some in JP etc etc...

RC45 08-06-2004 12:41 PM

MAn - talk about digging up old wounds... :lol:

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