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oantob 06-05-2005 03:08 AM

So sad to hear that... R.I.P.
my condolences to all the family... :(

Yablokov 06-05-2005 03:58 AM

sry m8:(

gangajas 06-05-2005 08:57 AM


yg60m 06-05-2005 11:01 AM

Just read this thread :? and it is very sad. It's always hard to find something to say in these circumstances. Life is certainly very strange, my wife had an accident 5 days ago with my two childs and if they were not wounded, it could have been much more serious had the car been 50 cm farther ...
It made me think that morning you go to your job without any trouble and that suddenly your life can take a very bad way :?
Unfortunatly, it doesn't help to accept ... :(

My thoughts go towards their families and friends :(

lakatu 06-05-2005 02:15 PM

When I read about the death of Ben and Cory I was deeply affected. At first I found it rather odd since I didn’t know either of them but I felt compelled to learn more about them and from what little I have read them both seemed to be incredibly gifted and caring individuals. It is sad when we lose people like this as they seem to be so rare these days.

As the knowledge of their death continued to weigh upon me I wondered why it had affected me so much and I came up with two reasons which I think that we can all relate to. First, is the affect that their death had on st-anger, who I consider to be a great friend. While I didn’t know either directly I feel a deep sadness because of the sorrow that st-anger is feeling for their loss and indirectly I feel a small portion of the sadness that st-anger is feeling because he is my friend. Secondly, I think that we as car enthusiasts can all relate to both Ben and Cory because of their love of cars and driving them to their fullest potential. I don’t think that there is a one of us that wouldn’t have climbed into that CGT to try and experience the trill that the were engaged in shortly before their death. As a result, for myself anyways, I think how their fate could become my fate. It makes you reflect on the danger inherent in the passion we all share for fast cars. Life is so short and events like this make one reflect on our values and decisions and how they affect our lives.

As is the case in almost all deaths, I think the people hurt the most are the loved ones left behind. For those that pass on I believe reside in a better state. I’d like to extend my best wishes and deepest sorrow to those that knew and loved both Ben and Cory. May you feel some comfort and peace in the lives they lived and the peace I believe they have now obtained.

brian 06-06-2005 08:01 AM

TransAm 06-06-2005 09:17 AM

May they rest in peace

fedezyl 06-06-2005 09:27 AM

My condolences to the family and friends, losing a loved one is something very hard, but all the good memories will always be with us.

stradale 06-06-2005 01:28 PM

My deepest sympathies to the families and friends of both Ben and Corey. This is so sad. :(

mayer 06-06-2005 02:08 PM

For anyone interested, here is a video from April of this year of the Carlsbad car show in San Diego County. Ben always attended these meets and peeled out of the parking lot at the end.

The video was shot by Ryan_in_SD but I believe that Ben helped him edit or encode the movie (not too sure about that). Anyhow, it's just for anyone who wants some images to remember him by and something he always took part in with enthusiasm.

stmoritzer 06-08-2005 12:25 PM

just came back from holidays...
I'm sorry to read these sad news :(
May they rest in peace

Mein herzliches Beileid an die Familien und ihre Freunde und viel Kraft auch für Dich st.anger


noosee 06-08-2005 04:00 PM

:cry: :cry: sad

blah 06-08-2005 07:52 PM

I just came back from the funeral. It felt like a movie honestly. It just felt like at any moment he was just gonna get up and say suprise. :( :cry:

SilviaEvo 06-10-2005 12:39 AM

very sad. i posted in the other topic but i just found this one. Condolences to Ben and Corey's families.

st-anger 06-10-2005 04:36 AM

...arrived back home last night

first off, i´d like to personally THANK everyone who responded in this topic - if possible it would be an honor for me to shake everyone´s hand in person...

as u probably have noticed - not that we have ALL lost a real enthusiast and passionate sports car lover - personally i´ve lost a beloved friend and his death depressed me like the loss of a brother - and i´m not that haughty to say that my friend and myself have not shed the one or other tear.

hope u guys respect the fact that i won´t re-tell what happened over the past few days as they were quite emotional - all i can say is that i arrived back here with a mission to fulfil - because Ben would have been among the first to continue with what we both love to do - sharing our tiny bit of experience and knowledge with other passionate sports car lovers and i´m happy to know that even when the road on earth ended for him way too soon, i´ll some time see him around - somewhere - driving his shiny GT...

i do not want to affect the positive mood of anyone, or the celebration of the 2nd birthday of JW these days but personally, and same is valid for Porsche Central, wearing black ribbon is the minimum thing - everyone who feels the same, feel free to change the avatar for the time beeing...

see you around buddy, we miss you...

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