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Jabba 12-04-2006 06:11 PM

As I said in the other main thread, people either seem to love this DVD or hate it.

I agree with you and dm_h_2007 and think its easily his worst DVD yet, tedious pointless features and a total lack of verity, not to mention decent and interesting cars with the exception of the vette.

dm_h_2007 12-04-2006 06:26 PM

And then he compares the convertible GT500 to the coupe Roush and then goes on about how much better the Roush handles. Duuuh!!

The Rousch probably does handle better than the GT500 Coupe but still the GT500 Coupe will handle MUCH better than the convertible!!! The Mustang Convertibles have always been known to be even more wobbly than other convertibles!!

Another rubbish road test. Both the GT500 and Roush should have been coupes! Not a convert against a coupe!

dm_h_2007 12-04-2006 10:18 PM

Hey guys. So I had to make a little video about this. Let me know what you think... LOL

P.S. This is the first movie I have ever made.

(sorry it wouldnt let me post a "link" so thats why its without the link part)

DeMoN 12-05-2006 03:41 AM

so what, other than HP not much in suspension and the rest has been changed so the 300hp version would also handle like crap and you know it.

dm_h_2007 12-05-2006 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by DeMoN
so what, other than HP not much in suspension and the rest has been changed so the 300hp version would also handle like crap and you know it.

The GT has stiffer suspension and wider tires. Both would have made a big difference. Especially the wider tires on that sandy track. And of course 90 HP is a big difference.

ARMAN 12-05-2006 03:34 PM

now "Jezza" will sue your ass! :lol: you can call your lawers :mrgreen:

holy shit man you really have nothing better to do? :lol: :lol: :lol:

saadie 12-05-2006 03:40 PM

^^ LOL .. :lol:
I tried to warn him :niet: .... ohh well :lol:

dm_h_2007 12-05-2006 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by ARMAN
now "Jezza" will sue your ass! :lol: you can call your lawers :mrgreen:

holy shit man you really have nothing better to do? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah and Ford can sue Jezza! I can't believe it, my video has already had over 900 hits on youtube in less than 24 hours!! :o

ARMAN 12-05-2006 03:58 PM

^^ JW power :twisted:

Jezza can have a lawsuit with ford(but probably will not cause bad advertisement is better than no advertisement) by can you afford to have a lawsuit with him? :wink:

dm_h_2007 12-05-2006 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by ARMAN
^^ JW power :twisted:

Jezza can have a lawsuit with ford(but probably will not cause bad advertisement is better than no advertisement) by can you afford to have a lawsuit with him?

LOL I have nothing for him to get so he can bring it on. I'm so poor right now about all he could get from me is this $300 computer i'm using. So yeah I'm not too worried. Plus there have been a lot worse videos about him.

And what exactly would he be suing me for? I have done nothing wrong except maybe a copyright law or two. And Youtube does not prosecute for that, they just remove it. As for Jezza all I did was call him on a lie he clearly made. There is nothing he could possible sue over.

TopGearNL 12-05-2006 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by ARMAN
^^ JW power :twisted:

Jezza can have a lawsuit with ford(but probably will not cause bad advertisement is better than no advertisement) by can you afford to have a lawsuit with him? :wink:

LOL true!

dm_h_2007 12-05-2006 04:34 PM

Actually you guys might be on to something. I can counter sue claming the Mustang is my life long dream car and that I suffered “emotional trauma” due to his “slander of an American icon”!! Yeah! I’ll just take his light house, that should make me feel better! ;)

TopGearNL 12-05-2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by dm_h_2007
Actually you guys might be on to something. I can counter sue claming the Mustang is my life long dream car and that I suffered “emotional trauma” due to his “slander of an American icon”!! Yeah! I’ll just take his light house, that should make me feel better! ;)


Do that and many people will follow, JCs always said those sort of things about cars :wink:

For example about the Ford Galaxy: ''I'd rather walk!'' :lol:

dm_h_2007 12-05-2006 04:49 PM

As far as copyright laws go I only used a few short clips from his movie and the Gnarls Barkley song I used is incomplete and covered up by other audio in parts. Compared to all the other much more blatant copyright law violations on youtube I would say it’s a real stretch to go after me for that.

Infact the entire Gnarls Barkley music video is on Youtube already. And I know I have seen TG clips on YouTube with the JW logo before, infact thats where I heard about this board.

saadie 12-06-2006 03:06 AM

just about all the people on this board joined because they saw the JW logo :lol:

i dont want to be rude or anything ... but you are just taking this to another height :) ....
if people dont really like this DVD of his ... it will be forgottenin the comming days .... there is no point in making such a big lame ass deal about it :lol:

somebody give him a fucking condom :lol:

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